After playing the demo I found the game to be very simplistic. The HO's were easy and the game play the usual run around. There was no challenge to this game.
Now don't get me wrong the game is quite lovely, nice graphics and professional voice overs. The story moves well and is semi interesting for a change. You have been invited to the Moulin Rouge for a concert, only to find out a singing revived ghost is stealing peoples souls/energy and leaving them empty shells. This idea is set in France and it has so many possibilities but it just fell flat. The game play itself is just easy, your tasks are obvious and you do not have to work to solve anything. I did play on hard mode.
I can understand some people giving this 5 stars because it is a beautiful game, but the fact is it is Simplistic. Now if someone is a new player this will be a great game to start with, but if you have been playing for awhile it is not going to a challenge for you. If you are looking for something relaxing with pretty eye candy, go for it. But if you want to work out riddles and solve puzzles, pass.
You will have to collect windmills.
I am an expert player and this review is mainly for other fellow players who are experts. so to sum up-
Easy game play Easy puzzles Lovely graphics Lovely music and voice overs No challenge Good if you want to relax a bit
Short, very short...BUT...this game is much better than what I have demoed over the past MONTH. Even though this game has many drawbacks it is better on some levels than the junk that has been coming out lately. You do get the usual great graphics with this game, engaging voice overs and what could have been a good story. Unfortunately the story just kinda fell down and laid there after a bit. I was excited at first to go into the plague area after 200 years, the theme had some things that piqued my interest but then it didn't GO anywhere. Well, it didn't go anywhere new or really interesting. You are escorting an actress who has had death threats and on your way to her home your car is forced down another route by detour signs and of course you end up crashing your car by the plague area. The actress is kidnapped after the crash and you go to save her.
Well, in come the alchemist, her daughters and a mute.
I love really MORBID, EERIE graphics and adult game play and this game did give it to me. Great skeletons and no silly cutesy things. Ok, so Elf is kinda cutesy, but he looks like a dog and acts like one. So, I don't mind him so much as helpers who are pink unicorns with ribbons and talk like babies.
The thing I did like was the Black Tie mode -hard mode- it made me work to figure things out and I liked that. You're not going to get any help in this mode, None. As for the puzzles there were 3 or 4 that were more intermediate and it was nice to have a few puzzles that took longer than a minute to solve.
You do have an energy sensor devise to use, just run it over the screen and look for blue glowing light. Ho Hum again. You will use it to find special places and it will indicate magical bottles you need to collect. Kinda boring.
Ok, the bonus round was disappointing in the fact you are basically going back to the same scenes from the game with different things to do. Ho Hum
I was on the fence for what star I should give this game as it IS better than the trash that has been coming out lately.
Just because a slightly better than average game comes out and against the really poor games it looks good, is that a reason to make it a 4 or 5 star game?...No.
After thinking about it and comparing it to the other Mystery Trackers Games, it is the worst one I have played in the series and it did not deserve more that 3 stars.
What worries me is the amount of bad games coming out recently and the fact that even Mystery Trackers is also letting their standards slide down hill.
This can be a challenging game on the upper levels. The beginning levels are easy but gradually they get tougher and tougher. I think this game came out years ago and the graphics do look dated but the game was so engaging for me I didn't notice after awhile. On one level you had different panels of items to find, like watches, jewelry and had to remember which one had what. The customer will ask for certain things and you have to find/remember where they are. It was a big memory challenge while the clock is ticking. One level I played over and over until I could beat the clock. You don't have to beat the clock to advance but I really enjoyed finishing the levels before the clock ran out. The balloon level is one of my favorites! This game has no story it is just hidden object scenes, but this thing was a blast!