love these only on demo right now but its the same as alice wonderland games etc. i will be buying it. playing normal but will go back and play hard mode, love the challanges.
great game just like alice wonderland also no problems at all bought the first one years ago bring on another and more levels please played both normal and hard mode.
Like they say like roads of rome but i loved it. played on normal going back and play on hard mode. if you like getting hidden object and cant find them all there is a map in the extras, tab. didn't use it had to really think more then on roads of rome bring on the next one please and more levels.
For everyone you can click on the jelly fish on any level and get food from them i used them alot the bigger they are more food you get. level 30 was pretty easy get jelly fish when ever, i used the sword on the animal farthest to the right, then the one in front of the mountain, use the double tower when ever you can then get the guy on the mountain and have it cleared going to boss man.
took a while to get used to this game, but i love it. had the same problem on the one level only showing green i closed and restarted it and it worked fine. no problems with any levels but got confused on having to go back and replay bonus levels for the bonus games. level 9 was the worst, but got it.
keep adding more of these games to far between for us gamers.
love this game and all the other games like it. little more thinking on this one which i love. probable is not enough levels. miss the good old days when we had 80 or more levels on a game. will go back and play it again. these games are coming out not to often anymore.