There is no excuse whatsoever for the hatchet job Anuman has done on Syberia. It's terrible. It's been ruined, just as Dracula: Path of the Dragon was ruined to make it playable on platforms other than the PC.
Characters in Syberia no longer gesture or show any personality. Except in the cutscenes, they move from place to place but otherwise just stand there and look blank. Kate is now programmed to run and she sounds as if she has wood blocks attached to her feet. The river doesn't even flow and touches like that were part of what make this game so beautiful. It is a mess and Benoit Sokal should be crying at what they've done to his wonderful Syberia.
If you want to play Syberia, go get it somewhere else, somewhere you don't pay far more than it's worth now, somewhere you can get the entire game in its original form. It's a classic of adventure gaming and never deserved this butchery.
What a waste of a game credit. The puzzles are ridiculously easy, a six year old could whiz through them. The hidden objects are so obvious it's laughable to call them hidden. And after wondering why the heck you are doing things because there is seldom an obvious reason, you come to an ending that is totally unbelievable even if you know very little about psychiatry. The ending is also extremely abrupt. Bang, it's over and you're staring at the monitor going, "What?"
The voiceovers were good, what there were of them. The graphics were passable. And that's the best I can say about this game.
It's long alright, and that's all that can be said for it.
PostedJanuary 23, 2012
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure
Current Favorite:
Dracula Origin
Fun Factor
1/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
2/ 5
Level of Challenge
2/ 5
If you like a game that is half HOGs and half mini games, grab it. If you like a game where you feel as if you're trying to stare past a light bulb to find objects much of the time, this is for you. If you enjoy casuals in which some of the games are ridiculously easy...put the red thing on the red spot, put the blue thing on the blue spot...and some require a masters in mathematics, no question you'll want this one. There is a story, of sorts, but it shouldn't get in anyone's way since it's so thin and trivial. And there is a very helpful hint system - which you'll need since you'll seldom have any idea of what you're supposed to do next without it. If you're ready for a game where you're just as grim as the bride by the time you're 3/4 of the way through and doggedly plugging away just to have it over, by all means, buy this one.
Sherryah pretty much said it all but I enjoyed this game so much I wanted to add my comments. I liked the voices; when there were obvious accents they were charming for the most part. And I really enjoyed the sense of humor that shone through. The developers did an excellent job on this game yet they still didn't take themselves too seriously but seemed to be laughing with us, not at us, something I've wondered about in some of these casual games. The pilot hedgehog in one of the HO scenes was a hoot and the white rabbit made me grin every time I saw him.
It was difficult enough without being too hard and the hints, if you got impatient or really needed them, were quite good. Actually, a little too explicit at times, but I can live with that. If BFG adds another game from these developers, I'll definitely give it a go.
I recommend this game!
5of6voted this as helpful.
Dracula Origin
Play as the vampire slayer Professor Van Helsing, hot on the trail of the diabolical Count in this thrilling Large File Adventure!
Overall rating
5/ 5
30 of 34 found this review helpful
Absolutely wonderful game
PostedNovember 30, 2011
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Large File
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
Brilliant puzzles, beautiful graphics, a sometimes quirky sense of humor shining through in spots, a different take on the Dracula legend and a very Holmesian hero in Van Helsing. I still catch myself saying, "I am in need of something" or "Perfect! Now, on to the next thing!"