Don't recommend. Tiny objects with no clue what they are or where to put them. With the help of hint, even once I did, I wasn't sure what in the world it was. I play to relax. Hinting my way through a game isn't quite the idea of that. Hinting my way through some is ok in my book but not more than half.
As in so many games today, the English is poor. What race likes for their own language to be poorly given? Stick with true English developers for the English language and true other languages for the other languages.
Can't read their minds. Big Fish sure has declined in the last few years.
Hard to see the things to find. Gliches. Many of the problems the beta users commented on were not fixed. Many hints are not helpful. Poor English. Made some sense but poor. Graphics are meh. Nice but this developer team is usually much better.
It's a decline rather than improvement. Sad.
I wish I had not purchased it. Might have to take these games off my list of favs.
I don't know what is going on in the last few years. I think the pay is poor and the developers are new. That's a mistake. It will be a bad mistake eventually. Too many of us players are beginning to quit playing BigFish games.
ALL DEVELOPERS READ THIS especially the newer ones
PostedOctober 17, 2023
Skill Level:Intermediate
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
5/ 5
GO DOMINI! I don't usually leave reviews but the newer games I have played lately are just lacking. So I am going to give A BIG NOD TO DOMINI'S HALLOWEEN CHRONICLES DEVELOPERS!
There's much to learn from older games. And this is one of my older games. Halloween Chronicles: Cursed Family. The games coming out these days, 2023, are just not making the fun grade! It is challenging to develop a fun game, I get that, but today, I feel there's no special effort from developers. Anyone can make an item to place here or go there. The magic is in the plot and items that reflect that plot.
Ok. When I move into another scene and I am excited to start finding and figuring things, it is a good thing! When I move into another area and feel dread, that is NOT a good thing!
The developers at Domini do a great job at keeping things fun.
If I cannot see an item, I cannot find it. Sighing in frustration is not what I look for in a good game. I play to relax, not stress. ALL DEVELOPERS need to remember this.
AND, I love that inventory items that need things added can show the shadows of these items. It helps understand what the developer intends. Since I cannot read minds, it’s a great help!
I like to know what I am doing and what things look like. When I am searching for items, it's great when all these items tie into the plot and/or scheme. This is the key, for me, that makes a game a game and not a HEADACHE. After all, having fun is the name of the game.
Simply put, boring. Story line is awesome and the only reason I played as far as I did. The developer of the HOPs wanted to make them a challenge but making things hard to see isn't the way to go. I lost interest. Love that Nessy, tho. Poor Nessy. Stuck in such a boring game.
I found myself slowly getting bored. Ever since the shut down, these games have lost their appeal and fun. I guess Domini needs their older developers back.
I played two others in this series and found them more enjoyable then this one.
I am not sure what is going on with Domini but the games as of late just do not stack up as fun or exciting. Boring is more like it. I don't know if I will even finish it. I am trying. I put a group of markers into slots just to get the item in the last slot. Like, yuk. I had not idea I was even suppose to use that item and there was nothing to indicate that the item was "not going to move" until I added the markers. Too many instances of this example. The game just isn't what it use to be.
I have clicked on several items, etc and nothing happened but come back later and clicked again and something happened. Glichy? I do not know but this lowers the enjoyment. Not looking to get frustrtd but to relax; so I play on easy. The same "lack of response" happened a few times in HOP but not bad. The HOPs are great! Some originality there!
I like the storyline, pretty much. Challenge is fine except the clicking issues. Not the kind of challenge I want.. Visual and sound is good. Fun level is lower because of same problem.
Hint didn't respond a few times even after several minutes. I am wondering if this game was allowed to be played by the beta testers.
When I was playing the fingerprint puzzle, I accidentally exited, When I clicked back in, puzzle had reset. Yuk.
Beginners might struggle with instructions because it isn't explanatory enough.
I have always enjoyed the Bonfire Stories series but this one was the grandest! I love the new methods of search and play. Immersive and Fun!!! Like a good book, I couldn't put it down. Next, please?!!
There's no "skip" nor "hint" feature for the puzzle side of this game. Yuk!!! It's bad enough having to play a type of puzzle you do not want to play, but to have no remedy! I do NOT recommend San Francisco!
There was more emphasis on difficulty (got to be able to somewhat "see" the items to find them!) rather than adventure. Hunt after hunt, not enough adventure, developers were more interested in seeing how hard they could make it to see an item. That's great for those who want to just seek and find but not so much for impaired sight or adventure seeking. Didn't finish, not even close, so I cannot comment on story although I wish I could learn about the facts.