I own all the Redemption Cemetery titles and in general like them a lot, although some are a lot better than others. So I bought this one as well, after being pleased with the demo - this looked to be one of the better titles. Unfortunately, this game turned out to be the most annoying game I've played in quite some time. Some of the HOPs and some of the puzzles were so annoying that I had to quit the game for a while to calm down. It's not that they were particularly difficult - they were just simply annoying. Examples include the find 2 matching HOP, or fighting the demon in the first segment, picking the right path in the underground cavern, finding your way through the mine, and on and on. The bulk of the game was just fine - a nice mix of HOPs and puzzles - not too heavy on HOPS (which suits me fine) - and I thought the artwork, VO and storyline were good. I was particularly pleased that the gameplay wasn't interrupted with countless cut scenes or huge banners telling me what tasks I need to do and then what tasks I already did. However, those annoying puzzles override the positives for me, and although I did finish the game, it isn't one I'll be replaying.