Thank you for listening to your fans, this game is ABSOLUTELY what we were hoping for.....for the loyal MCF fans like us!!!! We were mind blown and hit with nostalgia all at once!!!! We appreciate the efforts, dedications, and your patience of listening to our complaints and concerns. The storyline is remarkably on point with everything we remembered from the past games!!!!! My daughter and I were really taken aback when it popped up on the BigFish page. That's when it sunk in who we were voicing our opinions to; compassionate ,understanding, and caring people, with the determination to appease their fans!!!! Kudos to the developers, staff, and the company GrandMA Studios!!!!! We are very grateful for this experience....AGAIN!!!!!
We had high hopes for this game and unfortunately, we were sadly disappointed...AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!! We totally agree with the naysayers who are dedicated MCF fans/family who feel the same way we do. Gone are the days of the old MCF (Ravenhurst, blah, blah, blah). We really hesitated this year to buy the game and that has become a recurring thing over the years. After playing the demo, we really debated whether to buy it or not. Fortunately, we had points. We will continue to HOPEFULLY look forward to future MCF games and we hope the developers will listen to what we, the MCF fan community, expect from the MCF legacy.
I've been a loyal fan to the MCF franchise since it first came out in 2005 ......and I've noticed that over the years the MCF games have changed not only companies BUT the overall creepy horror factor of solving 'who done it' storylines has been missing ever since! Every MCF games that I've purchased in the past have had the VERY BEST STORYLINES that gave us (my daughter and I) chills, thrills, excitement, and mind-boggling stories of Dalimar and his wicked evil antics of self-greediness and control that was something out of horror movie. Don't get us wrong, we have appreciated and enjoyed all of the different changes in visuals, music, sounds, and plot twists that added to the experiences of the games, but it doesn't have the same elements that made us fall in love from the start.
MCF ALWAYS have great story lines no matter what!!!! This game here tops it all with mysterious " who done it " vibes and such!!!! No complaints from what I see ....whomever this company is....keep up the good work. As long as you can keep a great story line like this, I am happy and content with it!!! Could care less if this or that company created should be fun to solve stuff anyway!!!!! Life is so precious and short to be nagging about what's wrong with this game.....if you got something better......bring it to the table!!!!! YOU'RE WELCOME!!!!!!!!