I guess I should have known by the illustration that this was a game for little kids, but it was so deadly boring that I really don't even think they would find it that fun. It basically plays itself giving way too many extra points and helps. I have to admit I only played 17 minutes but that was more than enough!
My favorite genre is match 3, and I usually prefer more complex versions like Jewel Match but I found this enjoyable, a little challenging. Good late evening get ready for bed stuff. I might buy it.
This is the first big fish game I've played that freezes up quite a bit. That's especially frustrating when you only have a couple cards left because the only solution is to close out the game and start it again. Otherwise it's a different approach with 3 styles of solitaire and a decent story. The repetitive same few notes are fairly annoying but you can turn off the sound - which is what I finally did.
I love griddlers and this one is ok but after a while it gets kind of tedious. You don't get enough clues to really be able to reason it out. You HAVE to guess at a lot of things. If you make too many mistakes or take too many hints you lose the game. That part is fine except on many of the games starting around level 5 there is just not enough info to do it without using all the hints and mistakes. I consider myself expert at these games but this one is frustrating instead of fun. I'm on level 8 and I just needed to take a break from it. So as far as challenge goes it is challenging because it is hard but not in a fun way like a lot of the fantasy mosaics. I did buy it but I'm kind of sorry I did.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Card & Board, Match 3
Fun Factor
2/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
3/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
2/ 5
At first it was enjoyable but then the card part became too easy and boring and the match 3 part was mostly unwinable unless you were in casual mode. All along the way you were collecting stars but ultimately they had no point. Ho-hum.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Card & Board, Match 3, Strategy, Time Management
Fun Factor
2/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
2/ 5
3/ 5
This is my favorite genre so I may be more critical of this than I would of other game types. I found the match 3 part super simple and boring. I found the hidden object pointless in that it was so simple. I kept thinking it would get better the farther along it got. That may be true, but not in the first hour. I am not going to buy it to see if it gets more interesting
This griddler really needs updating. It is one color. It is not possible to solve without hints which is the only thing that makes it challenging. I can only assume the high ratings came from people who have never played the multi color games. While this is my favorite type of game I did not find this enjoyable at all. I was torn about giving it a 1 or a 2.
It was hard to figure out what the point was, and even though it was simple, it was difficult to succeed. I did the whole hour to see if things got better, but they really didn't. Although after an hour I did start understanding the goal - made me realize I didn't want to buy it for sure.
I read some negative reviews but tried it anyway. Found it challenging and fun so I bought it, but then it got boring. Nothing really changes from level to level and if you use the power ups it's pretty simple. Oh well, it was fun for awhile. I'd suggest just doing the trial.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Match 3, Puzzle, Time Management
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
3/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
2/ 5
I am very much enjoying this game. It is quite challenging and there is nice variety but I have gotten to a point where to proceed every step has to have been won with 3 stars. I am not sure I will get beyond that point. I have played level 25 about 26 times and can't get more than one star. I'll look for some tips but am a little frustrated. I have moved beyond that to level 58 but have to keep going back to the ones I have only gotten one or two stars so that I have enough stars to proceed. At level 60 you need 180 stars and I'm really having trouble getting close to that. This could definitely explain why there are 10 hours of play (at least). This is my favorite type of game and this one is fun but let's see if it's winable.