You do not need a brain to play this "game". Though the graphics and sound are very good, there is nothing to figure out or do but follow the story and run from talking character to talking character. You need to collect things to proceed but everything you need is available in abundance. Again, NO CHALLENGE at all. It's a good story but if I just wanted a story, I'd read a book. It's supposed to be a GAME but there is nothing you need to figure out. No strategy whatsoever. Too bad.
Unfortunately, I purchased this game expecting it to add more challenges and interesting buildings, features, etc. NOT SO! Every level was almost exactly the same with the same objectives. Lots of waiting for the train to arrive, no new buildings, and easily acing every level first try. What a bore! Disengage your brain and be prepared to approach every single level the same way!
"Thanks! You're a great man!... er, I mean, dwarf" That's a paraphrased quote from the game. Hey, developers! Male dwarves ARE men.
Other than this fairly offensive faux pas, the game itself is challenging enough, has some nice bonuses (auto-collect resources, eg) and cute graphics. Plus, it's refreshing that the plot involves saving a prince rather than the ubiquitous "damsel in distress".
I don't understand why these game developers make every single character male except when one is a princess or something. It's so weird. Is the game just for guys or are the developers just freaked out by females? Why aren't the trolls or the shaman or the turtle or ANY characters female? Is male normal and female strange? I don't get it.
The game itself is fine. nothing new for these sorts of games. good graphics.
This game is similar to My Kingdom for the Princess and Roads of Rome but has even LESS strategy. It's just tons of clicking - more like those "farm management" games. I never had to replay a level to get a gold rating. There is only ever one path to success and no strategic choices to be made.
I would love more strategy games on Big Fish in general which is why I periodically let my membership lapse. Tons of clicking is not my idea of a good time!
Well, there's certainly no room in this game for alternative family structures. That's the first big minus. Secondly, could the people walk around any more slowly? And as for a "game" that involves cleaning up trash and checking emails.... uh... that's not a game: it's real life chores!!
A MALE bee?!! I'm not buying it. Whoever heard of a male bee outside the hive? So, I'm not buying this game because of this, frankly, sexist mistake. Also, it has a little militaristic theme going on which I'm not supporting with my dollars. The mechanics of the game are good, though. I'll just stick with Zuma and Luxor!