I mainly love the fact that there is no Hidden Object scenes. You just are allowed to go and explore. I love the Charicters conversations, it helped the game in so many ways, I wish there were more of this game by Delaware St John.
I have now brought all 3 games for Delaware St John. This one was possibly the hardest one for me. as its such a big layout, meaning so many places to go and get lost, which I did many times. I needed the Walkthough for literally every step of the way ! There was not much clue to do half the time, Why cant Kelly and Delaware, go together and help each other to point each other in the right direction, rather than reading from a walkthough , for every word. Which meaned I had to keep going to the main screen so That I could look at the walkthough guide. So that took a lot of fun out of the game, but I did continue to finish the game, and I completed it in less than a day, So not bad really I suppose ;D But saying all that the graphics were great, And great story, but a very challanging game, it will test a lot of your gaming skills. But great game, I want more from Delaware, I would Love that !
This is a pretty spooky and at times a very fast paced game, if your looking for a game that makes your heart beat really fast and that keeps you on the edge of your seat , this is the game for you, I have brought 2 games of Delaware St John, this one and Midnight Manor. and at times, you have to get to a certain room as quickly as possible,not saying any more, you will have to discover that for yourself ! I love these games so much. Just about to buy the Seacliff Tradegy. Please Big Fish Games we need more games like this ;)
On playing the Demo,I knew I had to buy it,as I rarely find great ghost games, It tells you when you have completed a area,which I Like alot ! It would of been intresting for the room to be restored to what it used too look like,that would of been Great !
I used to be a big fan of Princess Isabella's the witch's curse I was hoping it would be simular, and have the Charicters helping you each step of the way, that would be more entertaining ! Also I was not keen on the sound of a window smashing for a hint, why not a Ghostly sound for the hint button ? I must of pressed the Hint button less than every 5 minuites during most of the game. But overal good game, But It could be a lot more intresting with help from Charicters. And I was expecting a big finaly for the Ending, It just seemed a little dull the ending, nothing that would make you feel ready for the next game. But saying all that it was a good game.