Mystery Trackers series is officially dead. There is nothing really new here. The game is trivial, puzzles are trivial, everything can be done within two screens, three is a maximum. The storyline does not lineup with the initial idea. The game is good for new kids on the block. The rest can easily pass on.
I did not like the story all that much. It seems to be artificial and not scary. The more you proceed forward, the more you feel asleep. I did not engage me all that much. Pretty good for beginners.
Too many rooms, too many HOPs, too many similar puzzles. With the very good start the game leads you nowhere, after 2 hours of playing you completely loose the sense of storyline? Is this a ravenhearst? No. It is a copy of what the original game used to be with completely pointless ending. The more you come to the end the more the game irritates you so you sit and wait for the final break through of this endless maze
with a lot of back and forth and some questionable puzzles this game adds an extra A count to the series. The gameplay is enormous in size and sometimes and it is impossible to remember where things are. In the end I just wanted to finish the game no matter what even though I became super tired of it.
The series becomes worse and worse. The beginning was challenging especially went you had to go back and do things again and again to save the girl. That's something new we have not seen before. Afterwards the game turns to a typical EARs game with very plain plot. I think the best chapter was "Salvation of the Lost" - it took them one year to make the game that's why it was super cool, then the series went downhill with very easy puzzles and no scary factor. Been there, seen that. Not that impressive.