This was supposed to be the happiest day of your life. But instead of walking down the aisle, you're in another dimension, battling a mad inventor to save your family!
I played trial first. Nice game with nice story going. I didn't read diary and thoughts from Erin later in game to make game harder a little. Played in hard mode, but like I didn't :). Game is like one big hint, so hint button is..... there :D. I didn't use it or skip on puzzles. On HOG you can play match 3 game if you don't want HOG. It's slow loading on screens (5-10 sec. sometimes, but didn't bother me). I passed game twice. Second time to enjoy in game also on hard and to read some things :) with using skip sometimes.
Story is too dark for me. Bonus game was longer then I expected so this is kinda plus. Everything else in main game is well known....... save the world from dark forces with hidden objects and puzzles. And minus is that you can't replay stages after ending the game. You need to start all over again.
I played game 4 days because I lost interest for game. But that is maybe because I played too many similar games, so I got bored.
4 stars because story is creepy. I played in hard mode without skips and it was what it said...... no hints, pointer does not change when I come over something what I need etc.! In many games hard mode isn't hard mode or what it said it is.
I had problem solving code with blue plates I think in beginning somewhere. That paper which should help me was not help at all. So I press info button, but instructions was not helpful either. Red x's on paper was just misleading. Info was something like "red x show places where plate can't be placed", but there was not any other places. That was moment when I changed on easy mode to use hints or some other help because I wanted to understand, but everything was the same, so I changed back on hard. After some time I figured out what developers thinking and solve that code :). I didn't won't to skip, but explanation on info button and that paper with red x's wasn't ANY help at all for that puzzle. Those red x's was just nice red color on that paper :).
Anyway, nice creative game. You can choose between 2 ends.
Game is nice and easy. You have items and you need to put them somewhere on pictures and many pictures is the same, just with different items to put on. Mostly that is the game. There is some puzzles. There isn't much to do in this game. Story is heart of this game, not playing. I almost stoped playing the game. I lost interest in the game several times because it's nothing else to do and I don't easy quit games.
Well, ending with picture with possible 5 coins for secret room which doesn't exist leave bitter taste. I searched on internet for answer and many players have same question. But seems that this end is the end. Developer could put something like "5 coins for that picture don't exist", so I wouldn't lose my time and nerves on searching and clicking around.
Because of the story (which is heartwarming and inspirational) and that feeling that is not over I have a hard time grading this game :).
I ended it in about 7 hours of playing today (with pauses :) ). I played "The Legacy: Prisoner" CE few days ago and didn't wish to buy this one because that other was so low with challenges and I assumed it is the same with this one. I forgot that I bought it earlier and now I am glad that I bought it :).
Anyway, in this one challenges is great. In both games there isn't back and forth and logic works fine :). I liked mini games (hidden objects, puzzles) in game. In hidden object mini games I enjoyed, because you must use what you find. Game is more like cartoon made but with touch of reality :D. Story is good and I like games with good stories, but in this one didn't care much for story. I played in hard mode.
My title says it all :). Very easy game, so I don't wish to write more about this game. Just regret that I didn't buy SE. But then again, without extras I would be very short time in this game :). I did like how simple is to find collectibles :). In some CE games that part can ruin game expirience. That isn't case here, but level of challenge is just so low that isn't big fun to play (still is fun). And I played on hard mode.
I liked this game. No back and forth, alot fun mini games, it's long (1.5 GB and not all big MB games are long, so this is plus for this game), bonus game is...... hard to describe :-), but nice, it's happy ending, original story, etc.! Extras and achievements...... that is hard to get all, so that is minus for me. Still it's 5 star game for me.
3 stars because story is so creepy. It's so many games with dark stories...... sad. Otherwise game have nice challenges, puzzles and hidden objects to play.
Not so challenging and not much to do. This isn't collector's edition, so there isn't side tasks, something else to do etc.! This is first game with so big difference that I played. From that reason, this is boring, short, not reach with the story and not interesting game. Not worth buying. I have it as "daily deal", but if I knew that this version is so poor with play and content, I wouldn't buy at all.
I don't recommend this game.
2of2voted this as helpful.
Journey to the Center of the Earth
Join Ariane as she explores an unkown world of fascinating and fantastical civilizations hidden beneath the surface of the Earth.
For this game I needed on my notebook change screen resolution for higher than default and color quality lower to be able to play! And I lost too much nerves and time to find out how to do that.
Finally ended! I really give game a chances, but this one just fail. Too much back and forth, not good graphics, AND SO TERRIBLE CONTROLS! Many times character is like a robot. All that and not having hint option just ruin the game. I just waited to be over. And when I ended good ending, I didn't feel joy or any kind good feeling that I ended this game. Just bitterness! Game like this NEED to have trial version! There is 2 endings, good and not so good. I played both, but not playing game twice from start. I just save like that, so I had option to continue where not so good end ended. After that it is long playing to the end of good ending and more back and forth and more stuck times. Just not fun. Terrible expirience in playing.
When you stuck in this game, you stuck. Lack of hint button push me on youtube watching gameplay. Several times. Without that I probably wouldn't pass this game. This game need alot work on controls!
This game was good in story and that is it. Yeah, story is good, but still too much unnecessary informations that you don't need. It does have few good cutscenes too. And voiceover was nice.
Since story is good and alot characters is in the game and it's Jules Verne inspired, I would like sequel, but with significant improvement. This is game from 2003., but that can't be excuse for such not so good made game!