A strange and deadly pollen is spreading around the world, and you’ve been hired to track down its source. But the secrets you discover in the fabled kingdom of Floralia are much darker than you imagined...
Gust another game that leaves me in awe. I loved it. I especially loved how it seemed that they had a little bit of the elements of the movie Tangled in this story. Also once again love how elements of previous games come in, and that there seems to be a way that all these characters in every game connect. Loved it.
Once again another beautiful game coming from Blue Tea Game. I love how most of the basics and the heart of the story are a part of the game, but the details have been changed in a way that makes me love it.
I am pretty sure I'm addicted to the Dark Parables series. It's just a beautiful game. I love how you can tell it's a series, because things in previous games sometimes come back in the most unexpected and awesome ways! LOVE IT!
Just another great game. I absolutely love this series. I love the visuals. It seems to me every game gets a bit better in the visual department, but they still manage to keep it beautiful, and while realistic, it's still fairy tale esque.
I loved this game, once again the visuals were amazing and, the story line this time was even more enjoyable, mostly because while it had a fairy tale character that everyone knows, they kind of portrayed her in a different light and that was really intriguing and enjoyable for me.
this is just another great game from Blue Tea Games. I am once again in awe of the detail, the cutscenes. this game is absolutely beautiful, love the story line, really connects me to my inner child, and those stories.
I absolutely love this game. I love how there is an actual storyline, and I love the cutscenes. It really helps me connect and understand the characters.I love how the hidden object part isn't the only thing you do you also do puzzles, and those are a lot of fun too. It's just a great game and would recommend it to anyone.