Give the game a try Just for the artwork and the laugh factor if nothing else the artwork is great..... really, really great.....some might say it is too plain, but it is very stylized and surreal, and fits in with the sense of humor of the game
The game itself can be played with either a mouse or a controller, and is pretty bare bones, but there are plenty of walkthroughs out for it, both written and video to help the beginning player through figuring out how to "save Bob".... who is a Narcoleptic and prone to go sleepwalking....and that is where a rather perverse (to some) humor comes in, as the sleepwalking Bob steps off of buildings and runs into things.
There is also a wonderful enigmatic character that we use to save Bob....I don't know if it is a dog or a cat, but I vote for cat. as it seems to have some catitude.
That is it....platform after platform of using the cat and various items found in the landscape to get Bob safely to his apple to change direction of walking, a fish to use as a bridge....and I will leave you to discover what else.
Again, I say give this game a try you may be pleasantly surprised.
Releases such as The Last Dream, should not get lost in the amazing mire of games that are produced in each year.....and I for one, am hoping that word of mouth gets out about this unique game. It might fit the category of 'Casual Gaming; but the term Story Driven might be a better category for it.....because it is the story that MAKES one want to complete the game and help this man get to his wife.
There is an emotional content that is in the game, that really doesn't exist in most Casual Games where a "lost" significant other meme is a regular theme of the games. You genuinely FEEL for the man and his quest….and the whole tenor of the game, juxtaposing cinematics that drive the story and sequences of game play that also alternate between very plausibly real to “What the Heck is going on Here?” I for one, really thought that juxtaposition was part of the theme that kept me guessing what was going on….until the end.
It is supported by good art work and by mini-games that are quite challenging. (thank heavens for the video walkthroughs!). The "FROGS" that are a part of the gameplay, really don't feel as if I am playing a FROG or Hidden Object puzzle, and I didn't find myself sighing at the thought of searching the landscape for the objects that were needed, I just simply 'got to work' to help this man in his quest….and many of the mini-games were thankfully, quite solvable with a little work.
The art work gave us hidden clues that he was not searching in the real physical world....and gave us some unique problems, like how to stop a killer lawnmower or a garden hose, that suddenly take on life of their own. There is a Helper Cat and I hope that people who object to such Helpers won't skip this game because of the existence of the cat. She is obviously a construct of another world, from the first moment she speaks to the man....but, is far from cute....and not used very often....but, if anyone playing the game, is owned by a cat, the looks and behavior of it, will be quite recognizable…and, the main point, is that anyone who simply objected to playing a game BECAUSE of the inclusion of a “helper” would be missing out on what is a unique gaming experience.
The game kept up a juxtaposition between places and tasks, you would find in the real world and places that were obviously in a Surreal Zone that kept me asking "What is going on here?" and the cat, was simply another element of that not quite real....that sometimes became “Whoa…what has this guy been smoking?” sorts of scenes.
A clue to how interesting this game is? I decided to replay it to get some awards I missed, and I have not been bored for one moment, even though I know now, what the end will be.
I think this is a game that folks should play as much of the demo as they can before making their decision.
Yes, it was dark, not so dark you cannot see objects and details...and I have trouble with my eyes. The flashlight, once you acquire it is a really big help. The darkness fit well with the theme...and so did the music, which I turned down so it was less obtrusive.
The jump map shows where you are, and where there are actions to be made, something that some CE's do not bother to give their shame, IMHO.
I found the games to be somewhere between easy and challenging....and overall, found this to be a relaxing sort of game to play, one without a lot of bells and whistles, but I certainly do not feel I have either wasted my pcc or my time and am glad I took the time to play the demo and decide for myself, in light of all the negative reviews.
Now that I have finished the game, I just feel the need to say that Blam has made a game that is really "classy".
You feel as if you are there in the time period and interacting with the characters. The amount of extra detail and the little animations that occur in every scene, in every HOG didn't have to be put in, but the entire game experience is enriched for their having done so. This was one of the games in which I cheerfully pulled out my magnifying glass, just so I could see all the rich details and to hunt for jokes hidden inside....though this woman who has some vision limitations also needed it to
I had a smile on my face the entire time, except for when my forehead creased as I tried to battle my way through a difficult puzzle. I thought Blam spent time to make sure that some of the puzzles were either fresher versions of old ones, or new ones, and there was a good variety in them. I also thought the balance between HOGS and Puzzles was excellent.
This is gaming at its best.
I know some people thought looking for the fingerprints et al with the magnifying glass got old really quickly, but I enjoyed it as an extra layer of game play....though I wish the Hot Area appeared a little more easily because it often took fiddling back and forth with the magnifier to locate an area.
The tea kettles were sometimes too easy to find, but by not having them in every scene, and sometimes making them hard to find that issue became less of a big deal to me....and I had to laugh at the cleverness of how the tea pot was added to some scenes.
For those folks who are tired of either cute or fairy tale games, or who are tired of mad wizards, vampires or monsters, this straightforward detective "Who done it" in the hard boiled style of the 30's - 50's was very refreshing.
The art work and music were great and the extras that were added for the CE made it well worth the extra cost, but it was especially the quality of the Bonus Game that really made it worthwhile. I like the fact that the Main Game was fully completed at its end and that the Bonus was also completed by its end....but that it was done in a way that added something to the entire story.
Good Job Blam Games.....please get that sequel out asap. I am looking forward to it!
I almost didn't buy this game. I had gotten bored by the similarity of the second and third of the series and wasn't even going to demo this.
I am glad I changed my mind though. The Devs have really put some thought into this and I found this newly revamped version to be quite a great time.
I think this has one of the best interactive maps I have seen in a game yet, and wish more Devs would do something like this. It was very easy to see what areas I should not bother with, and which areas I had something to do in, right away.
The graphics were rich and the worlds were believable and I thought the games appropriately difficult. What I did not like was the painterly style on the Hidden Object Scenes....It was very hard to make out what was what, even though they were great paintings....and they were tough...almost unreasonably tough, by hiding most of an item underneath or behind something so that there was the barest clue there was something to select.
But, on the whole, bravo! and thank you for an entertaining time!
Deep in the heart of an enchanted forest, a forbidden love blooms. Guide the human Eveline as she sets out to rescue her beloved from the clutches of a tyrant.
I have seen a lot of mixed reviews for this game, and some seemed very unfair. People have complained about dull graphics and old fashioned animation and I found neither of those to be true.
What I did agree with, as an adult player...was the voice overs. This game is clearly designed with teenage girls in mind including terms like Fashionistas and a lot of worry dramatics over "hold on my love...I will find you!" and other angsting.....but, the voices are separate from the music and other sounds and can be turned off.
Once you either do that or tune out the voice overs, the game becomes quite enjoyable for the young and romantic at heart who like lighthearted fantasy.
There were no HOGS in the game, it is strictly an adventure game with lots of puzzles, an integrated (though unlabeled SG) an excellent map that allows for easy travel between locations and it shows clearly where actions are needed and not.
The hint recharges quickly and is an adorable baby dragon...and as an extra bonus, you get to hunt down beads of light to feed it to recharge it.
Aside from the immaturity of the voiceovers, I found this a charming and wonderfully inventive world to play in for a while.
This won't be everybody's cup of tea. It is a quiet and complicated game, full of difficult puzzles, creativity, and a feeling of other-wordliness and majiks.
It has two complicated but helpful maps to negotiate the world which is helpful because there is a lot of backtracking, but just like the slow sigh each time you use the hint button, each back-track does not feel so burdonsome to the right player.
Play the full demo first, and make sure you want to enter into this 2nd to last game of this series, which just keeps getting better, and this one is the best of Margave so far.
It is a long and lyrical adventure.
I recommend this game!
3of3voted this as helpful.
Reality Show: Fatal Shot Collector's Edition
After a man is murdered on a hit reality TV show, you are called in to uncover the truth behind the crime.
Overall rating
3/ 5
2 of 3 found this review helpful
I have mixed feelings about this game
PostedDecember 29, 2012
fromAnn Arbor, MI, USA
Skill Level:Intermediate
Favorite Genre(s):Arcade & Action, Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Match 3, Strategy, Time Management, Puzzle, Mahjong
I enjoyed the sort of straight forward adventure game, found the length and the pacing to be pretty good. I didn't miss the HOS at all. I thought sound and graphic quality were very good, but my enjoyment of this game was really hampered by the poorly written game instructions and the fact that not all the games could be reset. I spent too much time puzzling out how to play each game and that made me very unhappy....and when I looked for a hint in a game, they were not helpful...and nor was the strategy guide. I don't think I have skipped so many mini-games in a long time. This dev often has pretty good games, but needs to clean up there act.
I do not like giving bad reviews, and often will not, except that this developer is obviously trying to improve their product. There is much to like here, good art work, a stroy line that could be interesting, some excellent puzzles.
There is also a lot that is frustrating. I had to play with the "music" turned off. The Hint button provided no better hint outsede of the HOS than to say "try elsewhere". If I knew where to look for the missing item, I would not be hitting the hint button? A no help at all, especially when they do not provide a map and there is a lot of running to and fro from place scene to place scene to try and find what is missing. I was intrigued by the variation on some of the puzzles, but the reasoning for two objects being united, was sometimes so thin, it could only exist in the programmers head. I had to use hint more often than I prefer, but it finally saved me the time for hitting first on the clue box, and then on each item in the scene. Persons with Carpal tunnel syndrome, beware!
Oh yes, and I have just about had it with games including bonus chapters, without including a walkthrough for them, and not having a full Strategy Guide to boot....and the only reason I am not put off by the shortness of this "extra chapter" was because I was tired of the game...or I would be complaining.
I love good ghost stories, and I love a game with atmosphere. I also had the incentive of not only wanting to buy this game because of the sale price....but, because of the dollar that would have been donated to breast cancer research. I do not mind games that are "slow playing"....sometimes that adds to the atmosphere; but a game where they limit hints, make the objects small, blurred hard to find, in just about every case....the puzzles as well as the hidden objects, well I start to loose enthusiasm. They were even stingy in giving us the prized flies that would give extra hints! Then all of a sudden a timer clock appeared.....I do not do timed games, I game for liesure and pleasure, not to beat a clock....or, anyone else. The last straw? I read a review that said that many of the solutions in the walkthrough were different the same as in the game......that many solutions were random. Oh well.....not my day to buy a game, no matter how good a cause. Some folks will like this game, I might have, but the devs put in too many strikes for me to ignore.