I wasn't going to buy this game, until I saw a couple of reviewers list this as a favourite in another game review, so decided to buy it. At first I didn't think I would like it, but after a while, found myself really getting into it. Other reviewers have listed the pros and cons of the game, so I just want to say "thanks" to those reviewers who listed this as a fave, and gave me a chance to get another fun game.
I have been gradually becoming addicted to M3 games, and I just love this one. It has a twist on the M3 section of the games, with different elements added in so there is a variation. I love the HOG as well, as this also adds in a variation. And of course, I always love the bits where I get to build something. Some levels easy, some a little more difficult, but not impossible. I wasn't going to buy it until I saw it in the "games you will love" section, so I decided to try it. Now I'm glad I did. One more added to my Favourites in M3.
Typical TM game where you have to build different types of buildings and collect resources. The shaman has to look after his tribe, for instance when one gets sick, he has to make a healing potion. Simple graphics and sound that can be a little anoying - but I turn mine down. I would recommend this game, except for the fact that it has a right mouse button scroll for the current location, and I found it very difficult to get the hang of it. I am still trying. If I do, it will be an OK game, but I think it seriously impedes progress.
A really cute little game about a human who can breathe underwater and is searching for her mother's origins. True, there is little challenge, so is good for children, or for adults like me who occasionally want a simple game to relax and wind down with.
This has to be THE best, and most addictive, TM game ever. OK, so the previous reviewers gave enough of the run down of the actual game, so I won't go into detail, except to say that I found it extremely enjoyable. Have played through several times, laying out my city differently each time, and lost none of the fun. Love the fact that it has no time limit, and buildings can be moved as your empire expands. You also get a little visit from a character from another game of this developer, which is fun. Definitely a MUST HAVE game.
Just like to add my rave to all others who have given rave reviews for this game. Any who didn't like it so much --- you are too hard to please! Simply superb intro, with live action. Just don't watch the lip movement and it will be fine! Such wonderful scenes. Such a lovely change from gloom and doom and dark and dingy. A bit of a twist on the HO scenes from ones I have played. You will see when you play it! Gripping storyline. All over top game. Yes, now I wish I had bought the CE. Would have been well worth the price.
A nice game, with a mixture of M3 and HOG. In the M3 levels, you play to gain parts of the artifacts to fix each temple (there are four). You also have your choice of shape (hexagon, rectangle or mixed), and a choice of chain, swap or group. Decent powerups to help you along. Nice graphics, maybe a little cartooney, but this doesn't take away the pleasure of the game. Not overly challenging, but a good game for those, like me, who occasionally want a simple, relaxing game to while away the time without busting the brain.
What a lovely game! So different from the usual macabre, dark horror and thriller games. We really need more of these type of games. Beautiful graphics, and nice background music. Some of the objects in the HO games are a little small, but not difficult to find. Yes, the storyline is a bit unrealistic, as someone mentioned previously, but it IS just a story after all. I personally enjoyed every bit of it. A game to take your time over, and relax with. Not for the romantics, indeed, but one that saw this particular gamer weeping at the end! If you are tired of the dark and sinister, and dont' mind a bit of the old romance, this game is definitely for you.
This is a nice enough game if you want a simple building game. If you are wanting a challenge, this game is not for you. However, if you want a game that is not too taxing simply to while away the hours, you may like this game.
I am sorry to go against the general opinion, but I feel I cannot recommend this game.
I found it extremely annoying, with having to constantly switch between time zones every few minutes. I am not in the genius category, so without the strategy guide, I would have been lost as to how to proceed, and when and where. I don't like using the strategy guide as much as I had to in this game.
It is a great pity, as the storyline itself, and the graphics, etc, were extremely good. Only for those who don't mind these type of puzzles.