12 Labours of Hercules was my favorite game for awhile But thenl I reached the fatal flaw---a mini game of a totally different genre that completely stops all play.
You cannot skip the mini game, and as far as I can tell, you cannot win it. I really hate games that stop all the action for a mini of a totally different type/genre/format than the main game.
I felt blindsided. I have tried dozens of times to win the mini game so I can get back to the main game, but I guess I'll never get to play the second half of the main game.
Too bad, The first half of 12 Labours iof Hercules was fun. But it's not worth buying only half a game.
Play the trial version, but don't pay money for this one unless or until the developers fix this fatal flaw.
I loved the first Rescue Team game. It was cheerful and fun, and I played it over and over till I had memorized all the levels.
I almost didn't buy RT2, because of the creepy music and depressing atmosphere. "Rocking Around the Christmas Tree" played like a dirge? Really! It was depressing that injured people had to wait till I gathered enough gold to save them. But eventually I got used to it, bought it, and played it to death, too.
Rescue Team 3 is a real disappointment. The first RT had 60 game levels. RT2 had 50 levels, but it was harder, so I didn't realize it was a smaller game.
Rescue Team 3---besides having the VERY annoying dialog that you have to click through on every level to get the actual game===has only 41 levels. And those 41 levels feel like even fewer.
To add insult to injury, the last scene says "To Be Continued". Yeah, I guess the developers will keep putting out smaller and smaller sequels as long as we keep buying them.
I would not recommend buying this game unless/until you catch it on special for $2.99. It is worth just about that.
I'm giving this game five stars partly to make up for the bad reviews of what must have been a previous version. The version I am playing has none of the problems mentioned in previous reviews---except somewhat slow loading, which might have cost it a star except that the art is so beautiful and detailed that it is worth waiting for.
Unlike some games where the art of ancient cultures is mixed and misrepresented with abandon, this game has adapted ancient Mayan art in a beautiful, authentic-looking way---and doesn't mix in other cultures.
There is a lot of art of different cultures in hidden object scenes where they represent either modern decorative items, smuggled masterpieces, or pirate treasure. So that makes sense.
There is plenty of story line, and I find it interesting and original. I have noticed no typos so far, and I'm a picky editor.
The puzzles are interesting variations on classics, so they seem new.
I'm guessing the developers took to heart all the negative reviews and made major changes in the game to fix the problems. I'm glad I decided to try the game for myself.
Thanks, Big Fish, for putting it on sale. That got my attention, and after I tried it, I immediately bought it.
So if you are thinking of trying this game, do not be discouraged by the earlier bad reviews. This is NOT the version the earlier reviewers were complaining about.
I'm not sure why people complain about British English anyway. But in any case, after the first few scenes, the objects to be found are presented by grayish drawings---even more information than a silhouette. So language ceases to be any kind of problem.
I think this is a very enjoyable game, and I'm glad I found it.
The graphics are good, and at first the game seems whimsical and original. But as you get farther along, the situations become contrived, arbitrary and not amusing at all.
This game reminds me of one of those jokes that takes 20 minutes to tell, and you wait and wait, and then the punch line is stupid.
I was really disappointed in this game, since it seemed original and interesting when I started it, but it went downhill and become just plain annoying.
I'm sorry I bought this game. It looked like fun till I got into it, but it was not fun at all.
The HOS, when you finally get to them, are so dark that you just have to click around and see if you get anything. Even when using hints, and even with the brightness on the monitor turned up to the max setting, you often have to just click the area indicated by the hint and hope you hit something.
I don't think this game even makes sense. And it was no fun for me at all. I'm sure I will never finish it. As an earlier reviewer said, this game is irritating.
I don't recommend this game.
5of5voted this as helpful.
Help the armadillos battle the evil Constructo Corp by strategically planting dynamite to obliterate the new establishments.
Overall rating
5/ 5
Silly 'Dillos Offer Fun and Brain-Stretching Challenge
PostedDecember 15, 2012
Skill Level:Intermediate
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Time Management
I tried 'dillos because it's about 'dillos, and I'm a Texan. It looks silly, but it is wonderfully addictive.
This game really does make you think, and some levels are challenging, but I don't mind replaying a level till I get it right when playing is so much fun.
And you get a real sense of accomplishment when you figure out how to win the level.
Unlike some puzzles, where you just have to either thrash around frustratingly till you accidentally hit the right combination---or just give up and find a walkthrough---these puzzles are smart and logical.
'dillos is good for your mind. I wish it had been longer, and I long for a sequel.
Despite the cartoony graphics, this is a clever game! It would make a good gift for older kids (and adults) who will learn logic and train their memory without realizing they are doing anything but having fun.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Match 3, Strategy, Time Management
Current Favorite:
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
3/ 5
Maybe the developers read the reviews, because there is a Casual (not timed) mode now, so the game can be played at leisure.
It is a great game for kids, I think, except for the "story". Not too hard. Cute graphics, nice music. I'm really tired of "evil witch" stories and hate foisting that cliche off on kids. The rest of the game is fine. It seems much simpler to me than Roads of Roam or Rescue Team. To me that makes it more of a kid's game.
If anyone had told me I would like a "brick shooter" I would have laughed in disbelief, but I *love* this game.
The graphics are charming, the music is pleasant, and the game is relaxing.
I like the easy mode. I think the reason it is relaxing is that it does not rely on quick reflexes. You can chill out, operate on automatic, and just use your right brain. Very soothing.
I really do like the music, the sounds and the graphics, too.
Mummy's Treasure is challenging, visually amusing, and really different from any other game I've seen. I love the art, especially the facial expressions of the young couple. While hand-eye coordination is important in this game, logic is even more so. You need to have observed how gravity and other physics of motion works to succeed at this game.