The game is very buggy. -Full screen is off the edges of my monitor. And not full screen had things that didn't quite line up. Mostly this was cosmetic (like the stars at the end of a level) but it was annoying. -Many times when clicking on people I get literally "default text" as the response rather than information. -Randomly crashed at one point.
The game is ok. You can't queue actions (at least not on the hardest difficulty, didn't try the others) which is not my preferred game style, but I wouldn't ding a game review for that since others like it. But the annoying bugs make it a solid no from me.
With only 25 pretty simple levels, this game simply didn't deliver in line with its price. 40-50 levels is pretty standard in Time Management games. This is a rip off.
The CE apparently also had a bug, though it was at level 43 and BFG did respond to reviews requesting it be fixed, so I'm trying that here (because my bug report hasn't gotten a response yet). This game looks like it has interesting potential, but only if it is actually possible to complete level 10--which it currently isn't.