Its the same game as in the series just different locations of things. I really wanted to like this but found it frustrating because there was so much to do and it just did not flow for me. The potatoes looked like chicken there were so many ways to prepare things it was all over the place. There are two levels timed and not. The graphics are somewhat simple. Compared to other TM games it just looked like a game from ten years ago . Maybe a purchase with an extra game but not CE for me. I will recommend it for those that might really like this. Give it a try.
Take on the role of Emyr, probably the realm’s most famous hero. That is, until his career was destroyed by a dreadful wound. Now, Emyr works in the tavern.
I love restaurant time management but could not get into this one. It seemed like it should have been released at Halloween. As the levels progressed I felt that it was just the same thing over and over. I played on normal but found that it was really easy to earn three stars each time. The characters just seemed to be shallow but some of the dialogue was cute. Maybe worth a free game credit when there are not a lot of TM to choose from. I will recommend it as some folks might really like it. I just found it a bit boring.
I was waiting for a calm game and this was perfect. Yes it takes time to gather flowers but I really got a lot of game time out of this. I you are looking for a calm game to relax this is the one. There were a few things that took me sometime to figure out and at times it was a bit frustrating but if you keep playing you will figure certain things out.. Bottom line a good game for me and I hope others try this. The dialogue did become a bit tiresome but you can get past it..
I remember this game from a long time ago. A re-release? Its an ok game took me a while to remember how to work the drink machine. I have not found a way to cancel a task. Everyone moves slowly and with all to do it should be much faster. The delivery boys must really be tired because they are so slow. I hired a cashier who falls asleep which is annoying He should be fired. The sweeper will sweep when you tell him The plant guy - well he is slow and stands there so you have to tell him everything while you are trying to run around with your hair on fire. This needs some work but has potential if they revved it up - just too slow
I played the collectors but did not purchase it. This version is really fun. The music is nice and soothing while playing for the most part. I wish it was that way all the way through the different parts of the game. Seem like a good game.
The graphics are similar to all the Emily games but I just could not get into this. You can have various profiles but just one difficulty level . I felt like I was in the lobby doing the same three things over and over and constantly having to play mini games to replenish keys . And what was it telling me I had to upload and could not get off the screen . I was bored and quit after about ten minutes. I was disappointed as I was really looking forward to a good game and the description sounded great Sorry have to pass. Some folks will like this so give it a try. Its just not for me
I do like this series but tend to like the older ones. This one is ok but there is not the same fun factor as the older ones. There is no one to entertain the customers to help their mood, There is no one to help clean tables. The characters seem to bicker a lot and Emily does not seem to be happy with poor Patrick. I did not like that part of it. Its ok but lacking a lot of the charm of the original games. I think it has some challenge to it but I feel at times it is just repetitive. I am happy to have a TM game we have so few offered.
Game has profiles from easy to hard. The challenges are mostly the same. Walk this many steps, deal with a breaking tray etc. They are repeated quite a few times. There is nothing to buy or upgrade except the food. Its basically just serve customers. I miss the detail of the older games. Just an ok game. They could have added more graphic detail and gave us something to buy or upgrade. I recommend it because some will enjoy this. It is a tM game that is finally a new subject instead of collecting resources.
yup the same game as Kate and Bob.. Only the food has changed.... been there done that. I am so glad that it is a time management game hoping more will be offered..