This series is so much fun! I am a huge TM fan and usually can't stand it when dialogue gets in the way, clicking furiously to get past it ... but then this!
Primrose Lake series is like a Soap Opera and I am so invested in the storyline that I am now clicking through the actual gameplay to find out what happens next! The devs have cleverly left each level on a cliffhanger, and it is generous in levels with a whopping 60 levels. This means 60 increments of an unfolding storyline as well. It was so immersive I binged it like a netflix release you spend months waiting for.
It's not all sunshine and happiness though when it comes to actual gameplay. If you are a TM addict and LOVED the delicious series like I did (the only other story driven TM that I also loved) this is pretty slow, with no useable upgrades to improve performance, and a static difficulty level that just didn't increase across all 60 levels. I played the entire game on the hardest setting and that's not a brag - I usually can't on other TM games. This is typical of this entire series tbh, but it's time for the devs to up the ante on gameplay if they're going to continue releasing more (and there's so much more story to go!).
Improvements to gameplay fun going forward are not groundbreaking or unreasonable; just standard TM features like: a) Awards that can be used towards useable upgrades like faster walking and faster prep and b) Difficulty that increases along the way
Sadly the upgrades in this series are more like hidden object games like Gardenscapes - you can only buy items to make an attic or garden look nicer (yawn). I am grateful for the beautiful atristry of the scenes though and the characters are great!
Overall I would welcome many more in this series, but after 4 releases I would now want to see the gameplay itself develop, not just the story. This was an immediate buy for me with absolutely no regrets!
Excellent! ... except having to delete cookies when it crashes :(
PostedSeptember 28, 2023
fromMelbourne, Australia
Skill Level:Expert
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Strategy, Time Management
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
2/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
5/ 5
What a pity! Such a fun and unique game until the irreparable crash / freeze that EVERYONE is encountering after a while! You need to clear cookies to make it work again. Uninstalling and reinstaling does not fix it despite BFG recommending this.
PLAY THE TRIAL! The crash is usually after subsequent playing, so give it a go with most of the trial time set aside in the first run - it's fun! Really take note while trialling as it tells you a LOT about this game. It really is just ONE static picture that you manually move around the edges and zoom in on. It is basically an interactive Where's Wally (Where's Waldo in the states?) that gets coloured in as you resolve the clues.
I played the trial and then purchased, curious to see if it opened up additional pictures / scenes. It didn't. What you see is what you get. If you get through all the clues it opens up 'dark mode' but it is the same picture, just black and the black version wasn't fun at all.
I did really enjoy playing this game and solving the clues, and the stories were fun and following the characters was fun seeing where they'd been and what they'd been up to, but it is quite short and the navigation is woefully annoying.
Take on the role of Emyr, probably the realm’s most famous hero. That is, until his career was destroyed by a dreadful wound. Now, Emyr works in the tavern.
Hilarious version of a successful TM formula - so fun!
PostedSeptember 28, 2023
fromMelbourne, Australia
Skill Level:Expert
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Strategy, Time Management
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
5/ 5
This is exactly the same as Primrose Lake but really funny! If you loved that series and the Delicious / Emily series then you'll enjoy this too for a really fun time killer with a refreshed version of a highly successful game series.
Like the other series the fun aspects of the gameplay are held together with a strong storyline that grips you from the get go. This is what makes these particular series (Delicious and Primrose Lake) unique as I genreally rapid-click through all dialogue in all games to get to the gameplay asap. But these ones really pull me in and this one was no exception, and became another really fun immersive experience.
If you've played any of the Primrose Lake series then you've baically played this already as it really is a direct copy - but the new storyline and characters make it so much fun.
Heads up there are halloween style characters and themes if you are not into that kind of thing, but they are cartoon style and not visually confronting.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Strategy, Time Management
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
3/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
2/ 5
Trawling through my old games because ther haven't been any good new TM ones for a while, came across this old fave. Loved it back then but now I remember why!
A wonderful city builder strategy game that also allows plenty of creativity in how you meet the goals. I love that. Many similar games (Build-a-lot is probs a good comparison) rely on following a very formulaic structure to meet the goal, but this allows you to try endless approaches to get there. It made this game really fun.
Cut scenes are rubbish but can click through them, they were always bad. The game play graphics are still crisp and fine. Amazingly the game plays with no glitches after so long and with full functionality on my windows 11 PC. This was really fun!
There are wonderful honest reviews here with lower star ratings that are worth reading before buying. These low reviews are from genuine fans who are rightfully disappointed in this particular release.
This is a 2 star release from a 5 star developer and very disappointing. I gave it 5 stars here because a) well thought through critical reviews are being buried by default and b) because the developer has previously been great and I want to continue to support them. You can support them too without buying this dud, but by buying the previous versions instead (I, II, III). They were brilliant and I still play them routinely.
Like other fans giving low ratings, I too am a massive fan of the 'hero of the kingdom' series. This however is unbelievably short (3 hours), simplistic and boring in comparison. I was so excited for the release of this I must admit I bought it from another site who released it months ago, however it was so short I presumed the other site had released a beta-test version and I felt ripped off. Now I see this was actually the full version.
Some of the special touches (regeneration of resources, more side quests) from other versions are also missing and the overall feeling was that the developers rushed an incomplete version out, released way ahead of being ready with a few hasty finishes to get it out. Many scenes are a copy and paste from previous versions with a few cheap changes on top, much easier than previous versions making it really unsatisfying.
I can't recommend this one at all (but do go and buy their others!)
Fantastic TM gem for COVID-19 self-isolation ... and any time!
PostedApril 15, 2020
fromMelbourne, Australia
Skill Level:Expert
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Strategy, Time Management
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
5/ 5
Stuck at home during COVID-19 self-isolation for weeks I've exhausted my usual games and looking for something new. To be honest real life is grim enough right now that I also didn't want any depressing themes. This game ticks all the boxes; what an absolute gem!
It's my favourite kind of TM that combines some drag and drop, click ahead tasks but best of all rewards your points with lots of upgrades and ability to keep upgrades if going back to earlier levels to achieve expert. As most TM junkies know, achieving expert is addictive and going back with all your upgrades is a rare gem.
Additionally this game is short on dialogue but so funny! Perfect for the world right now. Cheery, fun themes and a really great gameplay.
I think this might be my new fave and I'm going back to replay already after just finishing. Hope you enjoy too!
Favorite Genre(s):Puzzle, Strategy, Time Management
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
5/ 5
I bought this game years ago and was surprised at how great it was right up front. Way beyond the trial this game continued to be fantastic play, with the addition of the 5 arcade games you can add to. The attention to detail from the developers is so fun and also sets it apart.
Depending on how much spare time I have or what mood I'm in I played the TM game or just dipped into the arcade.
The real surprise is, years later, I can't believe how often i go back to this game!
This one is a real keeper and a rare faultless game in my opinion. I love TMs and this is one of my faves.
I recommend this game!
0of0voted this as helpful.
Monopoly ®
Build your fortune as you buy, sell and trade the world’s most famous properties. It’s classic Monopolyfun!
This game frustrates the daylights out of me but something about it is compelling. It is not a relaxing game to unwind with though, it will propel you through extreme highs and lows, and there are times I find myself not enjoying the ride!
Firstly, I found the movement no problem. I don't play games with this type of movement so it was new to me but was not an issue. Noticed at first but didn't care, then didn't even notice it later. I don't like heights, I do get vertigo, but this game was fine. I'd certainly give it a try first if you are worried. It's always worth a try.
Secondly, I found it surprisingly addictive! I played with tips first and learnt a lot of things I never knew about strategy, so watch out family when I pull out the real game! ;-)
The 4 levels of game play are: very easy, easy (default), medium and difficult. I play medium as a preference, my kids play very easy. The game play is identical across all 4 categories as far as I can tell, surprisingly, the only difference is in the trading which you control (the kids offer outrageously advantageous trades and the computer kindly accepts, my level the counter offers are a lot more realistic!)
I have now played many, many hours of this and still keep coming back over and over again.
Pros: You can change the music, the 'room', how many players, what piece to play with, 4 difficulty levels, widescreen/window (unusually the default is window and this has thrown a few people: you can change this!) I love the level of customising.
The music is very relaxing and enjoyable! The loop a little short, but it fades in the background, is cheery and I still like it.
My main con is not evident until many hours of play. So basically there are no obvious cons for the first few hours, so enjoy!
Cons: 1 user only... This is bad for our family. the games are quite long and we usually pause and save. I would love it if the kids can save their game and I could save my own. Definitely a bad point for us. Prob not an issue for many others.
Dice roll not random...this is BAD and my only real complaint ( and pretty much the source of the rest of my post)! Of course it isn't random, it's a computer, but they could have made it a lot less obvious!
Instead of your luck feeling random like it should, it is an intrusive element :-( See spoiler alert at end if you want examples. Let's just say you will have some extraordinary bad luck, that will be a pattern each game, that would never, ever happen this relentlessly in a real game of monopoly.
This engineered bad luck becomes so transparent that it is frustrating and really ruins an otherwise great game. It comes and goes in massive waves and makes you feel like what is the point of trying your hardest with strategy. Unfortunately it happens every single time. It seems to be a way of falsely lengthening the game, but I wish they had thought of a different way of doing this.
Sadly this wave of bad luck is across all levels too, from very easy to difficult. This game leaves you in no control really so you are, at times, left feeling like a passive victim of an aggressive controller (see examples at end). This feels bad and I can't think of any other game I have played that leaves this feeling.
Eventually your luck turns (when the game deems it so!) and the opponent has a similar huge wave of misfortune, but having just gone through it yourself to the brink of extinction, that hardly feels great either. Instead of the shadenfreude, or even relief, the creators may have thought you'd feel it merely feels like a hollow victory with a bitter taste instead.
Sadly, the contrived luck is why I took 2 stars off. After a few hours of play it became the elephant in the room and now I can't play without noticing how this game goes every single time. Maybe there is a point where you just shouldn't play it any more. Where you've played it too many times; the mechanics are too exposed over time and it's time to delete it... but I'm still addicted, still entranced, so will play again! ;-)
Bottom line is I recommend this game, so long as you know that it works in waves of misfortune, the strategy you are left with that is actually in your control (trading, housing) is still fun, achieveable and still makes a difference to the way the game goes. But it is sadly a smaller part of the game than I would have liked. A better balance would have been great.
Give it a go, be aware of it's limitations and it's a fun game. I am glad I bought it and I still enjoy playing it.
Happy gaming! :-) ....
Spoiler alerts ahead!!.... ....
Spoiler alert: ... Basically gameplay goes like this: a little while into the game, a huge wave of bad fortune will probably make sure you land on $200 tax straight after passing 'go' usually 3 times in a row. This wipes out all your earnings for 3 whole times around the board, and sometimes it is 4 times in a row.
This is a HUGE impact on your potential to set yourself up. It will mean you have either mortgaged all your newly purchased properties, or not bought anything and the opponent now has thousands of dollars or heaps of property so can buy heaps of houses.
Meantime you haven't received any 'go money', and every time you spin the dice for quite a while you will land on non-property squares so you can't even get the opportunity of creating a good position for yourself. You will likely pay about $800 in tax, go to jail, land on every non-purchase square possible (chance, community chest, free parking) while not earning your $200 go money. Bottom line: 3-4 times around the board like this will leave you almost wiped out to the brink of extinction. This is frustrating and you have no control. At some stage within this misery, you may not press a button on your computer for what feels like forever: the computer will roll doubles, land on chances that propel them even further along the board, and you will see them whizz around a couple of times around the board without you lifting a finger for even a turn! Yep, the computer is off playing with itself while you stare idly in disbelief! ;-)
Don't even think of creating a 4 player game (which you can do) ... I tried it once and it trebles the misery and you will be inspecting your fingernails for almost 80% of your time while the computer plays it's turns, including the above strategy, for 3 times more players that are not you!
It is well worth trying though and judging for yourself: once you know what to expect, and are ready to sigh in resignation waiting for the bad luck to pass, and it does, you can claw back a great win and may get as addicted as me!
Outstanding HO Adventure with tongue firmly in cheek
PostedJuly 18, 2012
fromMelbourne, Australia
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
5/ 5
What was the last seriously challenging game that also had you laughing?
If you were lucky enough to play Plants Vs Zombies you will be familiar with a good belly laugh in the midst of a major challenge. For anyone that has stayed within adventure/HO genre though you may still be scratching your head thinking of even one. Welcome to Robinson Crusoe and the Cursed Pirates!
This had me challenged enough that I was stumped a couple of times and had to check a walkthrough. That's rare so it gained my respect. Don't let this put you off though as that's what walkthroughs are for and there's no fun in being bored.
Having said that this game is not so difficult that it is unrewarding and frustrating; it is a clever balance of both (like the first one# with the added bonus of having a great belly laugh along the way.
I enjoyed this WAY more than the first one. The first is an exceptional game with heaps of minigames and outstanding graphics, but what I loved more about this game was that it is hilarious! The original was quite serious. Nothing wrong with that but this had everything fantastic about the first #long, challenging, top quality# but with it's tongue firmy in cheek. The music and graphics are top quality too. It was just so enjoyable.
It is rare to play a quality adventure / HO game that isn't a really shocking or depressing storyline and the ones that are less horrifying are usually pretty bland or simplistic #I enjoyed Avenue Flo for it's lighthearted theme, but it was simplistic and short) yet Robinson Crusoe and the Cursed Pirates manages to be a perfect hybrid by combining great humor with a sometimes dark theme and some great challenges that made this a really enjoyable experience right to the end.
All in all a very impressive and rewarding game!
I recommend this game!
34of37voted this as helpful.
Plants vs Zombies
Think fast, and plant faster, to stem a zombie attack! Save your home, and your brains, in this exciting Action/Arcade game!
Overall rating
5/ 5
5 of 5 found this review helpful
2 years later, still best game ever (and not even my usual genre!)
PostedJuly 18, 2012
fromMelbourne, Australia
Skill Level:Intermediate
Favorite Genre(s):Arcade & Action, Adventure, Strategy, Time Management, Puzzle
Buy this game. Pay anything. It is worth every cent.
This game is top quality and very polished. Try and play when you can put the sound on. They have put more effort into this alone than most game creators put in an entire game, and this is just one small facet.
This is FUNNY!! I really did laugh out loud so many times. ('Michael Jackson' Zombie and his backup dancers are a scream!) The writers are hilarious. Types of Zombies are really varied and very funny. Read the 'almanac' as you go for some great extra laughs. The attention to detail is unbelievable. Aforementioned Michael Jackson dancers even have retro 80's clothes #bandanas on head and ripped jeans hee!hee!#
This has LONG LONG GAME PLAY and fantastic replayability which differed from the original game enormously, like a whole new game. There are also so many side games that are also lengthy that it is like buying 5 or 6 games. There is so much to do in this game.
Although you will need quick reflexes, this is waaaay more about strategy. It was really fun choosing the right mix of plants for the next stage. Don't be put off by reviews that mention how hard it is, it is very easy to start with and gentle in it's ascent to difficulty. I got to the end and was surprised as I am not good with reflexes and usually avoid these games. Boy was this addictive! :-)
The MUSIC is FANTASTIC!! Hang out for the end credits where the theme is sung as a stand alone song in it's own right. Awesome!
I bought this when it was first released and I still am blown away at the quality and effort the game creators had put into this game. They deserve every award they get. Most creators would never put so much into a game.
Humor, longevity, strategy, great graphics, great music ... what more could you ask for? To me, this is the perfect game and hands down the best game I have ever played ... and it's not even a genre I usually play!