Rarely do I play a game from start to finish. This was such a game. This game completely drew me in. Really liked the artwork. Had to think about some of the puzzles. Liked having to remember where numerous items were to collect later. More challenging than a lot of the games we see lately in that there is no hand-holding. Hint is helpful, but I wish it would stay on the screen a bit longer. (My only negative about this game.) But, that made me try harder to figure something out while I waited to use the hint again. I highly recommend this game for anyone looking for something different. Major kudos to the developers.
It has been a long while since I wanted to play a game straight through. Loved the story line. Graphics and voiceovers set the mood. Overall an excellent game, in my opinion.
I don't know why I didn't buy this game when it was released. I bought it this year as the Daily Deal. Totally worth getting. Yes, it is somewhat short and 'old school', but just so very enjoyable at Christmastime. I will be replaying this next Christmas.
I almost didn't try the game due to the overall rating. But, I liked the past Nevertales games and thought I'd use a PCC for this one. Not disappointed at all. I play games mainly for the adventure and storyline. This had both in my opinion. Loved it! Will play it again, for sure.
I decided to try this due to the latest reviews. The graphics are gorgeous and the music haunting.
It is not easy to know what to do next, but I feel like I accomplished something once I figure something out. I like that challenge. I won't be rushing through this game, that's for sure.
Gameplay is a bit clunky. But, once I got the hang of it, I was able to move forward a bit more easily. Tiny sparkles point out active areas. Golden balls indicate there are items to find. Click the gold ball to have a 'wheel' display showing you want needs to be found. In another review, someone pointed out that the end of the cursor shows Hand, Arrow, etc. That was helpful to know.
Reset and Skip options are available for the puzzles. They are tiny icons at the bottom left and right of the puzzle window. No wait time for Skip to be available.
A walk-through is available on the developer's web site. I don't think I'd buy this game without that WT being available. :) The Hint system isn't always that helpful...
I tested up through the house and into the next section. No issues.
I will buy this game. But, it may be one I play off and on.
I have to join in with other 'Disappointed' reviewers. I literally started to groan when another 'hidden object scene' presented itself. They were all so similar. So tedious.
Repeated games also became tedious. I would leave the computer to do some household chore while waiting for the Skip buttom to become available.
I can never leave a game unfinished, so continued to the end. But, boy, was I happy to have this game over and done with. For me, the gorgeous artwork could not make up for the repetition of the gameplay.
Really enjoyed this game - Will replay in the future
PostedNovember 20, 2011
fromHerndon, VA
Skill Level:Expert
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
Game kept me interested from start to finish. For me, that's a mark of a good game.
Gorgeous graphics. Did not mind not having a map and having to 'walk' a lot since I enjoyed looking at the details in each scene. Game play was about three hours. Loading time between scenes was very quick for me, but I do have a fast system.
Loved certain aspects of the game. Things that I have not seen in any other game or were done with such a twist to make them novel.
Minor negatives: * Would have appreciated a journal. But, in actuality, I did only write down a few things. * Sometimes, clicking or placing an item did not take the first time (or the hot spot was not large enough). So mechanics felt a bit awkward.