Favorite Genre(s):Hidden Object, Match 3, Card & Board, Marble Popper
Fun Factor
2/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
3/ 5
Level of Challenge
2/ 5
1/ 5
Just finished the sample and have to say that the game just didn’t hold my interest.
The La Llorona legend I have heard is that Maria is very conceited but manages to get a wealthy rancher to marry her after playing coy. She then gets jealous of her children when their father still gives them attention after leaving her for another woman closer to his social status. She becomes so angry that she tosses the children in the river then she dies on the riverbank and is buried there. Wearing her funeral dress Maria walks the riverbank on dark nights, crying for the children she murdered. Parents use the legend to terrify their children into being afraid of the dark.
This rendition of the story is a bit different, at least in the sample part of the game. But that difference didn’t do anything to make the game more appealing to me than the legend.
The color scheme is bright and the graphics are, while nothing to cheer about, clear and fit in with the story being set Mexico. Some of the characters use Latino accents, which is a nice touch, but other than that this is pretty much the same old same old of reporter trying to find out if it really is a ghost stealing children once a year and how to stop the culprit whether they be dead or alive.
I really like morphing objects and this game has morphing flowers. I felt they were every easy to find. There are also “hidden” gold skulls. To find these all you need to do is move your mouse over a scene and wait for the cursor to turn into a hand. While playing I got distracted by one of my cats and the place where the skull was hidden started to kind of flash so if you can’t find a skull by looking for the change in the cursor just wait a minute and it will reveal itself.
I turned the music off as I found it annoying after about two minutes. The mini-games were OK and I had no tech issues in the sample.
This is a no buy for me, but I hope that everyone that does purchase it enjoys it from start to finish.
I rarely review games anymore, but this one made such an impression I simply can’t help myself. I really liked most of the beginning of the game; the graphics and story line were fun and clear. I even could put up with gathering the cutsie helpers, two of them. At least you didn’t have to dress them, you just had to use them to complete a couple of tasks.
Then the story goes several different directions all at once, forgetting all about the events of the opening scenes, forgetting all about where the opening scenes occurred, and before the end of the demo spirals into an unfathomable mish-mash of virtually every fantasy story you have ever heard. The story makes no sense and you have to travel between two different realms to complete tasks. Oh, on top of the cutsue helpers you gain an amulet that you have to repair, too. Oh, joy :(
There is a recurring game where you recharge runes. I take very little time with mini’s when doing a demo so that I can see as much content as possible. But, I played it long enough to know that I would never be able to complete even the simplest version and hated every minute of trying. I finally got to where I didn’t even attempt it, just waited for the skip button to charge and moved on. Other mini-games and tasks were equally loathsome so I skipped them, too.
The soundtrack is so repetitive that I turned it off after about 2 minutes.
To sum this one up, I have no idea what the developers had in mind for this game, but the end result is total garbage. They had a good start, but then abandoned it in favor of an unfathomable jumble of plots and goals. Frankly, I wouldn’t download the full version of this game if it were given to me for free!!
I don't recommend this game.
15of27voted this as helpful.
Mystery of Mortlake Mansion
Explore the dark halls of Mortlake Mansion and discover its secrets! Break the evil spells and become the owner of the mansion!
Overall rating
5/ 5
Great fun for a good long time!
PostedOctober 14, 2012
Skill Level:Intermediate
Favorite Genre(s):Word, Hidden Object, Puzzle
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
5/ 5
I bought this ages ago but just got around to playing it. I played on the easiest setting and found it an enjoyable way to spend a couple of evenings.
I am very sensitive to repetitive sounds/music but was able to have the sound on quite a bit with this game, certainly more than usual. I liked the voiceovers. The Raven was a bit odd, but given the story being it, it made sense.
There is not as much hand-holding as in some games so I was a bit lost at first, but the hint button worked very well for the times I needed a nudge in the right direction. I liked the graphics in both the “real” and “shadow” worlds. They could be challenging, especially in the more monotone shadow world, but they were always drawn crisp and clear.
The map is a great tool. It shows you areas where things need to be done in both the real and shadow worlds and teleports you to the room you click on.
For the most part I enjoyed the mini-games. There were a few I didn’t care for, but the skip is available without too much delay.
The game was a bit glitchy on my computer, Hidden Object scenes and certain mini-games would sometimes flash as I was clicking on items. But I was able to finish the game and it won’t stop me for replaying in the future.
On the whole I think this is one of the better games I have played and suggest giving it a try.
Welcome to Top Secret Finders. Your first mission is to save a small town, uncover the truth about a government conspiracy and stop the villain in his tracks!
The hint button works well both in and out of the HOScenes
On the negative side:
The soundtrack is horrible. It starts out with a piercing high-pitched scratchy squeak that is repeated frequently. I had to stop playing at one point because it gave me such a bad headache after only a couple of minutes.
Then there are sections where the same 4-5 notes played over and over again. When I had the sound up I found myself trying to hurry through scene because of the soundtrack so with the headache sparking squeals and the repetitive sections I had the sound off for 99% of the game.
There are many puzzles that I simply didn’t understand what they wanted done. I checked the walk-thru a couple of times, but soon grew weary of that, figuring that the game should give me clear instructions, and just skipped them.
The story doesn’t lead you from task to task so I had to rely on the hint button for much of the game just to know where to go next. The hint button will take you directly to the next area of activity, but the map doesn’t and there was a lot of back and forth required.
All in all I can’t recommend this game. I hope that everyone else who bought it enjoys it from start to finish.
This review is based on playing the trial version in the casual mode.
The artwork is done in subdued tones, but not muddy or unclear.
The soundtrack is very repetitive, so I had to turn it off.
The story is the same old “got to find a family member”. I can forgive this if the rest of the game is entertaining, but this one is not.
But the big deal breaker here for me is the heavy religious imagery. I can tolerate some of this, but there was just too much of it for me. So this is a no buy for me, regardless of price.
I just finished this game today and had a great time. The navigation is logical and while there is some backtracking it is not overdone.
The artwork is really nice and the HOScenes and mini-games took some attention without being too challenging or frustrating. They were just a nice part of the game play.
I used the hint button a couple of times in HOScenes but really didn’t need it in the mini-games or the rest of the game play. I didn’t need the walkthrough at all (which is rather unusual for me).
At first, I thought the ending was a bit of a letdown but after taking a few minutes to think about it decided it was OK and in line with the rest of the story. For those that dislike cliffhangers or “to be continueds” be assured that there is an ending.
If you are in the mood for a relaxing few hours in a castle setting be sure to give this a try.
The entire town has been put into a deep, dark sleep by a mysterious evil force. Now young Lillian must find allies and uncover the dark secrets of voodoo in order to save her master and free her friends before it is too late.
I have owned this game for a while but just found the time to play it. The graphics and artwork are good and the story is OK. I had the sound down so I can comment on the soundtrack.
For the most part the navigation is logical, but I did have to consult a walkthrough a few times when I just couldn’t figure out what to do next.
I also found some the HOScenes difficult. Many times only a small part of the item needed is visible. Thankfully, the hint feature pointed out the item needed, rather than just circling an area the way it does in some games, and the hint button refilled quickly.
The vexing part of the game for me was when you think you are going to need a certain item you come across in a location in the future, but you are not allowed to pick it up until you reach a certain point further in the story line. Perhaps the dev’s felt that this was better than having a large inventory, but I would rather have a lot of inventory items than have to backtrack for items that I was forced to pass over.
I word of warning to potential buyers, the ending is a cliffhanger. So, if you are the type that needs a definite ending you may want to wait until the sequel is available. I’m not a fan of cliffhangers, but didn’t feel cheated by the ending.
Like MCF’s Madame Fate, this is a HOG with puzzles at the end of each chapter. Unlike Madame Fate, the puzzles in this game are very easy, with the exception of the last puzzle. Even it is not overly difficult, it is just a bit more challenging that the rest of the puzzles in the game.
The graphics and artwork in this game range from clear to dark and grainy. However, once you visit a particular area a few times you get the hang of even the least clear ones.
You are given 5 hints per chapter but can use the map to visit other areas if you get stuck in one. If, once visitng all the available areas, you are not able to clear enough items you can use a hint or two. I had no problem with this fixed number of hints, never using more than a couple per chapter.
It is fun to see how some of the characters in this game were tweaked a bit to become some of the carnie workers in Madame Fate.
This is a fun little game for HOG lovers. There is no need to do marathon play sessions, as you don’t have to keep track of any inventory items or adventure sequences. So, you can “investigate” one suspect one day and come back another day without loosing the thread of the game.
While my favorite MCF is Madame Fate, I play this game too when I’m in the mood for a simple HOG with fun characters and a bit of that MCF brand of humor.
Favorite Genre(s):Word, Adventure, Time Management, Puzzle, Mahjong
Fun Factor
2/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
This “Twisted” take on Dickens’s A Christmas Carol didn’t appeal to me. The graphics are OK in the HOScenes and the regular game play area, the puzzles are on the easy side, but also OK and the soundtrack didn’t bother me. But, I just couldn’t get over Scrooge being a murderer.
The whole point of A Christmas Carol is that it is never too late to make positive changes in your life. Granted, I only played the demo so maybe there is a more upbeat theme later in the game, but the part I did play seemed more about “bringing Scrooge to justice” rather than Scrooge being helped to break out of his grouchy miserly self to become a better man.
So, this is a no buy for me. But I hope that those who do buy it enjoy it from start to finish.
I played the full hour demo and here is what I liked from that game play: The graphics are very crisp and clear, both in the game play environment and in the HOSchenes. The mini-puzzles are challenging, but not incomprehensible. The Hint button works well in the HOScenes, clearly pointing out an object rather than giving a big circle like some of the MCF and other games. The Strategy Guide is in a convenient place and provides clear, detailed instructions.
Now what I disliked: The soundtrack. I have a very low tolerance for repetitive and indistinct background sounds. The music is basically an unclear chant slowly running up and down a scale. Years of choral practice taught me to enunciate and years of piano practice taught me to hate scales. So, the music was annoying pretty much from the start. It’s a shame too, because at one point I turned it back on to see if it had improved and was treated to a wolf howling. I probably missed other fun sounds because I couldn’t stand the main theme.
The game logic. I had a hard time figuring out what to do next at certain times. Granted the Strategy Guide was convenient and well done, but I feel the story and game elements should have given me more direction. I don’t want to be led by my nose, but I do need a bit more clarity in the game logic.
Before I mention this last issue, please be assured that I mean no disrespect to anyone’s chosen spiritual path. But, by the same token, I don’t like a game to include overtly religious content. This game starts out with the quote “In the year of our lord”, indicates that the Guardians were ex-Crusaders and the 9 were priests.
I understand that the medieval setting may have prompted some of this but prefer that the game characters be non-religious and the story be about the fight against good and evil without bringing in deity or overt religious content.
So, while I found the artwork fantastic and certain aspects of the game fun this is a no buy for me.