Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
5/ 5
STORY: You take on the role of a detective and the game begins with an outstanding cut scene of a boy running towards a crowd of people as a famous pirate is about to be hung because a baron is jealous of him. He found out, that his wife once belonged to the pirate. He still thinks the relationship isn't over and kidnaps the young boy and just before the hanging of the famous pirate and kidnapping of the boy the pirate taunts the crowd with his pendant to find the treasure and the young boy catches it and gives it to you. Your adventure now begins as you have to find the treasure to save the boy from the baron.
WIDESCREEN: YES VOICE OVERS: YES along with incorporation of live actors into the visuals.
3 PLAY MODES: You can switch at any time. Insane mode since that's what I played there are no sparkles however black bar tips. Hint/Skip are not available.So since I didn't use them I can't comment on them.
JOURNAL: Keeps track of your progress and also list objectives. Objectives also pop up on screen.
MAP: I just checked to see if it's transporter which it is however I didn't use it at all.
HOS: 17 scenes (only 1 played twice). The ones in white color are word list. Green color are a "zoom in" with silhouettes inside each one. Red color are the interactive ones. You can also switch at any time and play Match 3.
INVENTORY: You do have to combine some items to be able to use them.
MINI GAMES: There are 16. The usual run of the mill. All I found to be on the easy side and didn't skip any of them.
ENDING: This does NOT come to a satisfactory conclusion. The bonus chapter is definitely needed.
BONUS CHAPTER: This continues the story and is very well done. Some new locations and some from the main game. 4 HOS and 3 mini games. Objects are found by silhouette and word list. They are interactive.
CE EXTRAS: Bonus chapter, strategy guide, achievements/collectibles, HOS and mini games, making of, and other fluff.
GAME LENGTH: Main: 4 1/2 hrs. Bonus: 1 hr. no hints, no skipping, no use of map.
Wow! What an amazing story. I love pirate stories. I really enjoyed this story a lot especially since it's based on true historical events and was totally engrossed in the game right from the get go with the opening cut scene and the boy running towards the crowd. This really held my interest to the very end. The graphics, cut scenes, characters voice overs, (especially the live actors in the visuals) just superb for me. While I found this to be a very easy game as I didn't use any hints or skips but this was sure A LOT of fun. Lots to do and places to go.
So why the 4 stars? There are black bar tips on what is supposed to be the hardest mode and even more important than that the bonus chapter is needed to finish the main game otherwise I would of rated this 5 stars with no hesitation if the main game ended with a conclusion and the bonus chapter be just that. A BONUS chapter. If I wouldn't of enjoyed this game that much this would of got 3 stars at the very best from me with no recommendation.
Thanks Big Fish for the sale and to the developer for an overall excellent game but please stop with the chopping off the ending of the main game and the black bar tips on the hardest mode.Just provide a custom mode and let us choose the options we want and then have it apply to the game.
As always, give it a whirl and decide for yourself.
I recommend this game!
45of47voted this as helpful.
Sable Maze: Norwich Caves Collector's Edition
Your students have gone missing during an expedition under the university. Can you track them down before the water rises?
Overall rating
5/ 5
86 of 97 found this review helpful
Another Sable Maze Winner - Review Of Completed Game
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
5/ 5
This is the second game in this series. The first being Sable Maze: Sullivan River. If you haven't played this one while this is a really great game in my opinion however not necessary. This game stands alone .
STORY: The year is 1965 and the place is Norwich University. You take on the role of Professor Edwards and have just begun at this university. The former Professor Buildson and four of your students went on an expedition and several days later they discovered a labyrinth and then went missing so you've been called upon to find them.
JOURNAL: NO however there is what looks like to me anyway a little TV and you click on that and you can replay some of the cut scenes. This also shows your trophies and collections.
OBJECTIVES: The ! and you click on that. They also pop up on the screen and tell you once completed.
MAP: This comes shortly into the game and is transporter. Shows where you are but doesn't show if there is anything to do or not. Actually it says either blocked or not available. The ones that say blocked you can go to.
3 PLAY MODES: You can change at any time during the game. Since I played Advance I didn't come across any sparkles however some black bar tips. Hint is directional outside of HOS.
HOS: Found by word list and when you find one you have to use it in the scene and that will get you to the next one. Very interactive here. Some of these I found a little challenging however I didn't use the hint at all for the HOS. I really enjoyed this part of the game.
PUZZLES: These varied in difficulty for me. Most I found easy. Some a little challenging and a couple the instructions much to be desired,. I skipped those couple.
ENDING: This came to a satisfactory conclusion for me. I didn't think the bonus chapter was necessary to get the "rest of the story."
BONUS CHAPTER: New story. This starts where the main game left off as far as location .Just a couple of locations from main game and the rest are new areas. Still the very interactive HOS along with puzzles here.
GAME LENGTH: Main: 4 hrs. Bonus: 1 hr. Maybe more/less for you.
I enjoyed this just as much as the first one. Hooked from the get go and held my interest to the very end. The graphics are really good along with the cut scenes. Liked the characters and voice overs. Game play for me was pretty easy for the most part. At first things used pretty much right away or just traveling back/forth between a couple different locations but as I moved along in the game this had some back/forth to it and dare I say I found it challenging at times. I didn't use the map. I just checked to see if it was transporter or not. This for me had a lot to do and places to go. Loved it. Having said this... I do have one criticism about this game but not enough to bring down the rating especially since I didn't use the map but I feel still needs a mention. Not sure why the developer would label it like that blocked and not available and not list if there was anything to do in the areas or not and the areas labeled "blocked" you can go there. I just found this odd.
5 stars from me. Thanks Big Fish /developer. As always give it a whirl and decide for yourself.
CE EXTRAS: Bonus Chapter Achievements Trophies Collectibles Wallpapers Strategy Guide (stays where you last left it) Concept Art
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
4/ 5
STORY: You take on the role of a detective. You have received a letter from the Mayor of Portsmouth to investigate where the ship first set to sea, and then returned some weeks later with neither cargo nor crew. A little into the game a ghostly figure Isabella appears to help assist you and giving you some back story.
9 Chapters
WIDESCREEN: YES (at least for me)
3 PLAY MODES: Casual, Advanced, Expert. The first two have sparkles. Hint/Skip quick on charge up. Expert no sparkles and slower of course. Hint is also directional outside of HOS. I played Advanced mode.
JOURNAL: Holds notes, objectives, and map. Objectives also pop up on screen.
MAP: Instead of going to the journal the map is also right next to the journal. This is transporter and shows where you are and things to do except for in Expert mode doesn't show things to do.
HOS: These are found by word list and slightly interactive. There are quite a few scenes and some visited twice however a different word list. These were well done for me. One hint here.
PUZZLES: The usual run of the mill. I didn't come across anything new. Instructions are located at bottom or some of them are in your journal but pop up next to the puzzle and you just enter it in. Skipped two of these cause they were puzzles I don't like.
THE ENDING: This ended with a satisfactory conclusion however seems to hint at a sequel.
GAME LENGTH: This was 3 hours for me. May be more/less for you.
Well I really liked this one. Hooked from the get go and held my interest to the very end. I found this to be a nice mystery to be solved. Definitely suspenseful and spooky. This definitely kept me guessing. I loved the sounds in the game of stuff creaking. The graphics for me were really good right along with the cut scenes. I also liked the characters especially the ghostly one Isabella who does assist you from time to time throughout the game and she also tells back story. This isn't as long as most of the games I've played on here but still satisfied me and still seemed to have a lot to do and places to go. I'd much rather have a shorter game and enjoy it than a longer one getting bored with it and wondering when is it going to end. Oh and while it's not necessary but I'd definitely welcome a sequel to this game.
Thanks Big Fish and Developer for a very good game.
As always, give it a whirl and decide for yourself.
The Emperor's son has a mysterious illness. As legendary healer Daiyu, you're called to the palace to save him, but you end up having to save yourself!
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
5/ 5
STORY: You take on the role of Daiyu, a legendary healer who has been called upon to save Jinhai The Emperor's son from a mystery illness.
7 Chapters (bonus and extras at the end)
WIDESCREEN: Yes at least for me. There is voice overs.
3 PLAY MODES: Casual, Challenge, Insane: All have sparkles for HOS along with black bar tips. Only Insane mode the hint/skip are disabled.You can also switch modes at any time during the game. I played Casual mode.
JOURNAL: This is the scroll down at the bottom which holds your map, objectives, notes. Also objectives do pop up on the screen.
MAP: This is transporter and you can access it either through the journal or there is a compass at the bottom. Accessing it through the compass is one step quicker. The ? marks are areas where there are active objectives and the ! are areas where there are things to do.
HEALER KIT: Shortly into the game you will get one of these. It's a little box which will be located down at the bottom of the screen by the compass. You use it to make potions and it's one of those "click when the arrow is in the green area" games.
HOS: Two types here: Interactive word list and silhouette. There are quite a few scenes however I thought they were spread out pretty evenly so you're not doing one right after the other. I thought these were well done. If you don't feel like finding objects you can switch to Mahjong and you can switch back/forth at any time during the game.
Puzzles: The usual run of the mill. These also have a ? mark for directions and some have a reset button.
Main game game ended just fine for me. I didn't feel bonus chapter needed.
Bonus Chapter: This is a new story. You must track down Master Lei and destroy him once and for all. All new locations from the main game. HOS are still the two types word list and silhouette. There's puzzles of course. You can also switch between finding objects and playing Mahjong.
CE EXTRAS NOT FOUND IN SE. Main page as of right now says they are included. They are NOT included. A smile and wink here to the Big Fish people. Please fix this. Bonus Chapter Strategy Guide 26 Achievements 41 Cranes 20 HOS 3 Bonus HOS 21 Puzzles Making Of Wallpapers and other fluff GAME LENGTH: Main game 3 hours and 45 minutes. Bonus Chapter 1 hour.
I really enjoyed this game from beginning to end. Absolutely loved the story, characters, voice overs and graphics. The only criticism I have about this game is I don't understand the purpose of 3 play modes if the developer here is going to put sparkles and black bar tips on all of them and then just disabling the hint/skip in insane mode. This was the reason I played casual mode because I do like to have hint/skip available in case needed. Please do a custom mode where we can choose what we want and then have it apply to the game. This is the reason I knocked this down a star cause I don't like the sparkles/black bar tips. Just provide hint/skip and I'll decide if I need help or not. Also some may find this a bit short however I did not. Game length was just fine for me.
Thanks Big Fish and Developer for an overall very good game. As always, give it a whirl and decide for yourself.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
5/ 5
6 CHAPTERS: Only shows first 2 during demo. Bonus Chapter/Extras at bottom.
There is widescreen (at least for me) along with voice overs.
3 PLAY MODES: Casual, Challenge, Insane. I played Challenge. Has sparkles just for HOS, black bar tips. Hint is Chip (gingerbread) helper which is directional if you are close by otherwise a portal comes up and just takes you to the area. Have to wait for him to recharge.
JOURNAL: This tells objectives which also pop up on screen along with story and a few puzzle clues. Also shows your play time down at the bottom.
MAP: This is the compass down at bottom by the strategy guide. This is transporter. Shows where you are, the objectives, and if there is anything to do.
HOS: There are 11 scenes and you play them twice. Slightly interactive. Found by word list. Most I found to be clear however some Sanford & Son junkyard pile. My term for "messy."
PUZZLES: There are 18. The usual run of the mill. I didn't come across anything I would consider new however seemed to put a little twist on them to fit the story here. These varied in challenge for me. Most I found easy but a few challenging. Skipped a couple of these.
I'm usually not much into the fairytale "cutesy" type of games or little helpers however I was hooked to this game immediate because of the opening "rhyming" narrator cut scene saying " "Once upon a time, in a village free of crime..." I just thought this narrator was excellent with the cut scene "rhyming." I was also just in awe of the whimsical cartoon graphics.I also enjoyed all the other characters especially Chip (gingerbread) helper the way he did the back story as sometimes he would forget but then when you move along he remembers some more. He was funny. I didn't find him intrusive. While I didn't find this to be a very challenging game but I had fun with this one but one thing I loathed was the cursor wanting to grab everything as it took me a bit to get the hang of this cursor along with sparkles/black bar tips is the reason I took this down a star. The main game here ended just fine for me and took me 3 1/2 hours.
BONUS CHAPTER: This is an additional story. You have to save the town. Just a couple of new locations most are from the main game. Only 4 HOS and 3 puzzle/mini games. This was just about an hour for me.
CE EXTRAS: Bonus Chapter Strategy Guide 40 cup cakes 16 achievements 15 HO Puzzles 21 Mini games 12 Wallpapers Movies Music Making Of
Thanks Big Fish and Developer for a very good game here. I also had no complaints on game length. This was just right for me. It seemed longer than that to me but I will say just from reading this will be too short for some people. As always, give it a whirl and decide for yourself.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
5/ 5
Story: You take on the role of a detective and have been chosen as the newest member of The Order of Light and must travel to Sorrow's Well to meet with the town elder Elton Finch to save his daughter Penelope who has been kidnapped by the Dark Lord.
9 CHAPTERS: Bonus review and CE extras listed at bottom
WIDESCREEN: Filled my monitor just fine. No tech issues.
There is voice overs.
There is a journal but I didn't pay any attention to this and didn't need it for any of the puzzles. I was way too involved in the game.
3 PLAY MODES: CASUAL: Has sparkles, fast refill for hints and skips. Has a transporter map that shows all locations and active tasks.
ADVANCED: Has no sparkles, longer refills, and the map "shows active tasks after you use a hint." I'm not sure what this means, since the active tasks are marked when you open the map? This is transporter.
HARDCORE: Has no hints, no skips, no sparkles, no map indicators.
I played Advance mode. I can't comment on its helpfulness outside of HOS as I didn't use it.
HOS: There are two different kinds.
SILHOUETTE: You have to find the objects at the bottom. Finding one will lead you to another as you have to place them back into the scene. Very interactive here.
WORD LIST: The ones in a different color are the interactive ones.
There's also like a "mini-game" puzzle in some of these. I had no problem here. Didn't need to use the hint.
PUZZLES :The usual run of the mill found in many games. I didn't come across anything new. Most are repeated throughout the game but I found most of them doable. I did skip a couple of these. The skip seemed pretty quick for me. There is also an info button to get directions on the puzzles and some have a reset button.
The main game here for me didn't come to a satisfactory conclusion as I felt the bonus chapter was needed.
MAIN GAME LENGTH: 6 hours. May be more/less for you.
I've played and reviewed the CE and I must say I was hesitant to download this but thought I'd give it a whirl and so glad I dd as I was hooked from the get go and held my interest to the very end.
I thought the graphics and especially the comic style art work for the cut scenes which told further back story to the story being told just awesome. I also liked the characters and the voice overs a well done here.
While the game play overall wasn't very challenging as the inventory was pretty much used right away or I didn't have to travel too far to use it I still enjoyed a lot especially the HOS scenes and the puzzles while I'm not a fan of these for me most were doable, I still found this a lot to do and places to go.
Overall a 4 stars from me. I usually don't rate games this high if the ending is abrupt but other than that I really liked this one and the bonus chapter does address it very well at least for me. I enjoyed this game too much to rate it lower than 4 stars but I can't give it 5 because of the abrupt ending and while there were no sparkles on the Advance mode but there were still black bar tips. Please do future games where I can chose to have no sparkles/black bar tips and keep the hint and skip available in case needed.
Thanks Big Fish and Developer for a very good game. As always, give it a whirl and decide for yourself.
This seemed to be a new story to me however does address and wrap up the abrupt ending of the main game quite well. A very well done here. Still have your transporter map if needed. I liked the balance of HOS, puzzles and traveling back/forth. I enjoyed this with the exception of needing it to complete the main game.
BONUS CHAPTER LENGTH: 1 1/2 hours. May be more/less for you.
CE EXTRAS: Bonus chapter STRATEGY GUIDE: Pages 1-50 is main game 51-68 is bonus chapter. 34 OWLS and 11 BESTIARY SCROLLS to find. FRESCO PARTS, which can be put together if you find them all. ACHIEVEMENTS which includes 20 trivial questions about the game which I thought was pretty neat as I've never seen this before. WALLPAPERS CONCEPT ART MUSIC
A long-forgotten artifact has just resurfaced, and the race to claim it will cause a devastating war. The only thing strong enough to stop it is one woman's promise to the man she loves.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
5/ 5
Story: You take on the role of Catherine Taylor and must stop a devastating war over a long lost artifact that has recently resurfaced and uncover the truth of the Cobra's Eye and not only save your true love Daniel but the world from evil forces known as the Draugs trying to claim it.
There is widescreen at least for me. I had no problems here along with no tech issues. There is voice overs.
6 CHAPTERS (I have also included bonus review at very bottom)
2 play modes: I played Advance mode the hardest mode. No sparkles however black bar tips. Hint/Skip about a couple of minutes for charge up. Hint is also directional outside of HOS.
JOURNAL: Holds objectives which also pop up on the screen along with notes.
MAP: This is transporter with a total of 32 locations and it indicates where you are by a "yellow glow" to the circle. Areas with ! there is something to do in these areas.
HOS: There are quite a few of these however I didn't find myself doing them one right after the other and there are a couple on each list that are interactive. Some scenes for me a little on the Sanford & Son junkyard pile side however most nice and clear.
INVENTORY: Sometimes used right away but at times I had quite a bit in the inventory.
PUZZLES: These are widely varied in difficulty and type - and there are a great many of them. Yet another to my surprise I found myself enjoying most of them.
The main game here came to a satisfactory conclusion for me. Bonus chapter not needed.
MAIN GAME LENGTH: 6 hours. May be more/less for you.
I have played and reviewed the CE version when that came out and just as I promised I said I would give the SE version here 5 stars. The only thing for me that kept the CE version from getting 5 stars was there are no bells and whistles meaning the achievements, collectibles, morphs. Yes I rate SE and CE versions of games different. Since I'm paying twice as much for the CE well I do expect bells and whistles.
So for a SE this definitely gets 5 stars from me. I really enjoyed the story. Hooked from the get go and held my interest to the end. The graphics are really good, Loved the characters that is Catherine's sense of humor and oh the eye candy in this game that being the 2 male hunks. The voice overs also very good however characters mouths don't move. I also still have the screen saver of Daniel on my desk top. This game also had a lot to do and places to go.
Thanks Big Fish and developer for a great game. As always give it a whirl and decide for yourself.
BONUS CHAPTER: This is a new story that has to do with a lady from Catherine's past who is out to seek revenge and getting more back story on the Cobra's eye. This has 10 locations which are all new and none from the main game. A nice balance of HOS and puzzles here as well. This also came to a satisfactory conclusion for me with no kind of cliff hanger. This was an hour for me. May be more/less for you.
CE EXTRAS: Bonus Chapter Strategy Guide 3 Bonus Movies 12 Wallpapers (woo hoo eye candy here lol) 12 Concept Art 4 Original Score
I recommend this game!
126of137voted this as helpful.
Nightmares from the Deep: The Siren's Call
Face off against Davy Jones and his nightmares from the deep!
Overall rating
5/ 5
27 of 30 found this review helpful
The Best I've Played At The Big Fish - Review Of Completed Game
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
5/ 5
If you haven't played the first in this series Nightmares from the Deep: The Cursed Heart while this game does reference back to this, I think this game stands alone on its own quite well and not necessary.
STORY: You once again take on the role of Sarah Black and must once again face off against the notorious Davy Jones but this time he has an evil accomplice Mayor Murray who you are trying to help to keep the siren, Calliope, from this evil mayor who is half human and half fish and also turning the townspeople of Kingsmouth into sea creatures.
3 PLAY MODES: I played the hardest mode which is Expert and this mode has black bar tips but no sparkles. Hint/Skip slower on charge up but didn't seem that long to me. Hint is directional outside of HOS.
JOURNAL: Holds objectives (also pop up on screen) along with notes.
MAP: Is transporter but doesn't show active locations on the map. I didn't use it at all. Just checked to see if it was transporter or not.
Displayed just superb in widescreen for me. No tech issues. There is voice overs
HOS: These are interactive and found by word list, objects listed at bottom where you find one, put back into scene that will lead you to finding another one along with silhouettes of items. There's also a "mini game" in some of these. It was stated in reviews that you could switch back/forth between doing this or playing Mahjong. My downloaded version of this game doesn't have Mahjong??
PUZZLES: The usual run of the mill but some with a new twist on them and there's quite a few.
OVERALL IMPRESSION: I have played and completed the CE version. WOW! What a rush and intense game. Lots of drama/action going on here. There were a couple of scenes in this game that actually startled me and about made me jump out of the chair. By far the best I've played here at Big Fish.
I loved the storyline. The cut scenes and graphics to me are just superb right along with the characters and voice overs. This was also the right amount of challenge for me. Not too hard or too easy though I still wished there were no black bar tips. At first inventory used pretty much right away but more into the game there was some back/forth to this. A nice balance of HOS and puzzles as well. To my surprise since I'm not really a fan of the puzzles but since I enjoyed this game so much I found myself enjoying most of these as well. This just had a lot to do and places to go. The main game here also came to a satisfactory conclusion for me.
GAME LENGTH: This was close to 7 hours for me but I did spend some extra time with this game as I can tell the developer here put some time, thought, and work into this game. May be more/less for you.
A definite 5 stars from me. Thanks Big Fish and Developer for an awesome game. This ROCKS!
As always, give it a whirl and decide for yourself.
CE EXTRAS: Bonus Chapter Strategy Guide 11 Achievements Objects to find: 19 Golden Octopi 18 Silver Parrots 7 Brass Sea Horses Other extras: 8 Concept Art 24 Cut Scenes 9 HO Puzzles 6 Music 10 Wallpapers
You've arrived in the peaceful resort town of Aurora Peak to investigate some mysterious local crystals. But the devious plot you uncover there could endanger the entire world!
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
3/ 5
STORY: You take on the role of a geologist and you get a call from your brother Alan to join him to investigate some of the odd mutated plants and animals along with some mysterious crystals at your grandfather's resort - Aurora Peak.
There is Widescreen (at least for me)
There is Voice-over.
3 PLAY MODES: Easy, Medium, Hard. In Easy mode, the Hint button takes 60 seconds to recharge. In Medium mode, the Hint button takes 3 minutes to recharge. Skip is the same for charge up. Hint is also helpful outside of HOS as I tried it out during my demo time before I actually started playing the game. In Hard mode, sparkles and hints are disabled, and you cannot skip puzzles. There are black bar tips however.
BOX: There is also a box at the bottom that will give you the stories of the different characters as you encounter them.
MAP: This is transporter and shows where you are, where there is things to do and also shows areas with ? marks that haven't been discovered yet.
HOS: A very nice variety here: Word list, silhouette, place items back into the scene and they are very interactive here. I thought these were really well done here.
PUZZLES: I really didn't come across anything new: Rotate rings, get the bear out of the maze, making potions, etc.
I have played and purchased the CE. I thought this was a good game. The graphics for me were nicely done. I also liked the characters and voice overs though characters mouths don't move. I do think the story could of been more suspenseful. The main game here did come to a satisfactory conclusion and while I did enjoy the bonus chapter I didn't feel it was needed to complete the main game. I also wish all developers would do a custom mode and let the game player decide if they want sparkles, black bar tips, hint/skip fast charge up or have them disabled. Shouldn't see black bar tips and/or sparkles on the harder mode. Just give me a hint and skip and I'll decide if I need to use them or not.
GAME LENGTH: The main game here for me was about 4 hours. May be more/less for you.
Overall 4 stars from me. Thanks Big Fish and Developer for a good game here.
As always, give it a whirl and decide for yourself.
CE EXTRAS: Bonus Chapter Strategy Guide 20 achievements 20 morphing objects Wallpapers Gallery of Concept Art and Music Mini-games (6HOS & 15 puzzles)
I'm not sure how many chapters this has as it only shows the first chapter during the demo in the strategy guide.
In order for this game to go into widescreen I had to deselect the "wide monitor" in the options section.
There is voice overs
3 play modes: Casual, Normal, Expert. Casual has sparkles and black bar tips. Normal no sparkles but has black bar tips. Expert mode did state hint and map not available. Says nothing about the skip for the puzzles. I played Normal mode. I didn't need the hint but just clicked on it to see what it would do and it is directional and charges up quick along with the skip.
Shortly into the game you get a little helper pointy eared little guy and you also have to find little creatures called Snoop-Sees. For every 3 you find you uncover a new page in the secret encyclopedia.
MAP: This is transporter. It does show where you are as the location will "glow" on the map. Red circles are "areas of interest" you can transport back/forth. Blue circles you have to wait for the "teleport" to charge up.
HOS: I only came across one scene find 10 turtles and 10 snails. Also a frog scene (find pieces of items). I had no problems here locating anything.
PUZZLES: I did 3 during the demo. Nothing hard or new here.
The graphics are beautifully done and the storyline while it's been done many times before I still found it intriguing however this game is just way too "cutesy" for my taste. I also usually enjoy and prefer voice overs in a game but the little "helper" pointy eared guy talks way too much and way too helpful in my opinion. He was annoying for me. As for finding the "Snoop-Sees creatures well not hard at all. These are in plain sight and can't be missed. Oh no fellow fish of the pond if you are not into "dress up" and/or name the creatures well I didn't come across any of that during the demo but it might come later. Oh and what's up with the map having to wait for it to charge up? Are you kidding me? LOL!
Overall sorry Big Fish and developer but the best I can do for this is 1 star and that's for the graphics. This is a definite no go for me. I'm staying far away from Nearwood. I just found this game downright boring and would cure insomnia. There is nothing here that makes this game CE worthy for me. There are no achievements and locating the Snoop-Sees doesn't cut it for me. I also won't be purchasing the SE when that is released. I wouldn't buy at the $2.99 or even a game club credit or if I had a coupon code that was ready to expire.
CE Extras: Bonus Chapter Strategy Guide 5 games - just shows 5 of this developers games that are for sale. 11 Sound Track 8 Wallpapers Snoopedia - secret encyclopedia
As always, give it a whirl and decide for yourself.