I loved the previous Dark Parables games and didn't think they could get any better after playing 'The Exiled Prince', but i was wrong. This game has the right mix of excellent artistry, music, and puzzles. I also love the twist they put on an old classic fairy tale like Snow White. I also enjoyed the Bonus Game. Delve right in and loose yourself for a few hours - well worth it!!!
Was a little disappointed by the lenght of the game , would have preferred it to be longer, but saying that i did enjoy it though! Graphics great and music was quite ethereal. I found the puzzels a little easy for me, so if your a beginner this will be a good one to start with.
I have all of the games in the 'Awakening' series and couldn't wait for this one to be released. I loved the music that was set to this game and the graphics are beautiful. I played this game into the small hours one morning as i was so engrossed with the game play. I just love the Goblin - what a guy!! Mini games are excellent - challenging but not too hard
I got sent the Beta testing version and loved it so much. I couldn't wait for the full version to come out and when it did i wasn't disappointed. Great story line and graphics are excellent. I have had many happy hours playing this game. Thanks Bigfish - keep them coming!
I bought this game " Collectors" edition when it first came out. I absolutley love it! I must have played it about 10 times now. Graffics are stunning, story line amazing and puzzles excellent- what more can one say apart from, more please!!!!!