I'm not into vampire stories, but I decided to try it on the strength of the reviews. I agree about the fun factor. The character and her comments are amusing and there are a lot of different things to do. At times it was unclear as to what to do next but the map is helpful. I only played the trial and didn't get very far, so I can't comment on the ending. Althought the style of graphics fits the type of story, I found the HOS hard on the eyes; hidden objects were often very small and hard to make out. I can see that the game would be fun, but that alone took away the enjoyment for me. It's not a buy for me but I'll give it a qualifying recommendation for those who like vampires and can tolerate the graphics.
I loved this game! There are so many things to do that are fun and different from other games. The story is much like others but I don't let myself get bogged down in the story if I'm enjoying other aspects of the game. I find most stories are too far-fetched to expect realism anyway.
The scenes are outstanding in their variety. They include everything from spooky to fantasy to sci-fi to whimsical and then some. I especially liked the Woodland Cottage scenes and the fun things to do there.
Graphics are clear and interesting, Hidden objects and pieces are not too hard or too easy to find.
A map that allows jumping around is always good and building it by finding coins just added to the fun.
Puzzles and mini-games were varied; some we've seen before, others not. A few, but not many, could have used better instructions for me.
I did have to use an occasional hint or the walkthrough to know where to go next, mostly toward the end of the game.
All in all, I found this game very enjoyable and I'll be looking for other games by this developer.