I only played one and a half games, The tiles and especially the numbers are so small, I knew I would have eye strain if I tried to play very long. I guess If I had a really large monitor screen it would be O K. It looked like it might be fun too.
I liked this game because it was challenging, but the grid tiles were so small it made it to hard to play for long. It was not player friendly for someone older or with not perfect sight.
I was not sure if I was going to like this game, but I am enjoying it now. Others have said they could not change their profile. When the game opens where it shows the big name etc, at the top is has a box saying if this is not you click here. That takes you to a page where you can have more than one profile. I have played the other two many times and will probably feel the same way about this one.
I really liked this game, but I found it to hard to see. The tiles are not very big, and I don't have a large screen, so it was too hard on these old eyes. There are so few games I even think about buying, I had high hopes for this one.
I played the demo but didn't like it enough to buy it. I thought it was hard to tell at a glance if you owned a house or not,because everything is kind of dark unless you paint the house. I know you can click on it to see, but that takes extra time.