Couldn't make it through half of the demo...BORING! Nothing but text (except one supposed photo of 'the team' and some notifications of messages, etc.), and the transmissions suffer from (intentional) static and disconnects. None of the conversations even come close to real least not like scientists and other professionals would be having...these sound like a bunch of kids hanging around the street corner or stuck in detention. On top of that, you have to decide how you want to respond to it all via multiple choice offerings. This is far from my idea of 'interactive'! How about beaming me down to the moon and letting me perform the mission these bozos seem to be incapable of? At least I wouldn't fall asleep.
I have enjoyed past games from this series, but it seems that handholding has become the name of the game...bright blue outlines now appear to show us where moveable objects need to be placed! This is almost as bad as having a tutorial that won't go away!
The only true collectible is coins so we can purchase things...PLEASE do away with this as it adds nothing to the game! Oh, yes...we also have to find a few of what look like human hearts in order to get -- wait for it -- an AMULET to destroy evil or something! Also very few achievements.
The graphics, music and sound are good (I mute voices), and I, for one, enjoy Saint Germain and his antics. That said, the game did nothing to draw me in and hold my attention. Even the HOPs, while enjoyable, weren't enough.
Probably a fun game for beginners, but there is no challenge here, no stimulation, too much handholding, and not enough bling to earn it CE status. Try the demo and see what you think.
The Leaves games hearken back to the original actually have to stop and think, look around, and be prepared not to solve everything in short order.
What there is to love: the graphics, music and sound effects are enchanting (and not in the current day 'fairy tale fantasy' sense); no twisting of fables, fantasy stories, looking for lost relatives, saving the world/universe, no gadgets or helpers...I could go on and on. As much as I do love many games that aren't of this style, this is a refreshing change of pace from what has currently been offered in my previously preferred genres.
It can be frustrating not to have a strategy guide at hand, but there is a hint system that will require some thought to access.
Overall, it is just a wonderful escape to another world that is filled with hidden inhabitants and whimsy, and it will require patience and thought to visit each area and restore the leaves to the tree.
Not for everyone, but give the demo a try and see if it works for you!
Here is yet another game where monsters are running around maiming and kidnapping innocent citizens and only you can stop the mayhem. Been there, done it. Not only that, but everywhere you turn you are confronted with at least one person who wants to slow you down by talking, talking, talking! It starts with the first scene where your Nanny stands around and chats you up before hopping in her carriage and being whisked away. You also have to interact with whoever is in the scene before you are allowed to do anything else. I am sure I spent as much time, if not more, hitting 'continue' or 'skip dialog' to slog through these encounters as I did searching for inventory items.
There were more cutscenes than I could keep track felt like they were vying with the conversations to see how many they could include in a short amount of time. And I will be eternally grateful when developers figure out that, when a player opts not to have voices play, it includes during cutscenes!
There also is a lot of busy work. For example, when you add the empty smoker to your inventory, it shows there is something you can do with can open the lid, and that's it! Why is that a separate step instead of just having it included when you find the other parts to make it work, or receiving it with the lid already open?
The puzzles were variations of standard ones, and the one HOP I encountered was simply sliding the magic amulet around to find the numbers 1-9. YAWN!
While there are 18 achievements, there are only around 13 collectibles. Yes, the HOPs and minigames can be replayed, but this game is really lacking in offerings for a CE, and I found the storyline and action to be more of what we've seen and played over and over, and frustratingly slow-paced. I quit before getting halfway through the demo.
This is based on the demo. I will leave the plot description to others.
This is another game that bears no connection to what Poe wrote. Why not choose an original name and stop trying to convince players that it is something it isn't?
The colors and graphics are nice, but not spectacular. The premise is same old, same old. The morphs did require some attention to spot, but the collectible feathers were very obvious. HOPs were standard and objects easy to find; puzzles were easy. Nothing compelled me to be interested in the characters or their stories.
I might have considered buying this game if it weren't for all the conversations required before you can do anything! When I play a game, I want to be active and moving along, not wasting time with having to keep clicking 'continue' and 'skip' several times before I can touch things or move!
I know there will be those who like this kind of constant interaction, but it seems more like a way to stretch out the game rather than serve a useful purpose.
I would recommend this for beginners and those who really enjoy this sort of storyline; if you are looking for a challenge and something new, this isn't it. Try before buying!
Another fairy tale type game...same old, same old storyline and characters (although I did like the winged skeleton cat). While it moves in a somewhat linear way, there's still lots of back and forthing and finding little bits and pieces to then assemble before you go somewhere else to use it, plus outlines appear for where each piece goes because the devs apparently believe we are too stupid to figure it out or don't prefer a challenge.
I found no map, there's only one collectible item to look for and they are pretty easy to spot, but there were locations where I was forced to do other things before the game would allow me to click on them. Didn't see any achievements. Too much interaction with other characters, either through conversations or having to find things to give them before they tell you something...which means more little pieces to look for. Even if you are only trying to get one thing, you are required to jump through multiple hoops before you can collect it. There is a magical gadget that shows you things that don't exist, a potions kit that took quite a while to find pieces for...I finished the demo without finding all the pieces or formulas, so never got to use it (which I dislike anyway). Loads of 'helpful' handholding black bars pop up pretty much every time you move.
A warning: I had left the game at one point, and when I started it up again I discovered it had reset my level of play from the custom mode to the easiest mode!
While beginners may find it entertaining, it is just too repetitive and slow moving to hold my attention, and there is nothing at all of interest in the story. It also is lacking in CE bling. Even if a map and achievements were included, there is nothing here to make it worthy of a CE rating and price.
I lasted about 20 minutes in the demo before I had to stop...I was about to tear my hair out. From the outset, Nanny feels compelled to converse, and nothing else can happen until you give in and either hear her out or hit the skip button. And I do mean NOTHING else can happen. You can't click on the morphing object, or the puzzle piece, or anything else until you obey what the developers did to lessen the amount of programming they would have to do had they allowed you to choose what you wanted to do in a different order.
The graphics are outdated. The storyline is boring and overused. Pretty much everything needed to advance requires finding bits and pieces, then assembling, then looking for tape or whatever to hold the repairs together, then putting the repaired item with another item, and then finally getting to use it. So far it has been all magic bows and arrows. Yawn.
Frankly, I was surprised that the first review garnered 4 stars when the reviewer pretty much panned the game. This series needs to be retired.
I have only bought one other Match-3 based game since joining BF, and I ended up not enjoying that one because it would waggle and mimic swapping tiles if I didn't keep moving, seemed to ramp up the activity level, and had a lot of things to remember.
Normally, I stick to adventure and HOP games, but have always hoped to find a game that would give me all the HOPs and puzzles minus all the running around, interaction with characters, and complex storylines for a change of pace. This one checks all the boxes for me.
While not an overly long game, it is a pleasant way to spend some time without feeling hurried or nagged. In style, it is reminiscent of the Big City Vacation games...a bit cartoonish, bright, cheerful colors, no characters moving around. The storyline is simple and straightforward, and you get little factoids about the locations, souvenirs and herbs you collect. It has nice music, but I wish the occasional central character's voice could be muted. This isn't a strictly Match-3 game either; there are HOPs, puzzles, and little challenges mixed in, which I enjoyed to break up the need to strictly focus on game tiles. I played in easy mode and moved along at a comfortable pace. I also like that it doesn't try and suggest which tiles could be swapped if you sit without doing anything...I like to figure out my own strategy, thank you very much!
This game is fine for everyone. Try the demo and see if it is a fit for you!
This is based on gameplay of the demo. I will let others detail the storyline.
My first and biggest complaint is the voices can't be muted. There are very few games that I actually listen to the voices in because they are not often done well, and they are usually tediously long, and this game turned me right off on that aspect...I had to mute everything just to avoid the voices. The ambient sounds and music were nice and I am sorry that I couldn't enjoy them throughout the demo, so benefit of the doubt score of 4 stars on visual/sound for those and the graphics. There was a lot of back and forth stuff to find a piece here and a piece there just to accomplish a task. There are only paw prints in each scene, and a few statues in random scenes to count this as a CE...greatly lacking in my opinion, especially as neither are a challenge to find. If I felt compelled to buy this, I would wait for the SE and use some of my myriad coupons to get it for free.
Good points are the graphics are nice, and the HOPs and puzzles were middle of the road in terms of difficulty, so good for a relaxing game.
I am on the fence about this one because, while there was all the running around for little pieces, it wasn't as frustrating as it might have been. I like being occupied and feeling like I am not just spinning my wheels as I play a game; this one does have a fairly steady progression that is redeeming despite my not feeling any particular interest in the characters and storyline.
To start, this is another fairy tale type of story, loaded with odd fog monsters and evil people...I'm sure many players will love all that, but it leaves me yawning. Then there are pop-ups, stick-outs, and drop-downs for practically every move you make. Way overdone and very distracting when just trying to make an inch of progress! The characters are stilted, the scenery -- while charming in many ways -- was so tiny that looking for objects and the owls was a strain on the eyes. Also, this is sorely lacking in CE bling; basically all you get is the owls you search for in each scene. While you can go back in the Extras and look for the ones you might have missed, and replay puzzles and HOPs, that's morphs, no extra things to search for.
The good parts for me were owl hunting, the music, and the fact that the voices could be muted, but the other faults were too much for me to overcome...I couldn't even begin to get interested in the story. That happens many times for me with games of this type, but if the gameplay is crisp and progressive I can ignore the story and just enjoy the HOPs, puzzles, scenery, music, etc. Not so this time.
I would only recommend this for young or new players, or those who just love storybook fairy tale themed won't suit those who prefer more adventure, suspense, or sci-fi action, or a more realistic presentation.