The only thing I could have wished for is more easter eggs to past MCF games but other than that this games is fantastic.
I'm going to start assuming all games with average 3 stars are perfect because the people reviewing them are ridiculous. Is this like Dire Grove or Shadow Lake? No. I would wish for all the things... a hired actress to play the roles... live video included... I miss that. (And would happily pay more to have them!!)
But this was still a fun game to play and deserving of five stars in the context of a casual BF game.
First off it's the TGT on February 17, 2021 but the game has been out since July 2019. BFG seems to be scraping the bottom of the barrel here.
If you love solitaire games and are desperate for another one then maybe grab this with a free coupon (or buy elsewhere for $2 or $3) don't pay $6.99 or heaven forbid the non-member $9.99 so not worth it.
Also... have the devs ever actually read Little Red Riding Hood??? I'm thinking NO. I mean the game has literally nothing to do with it other than a few pics of a girl in a red cape. They could have done so much with it but instead they were lazy and took their last solitaire game and slapped a new title and added a girl in a red cape and called it new. I guess they think we won't notice or care... but wake up call devs... we DO notice and we DO care. (Although it was worth a laugh that one of the sample pictures they used for the ad was underwater when NONE of Red Riding Hood occurs under water and she doesn't have a fish tank so... yeah.)
I was generous with three stars because there was nothing to truly hate here... there just was nothing to love either. It's an ok time waster if you get it cheap or free. That's it.
While the sound is truly awful... the rest of the game is so refreshingly new and different that it's worth dealing with that. Hopefully the devs will take heed and work on their sound quality because with that corrected it could be spectacular. I also HATE that BFG lists "visual/sound quality" as a single star rating since you can have excellent visuals with lousy sound or vice versa...I rated that star poor but still loved the game so overall gave five stars aka: loved it.
There are already a couple reviews that list details so won't go into that. But the puzzles are challenging and some of them really made me think hard! That's a nice change from the usual tic-tac-toe level of puzzles in games these days.
This was an easy buy, especially with the current BOGO sale running. Give it a shot and if the sound is bothersome turn it off... the game is worth it. =)
PS: Bonus points for spelling whoa correctly... the word "woah" doesn't exist unless you're Joey Lawrence. HAHA
Not sure why people are dinging this because it's "dark"... that would be like me going to a marble popper game (which I hate) and giving it one star because I don't happen to like marble popper games even though it could be the best marble popper game ever created. Doesn't seem fair.
This game was really fun to play... storyline held my interest, graphics and sound were perfect... good mix of puzzles and not just hidden objects... I literally stayed up to finish because I didn't want to stop playing. Now I need to go check out the other games in this series that I may have missed. Wish there were more of this type.
This is a nice fun game... not fantastic but well worth playing.
However... they need more quality control, especially in regards to the graphics.
Example: there are some scenes where you zoom in to talk to someone and that person hands you something. Well... the graphic shows their hands in the original position by their side AND in the position of reaching out to hand you something... so each person has FOUR ARMS AND HANDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was laughing so hard once I realized they weren't actually intended to be mutant monsters and it was just a bug in the programming and graphics.
It did detract from game play but it's still worth playing... just maybe pick up with a free code or at least on the DD when it comes up.
The first scene... find a list of hidden items. Second scene... find a list of the same hidden objects in the same scene. Third scene... find 12 surgical masks in the same scene. Fourth scene... find a list of the same hidden objects in the same scene.
REPEAT ABOUT 20 MORE TIMES all in the same scene.
FINALLY!!! Yay it says complete! Move on to the next step which is INVESTIGATE! Now the fun starts. Oh wait.
Step one of investigation... find a list of the same hidden items, in the same locations, in the same scene as the first 20 times.
So if you want to find the same 12 items, in the EXACT SAME PLACE in the EXACT SAME SCENE over and over and over and over and over and over and over and............. then this game is for you.
The really sad part is this game could be fun if it wasn't just the same thing over and over... I mean AT LEAST move the items around, something, anything to make it hold interest.
Noooo... this game is a hard pass for me. I was playing and it seemed like a nice little chain game until.... it passed by a turtle without my getting water to it and wouldn't let me scroll back up to rescue him...nope...I passed it so I guess my little friend died locked in a block with no water.
I get it's just a game... BUT... that's exactly it... it is just a GAME... I don't want to play a simple chain game and be stressed about the animals I can't save!!! I'll play a killing game for that. This kind of game is for relaxing and it's not relaxing if I can't save them all.
Why can't the devs make it that you just don't get points for the fish? How about the fish, turtles, and other creatures just escape if you don't rescue them? Maybe the ones you rescue are in your aquarium or something. That would be fine. But the idea of not being able to go back and rescue them all and them dying for lack of water just bothers me...
Seriously?? Do you think we won't notice that the "NEW" game is actually an OLD game? Ugh. I gave it a shot anyway but for heaven's sake... it's just the same as a zillion mobile games out there... literally nothing new about it. Connect the dots to change the colors so they are the same. That's it. So easy. So boring. Yes levels can get challenging but not enough to justify paying for something you can play for free on your phone. ALSO... there are games that use this exact mechanic on mobile that include interesting storylines... this game doesn't even bother to do that. Cheesy music and simplistic dots and squares. No thanks.
This game deserves more than five stars... the storyline is fantastic and the voiceover is great. The ONLY flaw is I wish they hadn't made the main character so whiny and weak. Very sexist. But it didn't ruin the game for me and it is still the best game I've played in a long long time. Worth every dime. Other people have already provided all the details I just wanted to give it another well deserved 5 star rating. PLAY IT!!! You won't regret it.
I know others will do great reviews so just a caution for those who, like me, enjoy the storyline in games. GOOD LUCK figuring it out.. pretty sure they just popped this game into a translation program and didn't bother to check it. Here is a sample of one of the BETTER sections... (yes I typed it by hand but odd punctuation and misspellings are ALL BFG... )...
... "Unbelievable, allowed her anger to be softened, and said him: that blatant girl be as you say, I will allow you to take away with Aisling totally took as you will, only I make one condition, you James' attention! child which yuor wife will bring into the world ; it shall be well treated and I will care for my poor Eliza... The man in his terror consented to everything. And now I have nobody the enchantress, except that boring, gave the child the name of girl and took it away with her stupid Nigel to. Talk with!"
DO BETTER BFG!! You are going downhill... the game is way too easy even on hard mode but the story has potential if it was understandable. It's worth it to play... but maybe as an SE (I bought the CE to play early so review is based on full game.)