I loved the 4 previous and therefor bought this one as well. Apart from the graphics that is great as always the storyline seems to have been created by a bunch of people who never spoke to eachother but made up their tiny room. You get no explanation why or how or where the detectives go. Suddenly someone is for no reason in a room and yes timetravelling is part of the series but this is more teleporting in the present, only it is highly unclear to the reason. It is frustrating at the least and the villains are given little to none background. The game is also quite short. You can do some much better EG games!
This was my first buy from BFG in 2009 when I had a Mac, unfortunatly I went over to PC a couple of years later. And now 13 years later I have bought it for PC and it still thrills me! Especially now since travelling has become very diffcult with Covid. The black and white cut scenes about Jack the Ripper are awsome and the locations are real and beautiful or scary:)
These games have become my Christmas tradition. Even though lately I have had little time for games I go back every Christmas to play the new story. This year's story is one of the better I think and as usual I get the bonus game....a cat game! My gift for myself and my 3 cats every year now. Oh and there were precious little HOS so the story just went on fine (if you skip all the minigames, which I am ashamed to say I do), and just was a real sweet thing for Christmas!
I am amazed, stunned and blown away! I remember the feeling when the first Surface game was released and well I didn't think it would happen again since HOBs have been quite straight forward the past like 10 years. But this is new, uniqe and just as fantastic as that feeling of wonder I had 10 years ago. How it only recieve 4 stars is also a wonder....This is the game of the year for me!
I recommend this game!
53of66voted this as helpful.
Ominous Objects: Family Portrait Collector's Edition
A father returns home to find his children missing - all but one, who refuses to say a word...
Great game with a scary story! Collectibles are coins so you can buy things to your cat companion, which makes perfect sense. No morphing objects- yay! HOS are very intricate- super varied and sometimes contains mini-puzzles. Overall a very neat game. If I would raise any objection, it is the male voice....he sounds like all the scary stuff, including having his family abducted, is "a bit of a nuisance".
I loved Dracula I, great story, fun and challenging game and also a relaxed mode BUT TM games really do not become great CE games. I know there are collectibles but a bonus game? I gave up half into the bonus game on Dracula I but by then it had become boring, the actual story kept me on my feet for its whole length but I do not want a bonus game in a TM game just so you can charge me the double! Yet it is super fun so having two spare credits I purchased it but plz make TM games SE games!
This is a fantastic game with a creative plot loosely based on Alice in Wonderland. The rabbit for example is a man but you will recognize him instantly as The White Rabbit (won't tell you how since it'd be a spoiler). There are both collectibles and morphing objects, something I am not the greatest fan of but here you can see where to seek them on the map (rare in HOGs but not unheard of) AND you have a counter on the left side of the screen that tells you exactly how many collectibles there are left to find in this scene (wonderful!!!). I love Alice and have played lots of not so good games based on the book. This is a complete makeover and it is actually the best Alice game I've ever played on PC or Android. The HOS are not too many and there are so many other interactives that you do, from using a compass to find lost things to a watch that let you travel btw you and your.... (still don't want to spoil it). This game has a lot o never seen things in a game for sure!!!
(and in Sweden July offers plenty) I find myself reading lots and lots of reviews on BF to find the game I want even if it isn't a new one....Whenever you find a gem it is such a joy and this one is a super gem! I wanted a point and click game, no HOS today thank you, good graphics, great psychological story and great animations...Got it all! Like other reviewers I think this being an SE is such a bargain!
to one of my favourite games ever! And what a sequel! Super good graphics, nice music, a narrators voice (the persons do not speak themselves which is actually fine beacause the narrator makes fun of them). This is a point and click game with so much fun built in it! What a delight to have it released on womens' day since Loreen is the bold hero here as in the first game. For those who likes collectibles there is such an achievment and there are three game moods, from causual to expert.
Since it has been four or five years since the first one I didn't buy it straight off....what if it would be a disappointment....12 minutes into the trial I realised there was not going to be any disappointment at all....just hilarious moments and good gameplay! Buy it!
I enjoy playing these straightforward HOG makeover games a lot. This is one of the better ones. Good graphics, really liked the music and you get extra coins in the scenes and can zoom in to have a better look. Best of all though was the householdtips!!!! I live in a country which is cold 7 months a year and we now have an icefree entrance for example. After every scene you get a tip and some are just golden ones!