fantastic - the game attach me from the first minute... after 2 minute, the game (crawled ?) under my skin, - buy me buy me.. I'm sure, I cant let go of this game, before I have played it finish... :-))
I give this game 6 stars for the many forward and back, I give this game 6 stars for the damage for your mouse arm, I give this game 10 out of 6 stars for the most boring game, I to this date have guyed. I give myself minus C grate for NOT pair attention in the trail version. So if your have to much free time or you just want to get bored, please play this game.. I cant blame the FISH only myself for have spend my money on this game -- !!
I find it difficuld to rate this game, I find it very borring, and in the trail I downloaded, Its seems, that the strategi guide os missng. I really dont the drawing, there were not glean. I just finish to play mysteries Void collectors edition - wonderful game-- no compair... :-((
maybe its me, but I cant se the fun in this game. For me, its a very slow game. after just 15 min. playing I delede it.. I guess other would like to play it - go ahead, try it
Normal I like hidden object, but I think the qual. of this game is poor, and if you compair it with a game like redemption, ecco of the past o.l. you wil get very disapoint.. sorry BUT maybe you wil like it