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Investigate the threat shrouded in the approaching fog. Plunge into danger to bring a mysterious island's secrets to the surface!
Overall rating 
Hated it.
1 / 5
3 of 5 found this review helpful
Hated It.
PostedAugust 28, 2013
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Skill Level:Expert
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Large File
Fun Factor 
1 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
2 / 5
Level of Challenge 
2 / 5
1 / 5
I've been playing all the ND games in order of release. I tried to like it. But I just couldn't. I found it boring, tedious, and even obnoxious. I played in senior detective mode as usual. I am absolutely perplexed by how many good reviews this game received.
Fun Factor: absolutely NOT FUN. I don't even know where to begin. The e-mails from home and the conversations with Bess and the Hardy boys were more entertaining than the mystery! (and that's saying a lot b/c I typically loathe calling them and going thru the mundane half hour waste of time conversations with them-no I don't ask for hints) Let's see... no.. riding a bike back and forth over and over and over again.. is NOT FUN. Kyaking with hidden view so you can't ever really tell where you are going - is NOT FUN. Once again we are back to taking pages of notes which are NOT FUN. The rotating block puzzles for the cards was NOT FUN (I absolutely HATE those types of puzzles). Collecting the clams was NOT FUN. The list of NOT FUN just goes on and I don't feel like typing it all down.
Visual/ Sound Quality: Very little to see. Sound was... well.. with so little to see, there wasn't much to hear either. The character voice overs were alright. Seemed a bit cheesy with the Jason guy and Jenna while hot blooded, her face never showed it really.
Level of Challenge: If you removed all the running back and forth from the game, and ignored the rotating blocks, it wasn't too difficult to figure out what needed to be done. As you approached the ending, all clues were spoon fed from person "X" (I won't say the name so as not to create spoilers)
Storyline: Awful. Shallow. Boring. It would have made more sense for "X" to just send a message to the Sheriff with all the info. Case solved. "X" already knew everything that was going on and basically sent Nancy on an Easter Egg hunt for no other reason than "X's" own amusement. I found the Katie character utterly unlikeable and wished I could have push her over the side of the boat (just once!). In fact, the only character that was well done was Holt Scotto. The rest were... boring or unlikeable.
I hope there aren't any more ND games as bad as this one. After playing this game, I have half a mind to go back and bump all previous ratings up a star b/c they were all so much better in comparison. I apologize to everyone here who raved about the game and apparently loved it. I cannot for the life of me understand why.
I do NOT recommend this game and if you skipped it while playing the ND series - count yourself fortunate.
I don't recommend this game.
3of 5voted this as helpful.
Investigate a series of mishaps at the Jersey Shore in Captain`s Cove Amusement Park as Miss Nancy Drew.
Overall rating 
It was OK.
3 / 5
5 of 5 found this review helpful
Fun but short - a little too easy
PostedAugust 27, 2013
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Skill Level:Expert
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Large File
Fun Factor 
4 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
3 / 5
Level of Challenge 
2 / 5
2 / 5
I'm playing all the ND games in order of release and this one by far is the easiest and shortest of them.
Fun Factor: Despite the brevity of the game and it's ease, it was still fun. I had a blast playing the games ;P LOL Probably wasted too much time on them but I was having fun so that was all that mattered hehehe
Visual/Sound Quality: The art work / sketch designs for the horses and such was just beautiful. Aside from that, I'm afraid this game came up rather short in character animations and personality. Not the best.
Level of Challenge: VERY intuitive. Frankly, it was impossible to not know what to do next. It was a bit more hand-holding and spoon feeding than was necessary. The puzzles were a breeze, but lots of fun. I loved the checklist functionality - they finally obliterated the need for taking any notes whatsoever. For the first time (since starting the ND series of games) the navigation wasn't a nightmare and there was no constant running back and forth - no bloated playtime at all!
Storyline: ok.. so this is where I was disappointed. One of the trademarks of ND games is the enrichment of the story through historical backgrounds. While the game did have some history to it - history on Carousels - it really came up short. It seemed like the story just didn't have the depth that was par for ND games and felt more like it was thrown together in a rush. There was quite a lot more that could have been included and the tidbits of history thrown in just didn't seem part of the storyline. I'm not expressing this well.. sorry, but in other ND games, the history was embedded into the story so to speak and here it was more like a trivial addition. hmm. still not expressing it right. Anyhow, the story really came up short in this game.
Despite the ease of the game play, brevity, and the paper thin storyline, it was still a lot of fun. Can't explain why, but I still had fun. Must have been all the games ;P I still recommend it - but probably best to buy when there is a 2 for 1 sale or something.
I recommend this game!
5of 5voted this as helpful.
Trail a wild pack of dogs rumored to have risen from the dead in this haunting Adventure mystery game.
Overall rating 
Liked it!
4 / 5
5 of 5 found this review helpful
Great Game - improvements over prior games!
PostedAugust 26, 2013
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Skill Level:Expert
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Large File
Fun Factor 
4 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
4 / 5
Level of Challenge 
4 / 5
5 / 5
The palm pilot was a HUGE improvement. No more hand cramps and no more 10 pages of notes!
Fun Factor: The start - with the dogs - scared the bejeebers out of me! I actually screamed and jumped and my heart pounded. I admit I was slightly disappointed that the dogs never made another appearance. I kept expecting to get chased down on the evening expedition for bugs, so it was a little bit of a let down when nothing happened.
Visual/Sound - definite improvement over Scarlet Hand. The voice-overs were perfectly synced to the character's animations and they had slightly more personality. Still not as good as the characters in Treasure in the Royal Tower but good nonetheless.
Level of Challenge: Intuitive and not too hard to figure out what you needed to do next. You had to think some things thru, but it wasn't as if you couldn't figure it out. Most of the puzzles were simple and all were tied into the storyline. Controls were slightly improved, but the hotspot for the cupboard over the sink could have been better. Bloated playtime was kept to a minimum
Storyline: I can't say that I really cared about the subject matter and it didn't draw me in as much as some of the previous games did, but it was still an excellent storyline. It flowed very well, and tasks and puzzles all tied in beautifully into the story. The ending was rather anti-climatic though.
Other: A few pet peeves:
1. The poem for the clock puzzle suggested swans in the summer. I live in PA and I actually know what time of year the swans are here so that seemed very inaccurate.
2. It really grated on my nerves to hear Emily speaking with a southern accent when she clearly lived in PA her entire life.
3. How did the culprit not only find the hidden tunnel entrance, but where did that person obtain the key? (suppose to be a well guarded secret)
4. How did the culprit find out about the gold? (another very well guarded secret)
6. Why was the bird watcher only available at night???? (I do believe most ornithologists do bird watching in the daytime hours)
Apparently the developers didn't put too much thought into those things.
Overall, I really enjoyed the game and highly recommend it.
I recommend this game!
5of 5voted this as helpful.
Help Nancy Drew solve the ancient secret behind a thief`s scarlet handprint. Follow long-buried secrets and solve the mystery!
Overall rating 
It was OK.
3 / 5
2 of 4 found this review helpful
It was O.K. Just doesn't flow but story is interesting.
PostedAugust 24, 2013
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Skill Level:Expert
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Large File
Fun Factor 
3 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
3 / 5
Level of Challenge 
3 / 5
4 / 5
Fun Factor - I would have given a higher rating except I don't consider it fun taking 8 pages of notes, dealing with a jerky navigation system, performing relay races for triggers, and contending with bloated play time.
Visual/Sound Quality - OK for an early ND game, but character animations, expressions, and personalities were lacking and sometimes didn't sync with the voice overs.
Level of Challenge. I realized that most of the challenge involved taking notes and triggering events. Not my idea of a challenge. Progression required triggers that often required waiting for the next day, then a trigger happens, you run around, then you must wait for the next day.. rinse and repeat. It was like a built in road block just to annoy you and dragged the game out with bloated play time.
Storyline. I enjoyed the historical aspect of the story. ND games often have real history tied into them and makes them more substantial. Stories are typically educational and interesting which draws you in and keeps you playing.
Overall, I think it was the storyline I enjoyed the most. The rest of it was just o.k.. This is the only reason I give it a recommendation.
I recommend this game!
2of 4voted this as helpful.
Help save these cute little pets from the cruel wizard by untangling all the nuts, fruits and filling their empty bellies.
Overall rating 
Liked it!
4 / 5
1 of 3 found this review helpful
hmm. .. Angry Birds in a different format?
PostedAugust 21, 2013
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Fun Factor 
4 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
3 / 5
Level of Challenge 
5 / 5
3 / 5
Seems celtickid12 also noticed the similarities, tho I will admit that between the two, Angry Birds blows the pants off this game in every way.
I recommend this game!
1of 3voted this as helpful.
When a friend gets kidnapped in a historic theater, you, as Nancy Drew, are plunged into a desperate race against the clock!
Overall rating 
It was OK.
3 / 5
0 of 1 found this review helpful
Great ending
PostedAugust 20, 2013
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Skill Level:Expert
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Large File
Fun Factor 
3 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
3 / 5
Level of Challenge 
3 / 5
3 / 5
The graphics were good considering when it was made and the storyline was ... uncomplicated. Doesn't have as much depth as the games before it. There weren't many puzzles and the bulk of it seemed to consist of just going back and forth and talking, talking, talking so it was the easiest ND I've ever played. It's mostly intuitive and if you aren't sure what to do, just run around and start talking to people again and you can easily figure out what to do next. There is one part where if you look in the purse right after the light falling, you get stuck and must use a "second chance".
I will say that it did have a great ending to it. In fact, the ending made up for everything else. So yeah, I would still recommend this game.
I recommend this game!
0of 1voted this as helpful.
Join legendary detective, Nancy Drew, as she follows ancient clues to find the mysterious Wickford Castle`s legendary secret!
Overall rating 
Liked it!
4 / 5
5 of 6 found this review helpful
Good but lots of back and forth
PostedAugust 20, 2013
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Fun Factor 
3 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
3 / 5
Level of Challenge 
4 / 5
4 / 5
Characters had personality and animation was o.k,, and the storyline was nice. The challenges varied from simple to difficult (nice range). Most of it was intuitive with only a few small exceptions such as the controls for the compass which were to the very far left and right. Also, unless I'm suddenly going color blind, the clue for the medallion arrangement is backwards. Overall, good game and length is good even if you took out all the time spent running back and forth.
I recommend this game!
5of 6voted this as helpful.
Help Nancy go undercover at a high school to solve a mysterious murder and keep the culprit from claiming his next victim!
Overall rating 
Liked it!
4 / 5
5 of 8 found this review helpful
Good game but...not intuitive
PostedAugust 20, 2013
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Skill Level:Expert
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Large File
Fun Factor 
3 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
5 / 5
Level of Challenge 
3 / 5
4 / 5
Most of it was alright. The storyline comes together at the end and it was pretty good - better than most. The graphics were impressive for this type of game. Where it left me frustrated was with the clues and required actions not being intuitive. Still needs work. The worst being a clue on the bulletin board outside the student council room there is NO WAY you could have possible in a million years made the connection of that clue with the soda machine in order to get the egg. There were a few other minor ones, but that was the most galling of them all. Overall, I enjoyed the game and the character animations and facial expressions were spot on.
I recommend this game!
5of 8voted this as helpful.
A UFO is rumored to have landed in the small town of Tundel and the mayor is trying to conceal it. Run your own journalistic investigation and learn the truth behind the event!
Overall rating 
Disliked it.
2 / 5
2 of 6 found this review helpful
PostedJune 4, 2013
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Fun Factor 
3 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
3 / 5
Level of Challenge 
3 / 5
1 / 5
ok.. so I read the reviews.. I tried it out.. at first it seemed "o.k." so I thought .. for $3 I'd buy it and play the whole game. I'm so glad that's all I paid.
It made no sense. I got to the ending before even completing all the tasks in town. Apparently as long as you have enough money to buy the plane ticket for the mayor's island, you can cut the game short and just jump to the ending. You can't go back either once you fly there unless you created a save point just before going.
The ending made no sense - what happen to the whole UFO storyline? It just .... turns into smoke and your conversation with the mayor seems pointless. The game abruptly comes to an end.
There were also issues with the graphics not playing during the flight over to the island and the end graphics on the train. I have win7Pro 64 bit with i3 processor and 8 gigs ram.. shouldn't have been a problem but for whatever reason those graphics didn't play.
Disappointed. This game could have been much better with only a few minor tweaks.
I don't recommend this game.
2of 6voted this as helpful.
Adopt characters and help them choose a mate and start a family! Shape their personalities and help them get through the challenges of life.
Overall rating 
Liked it!
4 / 5
1 of 1 found this review helpful
Fun but the mouse control is annoying
PostedMay 11, 2013
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Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Large File
Fun Factor 
4 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
3 / 5
Level of Challenge 
4 / 5
2 / 5
I like this game. It does require patience so if you are looking for something quick - this isn't it. I recommend reading about the game and tips and hints to make your game play more enjoyable.
About children - make sure the parents are NOT hungry or exhausted - they need to be fed and have energy. Also buy cologne and perfume when you see it available in the Flea Market. It also helps to have built / repaired one of the rooms and purchased a double bed. First generation may only have 1 or 2 children, but just as an example, my 2nd generation had 4 children! (gotta love boarding school!)
Note about Career upgrades screen in the store: they are shown in sections so you need to scroll all the way down to see all that are available!
Note about Character upgrades - to access this, you need to first click on the character and then look for the little button in far upper left corner "Upgrade Me"
-This was the only reason I took a star off - the mouse pointer will auto center on the screen if you get too close to the edges and that is annoying.
I recommend this game!
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