I absolutely love all games I have played by this developer...Welcome to Primrose Lake series and Barbarous, definitely hope to see Big Fish offer more games from them! The storyline is really good and you get to really know about the characters and their back stories. Can't wait for a sequel! The difficulty is adjustable which is really a great bonus. Just the default difficulty was perfect, not too hard, but still had to replay some levels to get the notebook, the goal and three stars. Highly recommend here!!
This was an alright way to spend about half hour, but I was relieved when my free trial ended. Like another review said, there was no tutorial to start you off. The storyline wasn't very intriguing. One of the levels I started playing, and then wondered if I had already played that level... since the levels thus far were all so similar I couldn't decide. Had no clue what the backpack was for until the very end of my playing time, feels like I worked really hard to get one measley 5% power something or another! I'm going to pass on buying this one...