When I saw the developer (Elephant) I was expecting something good and I wasn't disappointed. There have been a lot of so so HO games released recently and this one sweeps them under the carpet. The storyline was different - a mystic trying to retrieve memories, the graphics were clear and the HO scenes also were clear. The mini games were challenging at times. The bonus story added new areas and wound up the tale nicely.
This game offers an interesting storyline with the use of live actors in the cut scenes. The graphics were clear and the HO scenes weren't too challenging, most objects findable without resorting to the hint. Although this is a CE, I found I didn't use the strategy guide as the hint directed me where to go next. There is a bit of toing and froing - those games which offer interactive maps are SO good. I played in easy mode as I like to relax when playing. The bonus story was a little short but explored a new area not used in the main story.
I knew when I played the demo (in casual mode) that I'd end up buying this game. Lots of thought went into the graphics which were stunning and I liked the way the objects disappeared as I found them in theHO scenes. The puzzles were challenging at times and I did skip a few. For once I didn't turn off the music as it was perfect - unobtrusive and in key with the story. The storyline was good - had a feeling that the princess mightn't be all good - but I don't want to spoil the story. If you want an absorbing tale that is satisfying then get this!
I tried the demo of this game which is by a company I haven't heard of before and I was hoping for something new. The story on the face of it seemed interesting and the graphics clear, but the story did not flow smoothly, clues were quite hard to find and the dialogue was overlong. The HO scenes were ok, not too challenging. Usually you know quite soon whether a game is good, now and then a game takes time to "grow" on you. This game fell into neither of these categories. I gave up after 40 minutes knowing I wouldn't want to go on and that I definitely wouldn't buy it. If the developers improve their story flow I might give another game by them a chance
I liked the demo enough to go for purchasing this game. The story was absorbing, and the graphics clear. The HO scenes provided enough of a challenge and while there were quite a few locations, navigating between them wasn't too hard. The bonus story was good too.
Played the demo of this game and them purchased it as I wanted to finish it. I played on easy mode. I found the lost souls hard to find and didn't succeed in collecting them all. The story was engaging and the graphics clear. The HO scenes presented enough of a challenge and the hint when I used it recharged quickly enough. The bonus chapter was worth the extra and unlike many "bonus" chapters had its own quota of lost souls to find. I played with music off as I do in most games, and I found the voiceovers rather unScottish, but then I'm Celtic!
A new breed of virus has spread throughout the City of Oxford. You must search the city for a missing girl who holds the key to stopping the global epidemic!
One of those games where I knew I'd just have to buy it before the demo ran out. The style was attention grabbing - I liked the use of real actors though they'd been CGI'd to make the atmosphere more "gamey". The HO scenes posed enough of a challenge and followed a logical pattern - finding objects in a certain order to find the next one. I loved the custom mode whereby you can set your own time for hint recharge etc. Other game developers please note. I really liked the "behind the scenes" cutscene where you can actually hear and see the developers talking about how they created the game. The only other comments I'd have to make would be that the story is very sad - very dystopian, and the sequence of the main story and the bonus chapter could possibly have been reversed, but that's a minor point and I don't want to spoil the story for anyone, Do get this game. Chris and Chris - MORE PLEASE!!!
Within a few minutes of trying the demo of this game I knew I would end up buying it, which I did. The story is good, the graphics are really excellent, and the HOG's and mini games provided enough of a challenge for me. The bonus story was also pretty good.
I liked this game from the demo which I played in casual mode. The storyline was interesting, and the various HOGs and mini games were challenging, though not too much so. The hint button only gives a "you have nothing to do here" message; a directional arrow would be more helpful. Overall a good experience. Playing time around four hours including the bonus game - this latter was worth the extra money
I tried the demo version of this game on casual mode and found it rather unsatisfying. The HO scenes and (LOTS of) find the difference scenes were hard to figure out and I found myself using the hint more than I would usually do in a game of this sort, The story is thin, it's a series of HO and FTD games.