Ya' know, when I played Domini's latest game (Spirits Chronicles: Flower of Hope), I thought, "Way to go [Team Leader], you're finally turning things around. Great!"
Yeah, there were some cookie-cutter task bits and pieces, but the game was not riddled with them from start to finish.
Alas, this one starts out right at the beginning with a standard task, and goes from [insert standard task code] to [insert standard task code], one after the other in quick succession.
I really want to buy this game to find out how the story plays out, but I had to shelve the last one that had this many standard tasks 'cause I just couldn't play it anymore - it had all the level of excitement of a root canal. So no, I'm not buying this one. Dang.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Match 3, Puzzle
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
1/ 5
Full game, Win 10, 2-year old laptop. I do recommend this episode despite the views listed below.
If you're my age, when you read the dialog in the opening scene and take a look around, you'll want to get a little manila tag, put a price on it, and go stand in an antique shop.
Mia's double take on a sign whose style is younger than I am is just not Mia. Whoever this person is, please make her go away.
In this episode, Mia doesn't do her job. At all. Not once. And the job she was hired to do really isn't even up her alley.
She also goes gaga over a mundane dime-a-dozen item in an antique store (actually a junk store) which is so out of character that it can't possibly be our heroine. The real Mia has an eye for genuine antiques and would never marvel at stuff fit for a low end tourist trap.
As for the HOS's, the majority of which are very enjoyable, bright, and colorful, one asks us to find a TASTY fungus. Which turns out to be an amanita, all of which are poisonous. Yep, a nature photo of an amanita of the species with the ball-shaped red cap with white dots. Eat one and you're pushing up daisies in no time.
While the gameplay is great, the storyline has Mia dealing with so many unhappy people (and some really, really strange men) who she is supposed to eventually bring into a state of bliss that she never has time to do the job she was hired for. Plus, for me it made most of the story downright depressing and even embarrassingly awkward at times.
And that's the whole story; no restorations, no finding interesting objects for her project, no history lesson of any kind, no real mystery, not even a scene of the items she is supposed to mull through for inclusion in the dedicated museum.
Granted, Mia is a problem-solver both in the antiques department and soap opera arena; but I have no idea what happened with this episode. I do sincerely hope the next one returns the real Mia to us, along with a load of genuine antiques to "restore" and at least the semblance of a mystery that's more intriguing than why Daddy liked you better than me.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Match 3, Puzzle
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
5/ 5
Played on Win 10, Relaxed Mode
I love Match3 games with a good storyline. The sameness of the board doesn't bother me, but other elements really bother me a lot.
1. The blinkers. Ye Gods and Little Angels, the blinkers drive me bananas. Those are the tiles that blink through the icons so you can click on the tile icon you want to make a match. In some storied M3's, like the Amanda's Magic Book series, they are all over the board, overwhelming the game play. I just click them off as fast as I can.
This episode of Catherine Ragnor is not blink crazy and I was able to mostly ignore them.
2. Spiders. I hate the spiders, those messy little critters that weave a web over your tiles, making them inaccessible until you match the tiles with 2 more of the same.
You can get rid of spiders by making matches beneath them, but here's where it gets stinky: in some M3's, the spiders weave faster than you can make matches, or there are no matches available, anywhere on the board, to make them go away.
I have not run into that problem in this Ragnor episode.
3. Edward the Blade is one weird-looking duck, and I keep playing because I'm trying to figure out what the attraction is. What can I say; I'm all for character over looks, but...
4. This episode is just plain fun. Since I do have a life, I have to be careful not to get too wrapped up in the game play, buying upgrades to find out what happens next, putting said life aside for the sheer enjoyment and glee of the game. Yeah. Doesn't always work, and I fear this episode has chained me to the board. Yaha matey!
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Match 3, Puzzle
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
5/ 5
THE SHADOWPLAY SERIES BY MAD HEAD IS EXCELLENT; over the years, I've played each episode as it was released. I've listed them in order below.
Each episode is a standalone mystery, not too hard but not very easy, either. There are collectibles and morphing objects in the Collector's Editions, but the Standard Editions are a blast without those extras.
As with all Mad Head games, graphics, storyline, voice-overs are great.
SERIES IN ORDER (am currently re-playing the earliest episode on up-to-date Win10, no problems at all)
Shadowplay: Darkness Incarnate Shadowplay: Whispers of the Past Shadowplay: Forsaken Island Shadowplay: Harrowstead Mystery
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Match 3, Puzzle
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
Auto-purchase on release.
Awigor does not restrict any images in the demo, nor do they restrict us to the first page after purchase, unlike T1Games.
This month's edition is wonderful, colorful, bright, cheerful, and full of fantasy. (See the Modern Art series for real world beasties, landscapes, still life's, etc.)
I randomly chose images throughout the portfolio to make sure the color numbers pop up on roll-over, and they do unless they are clearly visible, and sometimes even then.
Skin tones are great, artfully shadowed to give life to the portraits.
If you want to read all the raves, just go read the reviews for #12, #11, #10, #9, # (keep going... )
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Match 3, Puzzle
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
I swear, you could show this artist a black cat in a back alley on a dark night during a power outage and get a great canvas in return.
Fortunately, the artist is a fan of variety, giving us a broad selection of subjects and colors.
Things being what they are in Eastern Europe, I wasn't sure we would get another Modern Art for a long while, but when I logged in at Midnight, there it was: instant buy.
Newbies: This is where you will find the real world in the Impressionist style of art. Some of the animals are so well depicted that it feels as if you could reach through the screen and pet them.
There is no wrong way or right way to indulge in filling out these works of art - just pick a color from the palette, a section of the subject, an element, or the whole canvas while letting the program pick colors for you as you drag your cursor across the surface, and plunge right in.
Granted, this time the artist forgot to add the programming that makes the numbers pop up when you scroll over them - and I hope there will be a patch - but since we can enlarge the image 'ad infinitum', it kinda' doesn't matter.
Annnnd, it doesn't tray well. If it locks your screen, click Alt while holding down Ctrl and Delete (Alt+Ctrl+Del); in the options window in the bottom right corner, click on the Power icon, then Restart. Or the game window may finally close after clicking on [select game] End Task in the Task Manager about 10 times. Or more.
TIP: Don't hold your mouse in a death grip while dragging the cursor to avoid hand/shoulder discomfort. It also helps to frequently change fingers or hands.
By reading the reviews of the 4 "Numbers" games Big Fish has chosen for us, I see there is occasionally confusion about which is which. Here you go:
PAINT BY NUMBERS series by T1 Game Detail level: Low. Simple art, Crayola colors. Humans not drawn well at all, but they are few and far between. Great pastime for kids, adults, and us little old folks.
ART BY NUMBERS series by Awigor Detail level: Medium to High A celebration of colors portrayed in the fantastical 3D form of stuffed satin patchwork quilt animals and other subjects. Includes shadowbox art using drop shadows. People are perfectly 3D'd in a range of natural skin colors. Total eye candy.
MODERN ART seriesby T1 Games Detail level: High Real world subjects that are beautifully depicted in the Impressionist style. Animals portrayed in fine detail.
ART COLORING new series by Awigor Detail level: Medium to High, varies by image. A wonderful combination of Art by Numbers and Modern Art, this new series will keep you spellbound for hours. Received 5 out of 5 stars from a slew of reviewers on day 1.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Match 3, Puzzle
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
5/ 5
Better than Episode 3, in which we learned of the mysterious Eleanor, Episode 4 is a jolly good adventure into where Eleanor came from and how she acquired her curious powers.
Bright, colorful Match3 tiles are fun to move about for the best results to the challenges, not boring in the least. On the contrary, I become so focused on the matches that I often forget to Upgrade with the stars I've won to find out what happens next.
And this time, "what happens next" takes place in a really, really weird town with a really, really weird dastardly city ordinance.
That's it for my review this time - gotta' get back to the game to find out what that creepy lady is up to!
This is more than just a painting game – explore incredible artwork and let your creative side shine as you complete these colorful paint-by-numbers puzzles.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Match 3, Puzzle
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
5/ 5
I was really afraid that Awigor got caught up in the misery in Eastern Europe, so my smile was extra wide when I saw the 12th issue sitting there, icon pretty as can be, on the PC home page.
As usual, I bought it immediately and, as usual, it is a pure delight. Oh, and I filled up the "Storyline" rating by mistake and can't undo it.
Beautiful quilted images with perfect shadowing and wonderful color blends are irresistible - choosing which one to paint first is the real challenge.
For those of you who are new to Art by Numbers:
* Excellent tutorial you can access at any time * Zoom in, zoom out at a touch of the mouse wheel. The image can be enlarged as big as you want so you can tap your brush onto the smallest elements. * Grab the image and move it around the board so you can work on any area, or simply follow the 'next color' gray area. * Change the background to either very light or full-on black (I use the black because it makes the images pop). * Stunning artwork - you won't get bored. * The demo allows you to scroll through all levels so you can give the game a real test drive. * The palettes are a pure joy - scroll up and down through anywhere from just a few colors to as many as 70, 80+ different luxurious blends and shades. * The background music for this issue is just plain lovely.
So there you go, a wonderful edition of Art by Numbers for painting enthusiasts, great for all ages.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Match 3, Puzzle
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
5/ 5
Bright, cheery, a wonderful pastime.
* The score board at the end of each level loads very quickly and can be dismissed in an instant. * There is NO cursor skewing (on my computer) * Full window, good size tiles (on my computer) * The color difference between cleared and un-cleared tiles is distinctive, no peering required. * The storyline is cute though not terribly original (for experienced players) * The game play can be challenging: there are frequent instances when there are no matches to break chains or ropes, so those tools in the left column are really needed. * The ship-to-ship battle scenes are challenging as well: shooting your cannons at just the right time so as not to over shoot or under shoot the other pirate ship does take a bit of practice, but once you find your zone, it's all fun! * There are two purchase options: rebuild and fortify your ship, and buy stuff for the island that creates conversations for more info. Funds for one do not affect funds for the other.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Brain Teaser, Hidden Object, Large File, Mahjong, Match 3, Puzzle
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
5/ 5
Okay, so Mom is ditzy and they only packed one outfit each :D
Boomzap, one of my all-time favorite HOG producers, has really gone out of their way on this one.
They mixed up the challenges, given us adorable animals in the scenes (the orange tabby kitten is way too cute), and even with the magnifying glass, some items are a pistol to locate.
Various types of jigsaws, pairs to find, x number of 1 item to find, and of course - fun facts to collect.
Bright, cheerful, no fuzzies or black-on-black, nothing hidden in the shadows, my kind of Hidden Object Game.
Paris has changed quite a bit since I was a kid over there, so I am enjoying the discovery of all the new things as an added bonus!