This was a well done game, but nothing special. Maybe after past MCF games I expected more than just run of the mill. Storyline was a boring cliché, it was extremely linear so no challenge or mystery, and there was literally zero fright factor. It was also extremely short, and just very ordinary.
I played the entire demo to this game. It has some good points - the graphics are beautiful- but in the main, it is the same storyline recycled for yet another addition to this series. The entire demo felt like any other PuppetShow I have played, and I own several of this series, although not the most recent ones, as they are too cookie cutter for me.
It has a puppet helper which I found added nothing to my experience of the game. I don't mind helpers sometimes, but this one just did not appeal at all. I much prefer having a choice whether to use a helper.
The demo didn't last long enough for me to get a feel about where this game is actually going, so it's not a buy for me.
Give it a try, you may see something I didn't, and really enjoy it. For me, it was a ho-hum addition to the series.
I have all the Surface games but the quality has really gone down in the last few, and this one is no exception. The gameplay is totally predictable and basic ( put out the fire, kill the bugs, go find the button for the glove box etc). The puzzles are easy and uninteresting, and the storyline is really bad, at least up to the point where the demo ended. These devs can, and have, done so much better than this less than average game.
If you like the Mystery Castle FTP game, then you may like this one. The visual and sound quality are excellent as you would expect, and some of the puzzles are fun.
The HOPs are well done but boring, and the storyline is average, same thing I see in almost every game of this type. You are always rescuing a relative - grandfather, sister, father.
The game is very linear, requires little thinking, and is extremely short. I finished in an hour and a half, which I consider poor value for the cost of the CE.
All in all, I recommend the free to play game over this "sequel" which is average at best. These devs have done much better games in the past, and I am sorry to see their creativity completely fail on this one.
This is a decent, cookie-cutter game. Good quality graphics, on my screen at least, excellent voiceovers, and smooth gameplay. The storyline never changes in Eipix games, so if you have played one, you have played them all. The puzzles were repetitive and way too easy, and the HOS were clear and well done, but did not offer up anything new. The game includes collectibles that were very obvious, morphing objects in the HOS, and the usual extras. Length was definitely on the shorter side, as gameplay is fairly linear, and the story winds up all loose ends. All in all, would be an okay SE game for a lazy afternoon, but not memorable in any way.
I really enjoyed this game. The quality is excellent, the puzzles included some new ones I hadn't seen before, and the storyline is well done and creepy. However, I found it to be way too short to be a good buy for a collector's edition. The end is rushed and easy, the storyline wrapped up with a few short comments, and the game just ends. Had I known how little time it would take to play it, I would not have bought the collector's edition, and for that reason, can't recommend it. A shame, as the game was very well done, but the level of challenge was lacking as well as the length being an issue. Wait for the SE.
I usually like games by this developer, and have other games in this series, but the gameplay in this one is so repetitive that it is boring to play. Each fear is like a room: you solve 3 or 4 puzzles, they throw in some interactive HOS along the way, you use your gimmicky gadget to rescue yourself, and you go on to the next fear. There is nothing scary about the game unless you count the fragmented and unexplained storyline. Voices and music are good, but they aren't enough to save this game from itself.
I don't recommend this game because it is boring, and there are much better games with a higher level of quality and interest out there.
Pros: I thought this was overall a well done game. Voiceovers, storyline, graphics, were all high quality. The puzzles are fun and imaginative, and the HOS varied in type, with some standard and others more involved.
Cons: Length. VERY short. Ending is abrupt, answers no questions to speak of, and the bonus story goes back and deals with one of the other characters in the game, which I found less interesting.
I took a star off for the ending, and for the lack of originality in the storyline. It was done well, but it's a copycat story we've seen many times before. I can think of at least 4 games with a similar story.
Worth checking in to this hotel, but due to length, etc I recommend buying with the sale or waiting until the SE comes out.
The demo is the best part of the entire game. I bought it and discovered that it really deteriorates into something which is completely illogical and tedious.
I took off a star for the bad graphics, which are grainy and unattractive, another star for the deadpan voiceovers, and a third star for the glacial pace of the game.
The storyline started out very interesting, but I quickly lost interest in a ridiculous alternate dimension that had da Vinci, Tesla, three pseudo Mayan tribes, various steampunk characteristics and Cortes as a futuristic pirate.
It's a shame, as other games in this series have been pretty good. All of them are better than this one.
I have all of the games in this series, and this one is one of the best. The quality is what you expect from a CE, with visuals and sound well done. Game has a jump map, the ability to customize the level of play, which I especially like, and has collectibles and morphing objects.
The storyline makes Morgana the toughest witch in history, which is getting a bit old at this point, and I detest the imp helper so I have dropped my rating to 4 stars, since you have to use that helper 15 times or so, and I found that extremely annoying. In addition, the imp sits on your inventory bar and waves constantly throughout the game, trying to make you look at the objectives. Supposedly the imp was once a dog, and I really wish they would have left him that way.
The ending is complete without the bonus content, which is nice for those who prefer SEs. All in all, this is an enjoyable game that is well done and fun to play.