Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Match 3, Strategy, Brain Teaser, Time Management, Puzzle
Fun Factor
2/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
3/ 5
Level of Challenge
2/ 5
1/ 5
After the last House of 1000 doors, that was just incredible; the first one I played... this one took you to far away places with no interaction of the people in the house and very little reason why you are their except for a scroll you found down the well. And hey; lets throw in some meaningless morphing objects just to see if more people will buy it? For no better reasoon as I can tell; not like it unlocks all the great mini games if you were to get them all as so far, there are none! Wow. Nothing new, the HO's were junk piles and dark; I am super disappointed after the glowing review and play time of the 1st one. The first one had many fun and new of nature mini-games, I am half way through the CE and it has only say app. had like 10 ish? And they were classic, of the easiest nature, I actually just skipped them cause why? They didn't require any thought. I just waited till the time ran out so that I could skip them.
There weren't (so far) any twist and turns in the game; just a game, I did it cause of that by one CE get one CE free deal so I will just have to live with it. In extreme fits of boredom I will finish it maybe.
So what happened? Did they have a good thing on their hands and hastily whipped out something poorly made with little insight? Because it wasn't very long ago the 1st one came out. I suppose if you are a history buff, you may enjoy it or really like the middle east; but it has nothing to do with mediums and disappearing houses and or rooms, except in the beginning, I guess their attempt to tie it to the first game which was very long, this has only 4 chapters in the regular game. Now i wish less and wish I didn't buy it at all. Sorry! , very little has been mentioned so far, except these little fire ball deals about mediums and the mystery of it all; just sad little ghost's with very little tales to tell indeed that don't make me care very much what they are saying. ; like who cares? I just want to finish and go lick my $14.00 wound and hope the other most popular game is of any worth. I may not even finish this one. It makes me more bored by the minute. Couldn't wait to get to the 1/2 way point thinking they might change it up; but ; ahh.. na. If you are thinking that you are buying the same product as before, you are sorrily mistaken.
I have only played half of the demo; so perhaps this isn't the best qualified review. But, I didn't think that the graphics were so clear, which is very important to me. I also didn't agree with all the others that it is a 5 star game, as the 27 minutes seemed graphically unsophisticated, although the introduction was astounding. I was really caught by the story line though. I have categorized my self as an "intermediate"; but if all these other self proclaimed experts thinks this is the greatest, than I will have to self upgrade myself. I will play the rest tomorrow and hopefully can upgrade my opinion, as I would love nothing better than to play a 5 star game! I just don't see this one to be it - so far. This one is up for grabs you will have to make your own decision. I like nice, clear graphics more important than any task, or much else; even the story line, although that is usually important to me. That and an awesome challenging puzzle; a lot of them sandwiched in the HO's. Most likely to be an SE for me.
Fantastic Creations: House of Brass Collector's Edition
PostedFebruary 26, 2012
fromLebanon, Ohio
Skill Level:Intermediate
Favorite Genre(s):Hidden Object, Large File, Strategy, Brain Teaser, Time Management, Marble Popper, Puzzle
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
5/ 5
Excellent! - How can I wait for the SE? I had to check my calendar to see how many days till March as my punch card is filled for February... still not sure if I can wait! Beautiful HO's, Beautiful... everything! So far, the mini-games were easily won with a bit of concentration, I can only hope this is a very long game, which is indicated by the Demo as, well - I don't even want to spoil the Demo... may have to replay it until the time is up if I have to wait till March... am struggling with that one! Bravo
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Match 3, Strategy, Brain Teaser, Time Management, Marble Popper, Puzzle
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
5/ 5
I so wished now that I had gotten the CE of this game. The graphics are superb! If you get stuck, the hint system tells you where to go. The HO's are interactive in a way I have never seen before I don't think, needing things in your inventory to complete the HO's which are beautifully done, and related to each scene... no junk piles here! I can't stop playing - finally I made myself for a bit. I am not sure how far I am, but so far the story line is pretty interesting, where you are not sure if someone is sinister or helpful in your journey to save the boy and perhaps more. Some of the mini-games are your run of the mill, but other's I have never seen before, quite a few, and took the time to get them done right, no skips for me, they are just too enjoyable. This is a must buy; I have the SE, so if you read this and haven't purchased anything yet, I would guess the CE is worth it! Either way, you are getting your money's worth. Awesome. Superb.
I think the CE was the only way to go with this game
PostedFebruary 18, 2012
fromLebanon, Ohio
Skill Level:Intermediate
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Match 3, Strategy, Brain Teaser, Time Management, Puzzle
Fun Factor
2/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
1/ 5
Level of Challenge
1/ 5
1/ 5
The ending lacked anything... the music was annoying, like some kind of depressing organ, that beeped out when you got an object from the HOG's which I thought were junk piles. I liked the way the lighting was handled and the doorknob, and the imp, but what happened to him? What was behind the brick wall at the entrance? The ending left you disappointed and wandering. I couldn't wait to be done with it. And put your sneaker's on, as they say, you are all over the place with things in your inventory that you have no idea where they belong. It lacked fluidity...& was repetitive and boring. The HOG's were not crisp either. I rate everything against Return to Ravenhurst... come on! This wasn't anything like that game in it's worst scene! (I don't think it had any bad scenes). I didn't think it was imaginative except for the door knob. The puzzles were so easy a child could do them. The story line was over played. The best part of the game was the demo, the pitch, then it was down hill... what ever happened to the the ritual in chalk that was referred to more than once? Dunno. Maybe it was a pretty package as a CE but wasn't worth a penny as an SE.
The only thing I did not like were the HOG's in this game. I do have a tip though; there were many challenging puzzles, and this one is my favorite: (SPOILER ALERT - I think) really it is a tip for a puzzle that isn't clearly addressed in the Strategy guide: Torture Room under ground in the courtyard, the puzzle with the flint; (this is after you figure out the first part, how to arrange all the players in the far right chamber which is easier, until I stumbled on this trick (and the only way to do it): You must move one of your grey players from the gemm'ed area to the right room (the first one you get there), where there are 6 spaces aloted, then push him out of it through the right upper door, push him out Rx2, then Dx1 (turn around and exit the way you came in below to go fetch another player, (You need that entrance to be unblocked to fill up the right row of gems first - the upper right side door to the 6 space area). You then as needed push your gray guy in middle chamber of 6; ux1, move Rx1,Ux1 (that is an approximation doing it from memory now - so that you can navigate around him), and he is out of your way and you have access to the upper right door of the winning gem chamber of 10 pieces; 2 rows or 12? jewels placing the RIGHT column first. The screen shot gives an elaborate solution and a final winning scene, but you can figure this out yourself.
Aside from the HOG's I thought the rest of the graphics were great and enjoyed the story line, there is a lot of running back and forth but you can use the map to jump to locations.
Favorite Genre(s):Brain Teaser, Adventure, Time Management, Hidden Object, Large File, Match 3, Puzzle
Fun Factor
1/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
1/ 5
Level of Challenge
2/ 5
I guess I am that one percent that didn't like this game. I thought the Graphics were poorly done (I am a graphic artist and know the difference - in addition to being a BFG customer for over 3 years), and personally although I like HOG's; I do not like the ones that require an extra step to find your object; it's just kind of annoying, especially when the graphics are not so good, not a junk pile, but close to it. Of course the story line is over played, going into the past and time portals, but I knew that when I purchased the game, on sale thankfully. The going back and forth between scenes to find simple objects with the bad swirling graphics had me about nuts to finish the game; because no matter how poor the game is I do finish them. I did use the hint system, which was ok, only cause I wanted to get through it and end this misery of a game. Most of the mini games were so simple a second grader could do them but a couple were so hard (more unclear instructions than hard, when I ignored the instructions I got the few that were even a bit challenging) that I almost had to skip them. The inconsistency and the lack of flow in the game had me really annoyed. This is probably one of the worst games I have played yet, aside from some (Sale game) about the civil war= (Hidden Mysteries; Civil War - do not get that one unless you are a history buff on the civil war as that game itself lacks everything which ranked 2 stars). I am deleting it from my games, I will never replay it; sound track was terrible, no mouth movement; just this evil witch out of no-where for no reason that want's you to get stuck in time; the story line is unclear as to why the witch has targeted the player for such a misery of a game.
I am really glad that I got the CE of this game, the bonus chapter was quite long and unexpected but flowed well within the entire game. A great original story line, very imaginative, many HO's that were eye pleasing and well done, and only a couple of times did I even use the hint in the HO's (like 3 or 4?). The length of the entire game was just right, I played in casual mode, but didn't use many hints except occasionally where to go. I only skipped one puzzle just because it was a bit tedious. I felt the level of challenge on the puzzles were a bit easy, but some were different then I have seen yet; and was pleased to be able to complete all but one. I look forward to playing this again in the future in expert mode. One of the best that has come out in a long time, in fact, I was never moved to submit a revue until this game. (Aside from Return to Ravenhurst) this was my second favorite game of all time! This game stays tight, you aren't running ALL over the place and can remember where you saw most things that you need. I look forward to a sequel.