I have all the Lost Land games and they are by far my favorites. I play them over and over. For some reason, the creators made this one a little different. In most games you can change the player's name and play again, gathering all the collectibles. Not with this game though, because it doesn't ask for a player name. Even un-and reinstalling didn't help. Why? That's for the makers to answer.
I have all the games in the MOA series and this is the best one I've seen - they've outdone themselves. I beta tested this game and have been watching for it to come out. I absolutely love all the puzzles in this one and got so engrossed in the story, especially toward the end, I forgot to look for all the extras, lol! I'll find them next time though, because I'll play this one over and over, just as I've done with their others.
I don't review many games although I've been playing for years, but this game is without a doubt the most frustrating game I've ever played. Without the hint or the map I didn't have a clue where to go next or what to do. This is the absolute worst game at hopping around I've ever played, and call me crazy, but the mini games were the best part.
Sorry, Big Fish, but except for the mini games, this one is a dud and I'm glad it was a two for one so I don't feel like I completely wasted my money.
I have bought all the games in the Fear for Sale series, and have loved every one of them until I got to this one. HOGs are way too easy and this one made the least sense of any game I've seen lately. There was lots of wasted graphics and entirely too much conversation for my taste.
I bought this game a few years ago and play it over and over trying to better my times. I check every month for a sequel, but alas, none have materialized so far. My beloved laughs when he hears the sound effects - 'yeah honey, I'm milking cows again, lol.'
I have loved all the MCF games - they are classics and what got me hooked on HO games. This one is not what I expected and I'm glad I didn't pay full price.
Some of the downsides for me were too much jumping back & forth and it's impossible to know what to do next or where to go without repeatedly using hints (almost every move).
The mini puzzles, which I usually love, were extremely complicated and impossible to do without detailed instructions, which are provided, thank goodness.