Enjoyed the game but when I finished the CE version there were only 40 levels, game over. No additional levels which I'm used to seeing in other CE games by other developers. Then I saw people couldn't get past level 25 in the standard version! What is up with that? This developer is now on my "Do Not Buy" list.
When I saw the title it seemed to strike a memory so I downloaded it and when I opened it I went back and bought it, didn't want to play demo and then get kicked out as I knew I would keep playing! This type of game intrigues me now as I'm getting tired, so is my finger and hand, of constantly clicking faster and faster to get tasks done. I love TM games but this type of Strategy game is really the best. Take your time, figure out what to do next and where to go to accomplish necessary tasks to move on. Very playable and I found myself playing on and on.
Now the But...way too short! When I saw The End, I couldn't believe that was it. I immediately downloaded the first Episode, which I bought in 2013, and started playing, remembering some but enjoying the game. I'm maybe 1/2 way through that and have more time invested than in finishing Tales 1. So I see that they are setting it up for a series which means you might have to buy 3 games to get 1 of the previous versions. Like Britons Season 1, 2, 3 but those were as long as the original series.
In closing, as I seemed to have gone on a bit, a great buy and can't wait for the next one, just give us a bit longer Adventure. (Can't wait to finish 1 then go on to play 2 & 3).
Also Devs, I would love to see more of these types of games and yes, I would pay more if you gave me the play time!
Read the few reviews but was convinced I'd buy it anyway. Was happy to see all the 5 Stars. Don't have anything new to add as to how fun and challenging the game is but I do have a couple comments for the Devs:
1) Don't start the game immediately, start it when you click on a move to make.
2) With 1 in mind make sure you can still place your cursor over an item to see how much it will cost to construct/destroy. This way you can plan an attack on the level.
3) Have a "Skip Dialogue" button, I read it the first time but if I'm replaying the level I don't need to see it again as I just want to get playing.
With those in mind I think the game would be near Perfect!
Always happy to see a new TM come out, not enough for me. As there is nothing really new with this one the challenge is great at Expert level but a little disappointing also. The tasks are well laid out and the sequence needs to be thought out but not being able to get three stars on the 3rd level is crazy. After numerous tries I decided to move on, which I almost never do in any TM game, and come to find out you have to upgrade workers down the road so they move faster to perform their tasks, unlike the structure of most TM games. This may have been true on their previous games but I can't remember and will have to go back and check.
As for the CE version I usually expect a Strategy Guide which this does not have. Maybe you don't need it if you play far enough along to boost all workers to maximum speed then go back and retry early levels to get 3 stars. It does give you extra levels and I'm torn as whether to wait buy this or wait for the standard version.
One last thing is that I think, as I have old hands and fingers, is that there is too much clicking, click for food, click for taxes and click for I don't know what else as I've stopped at level 5 after time ran out.
A good buy for those that are TM starved and after I wait a while I'll probably go back and buy the CE version and be on with it to see what else it has to offer. It's just not a game that I have to have right now.
OK, why review when all reviews are 5 Star? Because that is what this game and series is. Funny, just finished playing the Adelantado Trilogy in normal and hard mode and this comes out, well it was an instant purchase and can't stop playing. It's amazing because the developer actually worked on making the game better, graphics, flow and even the music is enjoyable. I do despise the way they hide some of the caches but hey, play in easy mode, get the flow of the game, find the treasures and then go beat it in the normal mode, not real tough, but then try the hard mode, not easy at all! So love the different levels of play also. Could say more, especially can't wait for Season 3 (everything good comes in threes!) but need to get back to playing!
One of my all time favorite TM/Strategy game. Not just collect and build but decide what buildings you need to accomplish the tasks at hand. As you move on you get new type of buildings and you need to find the right combination to get the Gold!. Strategy guide is very good if you get stuck but I like to try to finish gold w/o peeking, but have resorted to a hint or two. Overall a very enjoyable game and hopefully it won't be 5 years until the next chapter. My only suggestion would be to have an easier timed difficulty selection.
Favorite Genre(s):Large File, Strategy, Time Management
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
4/ 5
This reminds me a lot of Green City which I really liked. Not a straight line TM game this takes some actual planning. You have multiple types of buildings that you need to combine to reach different goals on each level, so it always seems a bit different. Not sure of finding Amulets as I'm on level 20 and haven't seen one yet, or have missed them. Strategy Guide is simple and I've only needed it once so far but I'm sure once you have access to all the buildings it might prove helpful to figure out the building combinations.
Wish there was a skip dialogue button for when you replay a level. Story line is pretty good, a bit long but overall I've read a lot worse.
Would recommend and it's different than the Roads of Rome type of TM games that it keeps you interested.