This is a looonnnnggg game. Well (and I mean well) over 100 levels. Granted some are just clicking the numbers 1-5, but even without these tiny levels there are still at least 100. The storyline is meh. I feel it's like every other one of her games. The level of challenge is harder. I say that because I had to play almost every level 2x to get the 5 stars. The mouse isn't hard to find, never really is anymore in the Delicious universe. Over all I recommend it just on the length alone. it's unheard of how long this game is. I like feeling like I got more than an hr's worth of play and my money's worth.
I know I'm late to the game in this review, but I just found this game weird.The animation made it so odd to me, since this is supposed to be in the Delicious universe. I don't like the stereotypical twinkle thing Francois did to freeze time. They made Sally seem ignorant and naive. The mini-games seem to crowd the screen at times and get in the way of doing other actions.The game play is more along the lines of the Heart's Medicine series, which I found a strange change from the first game of this revival. I did find it challenging, but just strange.
I really enjoyed this game more than the last one. The mice were not hard to find. The mini games weren't impossible. i gave it a 4 because there were some errors that I feel the developers could have caught and corrected (so how does a cow eat "wealth" exactly? Wasn't Larry named Elvis before?). Otherwise I feel this was an excellent addition.
The main game only took me 2.5 hrs to complete. Had it not been for the bonus game and buying on sale, I would have been highly disappointed. The HO scenes and puzzles were easy even though I play at the hardest level. Spotted a continuity error. Something is missing (can't say what but they have to try to get it back) but yet shows up in a scene with the 3 detectives standing before you get it back. Anyways, I hope they do better for the next game.
This game took me around 5 hours to complete with the bonus chapter. The storyline wasn't as interesting as I thought it would be. The puzzles and HO scenes were not too hard. the collectibles were some of the hardest in these types of games I have come across. This alone made me not regret buying it, but I am glad that I bought it on sale.
I don't normally like giving games 5 stars because I always think there is room for improvement. Unfortunately some game series have a whole mansion full of rooms for improvement. However, I L.O.V.E. this game because of the choices you make and how they affect the whole game. PLEASE MORE DEVELOPERS PAY ATTENTION TO THIS FEATURE!!! the storyline was riveting since you contribute to it. The challenges were playable and not overly hard or easy. Graphic were ok and I did notice that sometimes there were glitches. The choices option just won my heart over all defects.
I found this game enjoyable. The graphics were on par with other games in this genre. I just wished the Tall Man didn't look like Groot. I love Groot. It had a variety of puzzles. They were not very challenging for the most part. The HOPs were very easy. The main game took me around 3 hours to complete, so it is longer than most now-a-days. I am enjoying this new series.
I was so excited when I saw the early reviews of this game. After playing through it though, I feel i can't give it 5 stars. it was just too short and too easy (I played on the Master level). I really wish i would have waited to buy it on a sale day. However, it was good to see the old style graphics and characters from past adventures. This was muuuuccchh better than the last three or so in the series. I do hope they continue in this vein, but may be make the game more difficult and longer.
This game was just that, meh. there really is no way to change the difficulty. The mini games seem almost impossible to get a 3 star on because there is too much involved. the story line between Parker and the other characters is very cliche'. And there's no way you can miss Carl the mouse because he giggles! I like what they tried to do with this game, I just don' think they thought it through. it's a "no buy" for me.
I loved this game. I know some have said the series seems to be moving backwards but I disagree. The graphics were on par to the others in the series and it was challenging without being impossible. I recommend keeping tissues on hand because the makers of this game and the Hearts Medicine series seem to enjoy making me cry.