I've always loved the VV games so bought this without trying first. BIG mistake!!! Good story line, good concept but way too little to actually do. The majority of the game is dependent upon having kids running around looking for collectibles. I'm sorry but panning around and around and around is NOT my idea of fun. You have to acquire tech points to advance and again, there is so little to do it takes forever to do so. And trying to get any of the villagers to learn new things is like trying to wrangle cats. You have to keep putting them back over and over and over again. Add to that the fact that so far all but one in two different tribes is slow as molasses it takes FOREVER to get anything done! The challenges? Make 10 stews, make 50 stews, make 10 cutting tools, make 50 cutting tools...make 25 villagers burp soapy burps. Whoo-hoo, hold me back with all this excitement!!! And just try solving the puzzles without using a cheat...not gonna happen. Drop 2 kids and 1 adult on this thing here when it appears after this happens then do it multiple times, Seriously, who is going to think to do that??? In the previous VV's you could at least get a feel for what you should do next but this one leaves you mostly clueless...and bored out of your flipping mind.
This game started with a bang, totally addicting, but is ending in a pathetic whimper!!! It's a lot like FB Farmville but the extra tasks aren't very interesting. And having started it once then restarting it I learned to hold onto my gold coins to purchase things on the higher levels...these were then wiped out when I bought something that said it was 16 gold when it was apparently 160! And the higher levels...OMG will they ever end??? You need more and more points to level up while the tasks and crops continue at the same low and slow rate!!! It's taking a week to get to the next level and I'm absolutely bored out of my mind!!! But unfortunately I'm half way through level 31 out of 34 levels and am too stubborn to quit. And absolutely won't buy gold coins to speed things up so I guess it will continue to drag on for a few more weeks then be deleted forever!!!
If the whiplash from all the back and forthing doesn't get you, the sheer absurdity of the storyline will. I don't expect my game plots to be Oscar worthy, but I do expect them to make some sense and follow-able. This had neither. Hints all over the place in the form of letters, newspaper articles, etc. but even after the main character summarized it all at the end, I'm still not sure what the heck happened. So many characters I had no idea who anyone was or how they fit into the story. (Although their mini-bios are in the journal but if you have to figure it out that way it sucks all the fun out of it) The HO's were actually kind of FRO's where, "You need to get the lawnmower working, find the wheels, blades, cord, gas can, etc." That would have been fine except a circle popped up in the middle of the scene with the things you needed to find. And once each thing was found instead of disappearing that picture went from a tan background to a white one. So basically you're trying to find things with a big ole' circle blocking your view which was unbelievably distracting. There's a journal with a map telling you where things still needed to be done or else I would never have finished. There was absolutely no logic to the game so that you could, heaven forbid, use your brain to reason out "hmm, I bet I could use this axe to knock down that door to, etc., etc." And that was because you pretty much found everything just when you needed to use it. Meaning you frequently walked around with absolutely nothing in your inventory so of course you had no clue what to do next. Big variety of mini-games but either ridiculously easy, as in 2 moves and done, or impossible to figure out and the instructions absolutely worthless. Was soooooo happy when it was over!!!
I absolutely loved the first Haunted Manor so bought this without trying it first. BIG mistake!!! This was an absolute bore. The storyline could have been good...but wasn't. Big, old, beautiful mansion, deserted for unknown reasons. Wow, isn't that going to be a blast to wander through investigating??? But you don't. You jump through mirrors to get from one room to the next, spending very little time and seeing very little. And the characters were so completely undeveloped I couldn't have cared less about them. I played in the "adventure" mode and man what a headache. It was a cross between absolute hand holding and being completely lost about what to do next. And you had to go in the order they wanted you to, no straying from the path. Sparkles? Do your HO first cuz you're not moving on otherwise. And all those other little glints, don't bother to click on them cuz you won't be able to do a thing til that HO gets done. You see a dozen candles laying all over the room and an empty candelabra hanging overhead? Forget about it til the game tells you otherwise because you absolutely will NOT be allowed to pick up one single candle until then. The "adventure" mode meant no sparkles...yeah right. But what it didn't give you was "the hand" when you hovered over something you needed. Then punished you if you clicked too often trying to figure out what the heck it wanted you to find! You're in an armory and you need to cut a rope. Can you use the swords or battle axes lying all over the place? No! And speaking of armory, or at least the word, I have a pretty large vocabulary and even I found some of the "clues" in the HO's to be pretty "Huh???". Leading to random clicking and...you guessed it...penalties! Finished it (cuz I'm stubborn like that), hated it, deleted it.
In a nutshell, all you did was back and forth, back and forth. Find one thing, back across town. Fit it where it goes and it gives you that one thing that you need...on the other side of town. Way too many HO's and those were the same ones over and over again. Lots of mini-games...the same ones over and over again. Boring...frustrating...deleted.
Bought this cheap without trying it first or reading any of the reviews...BIG mistake. I like a challenge that really makes me think, but all this did was make me think, "Are you kidding me???" There was absolutely no rhyme or reason to this thing, no logical steps to get from beginning to end. When I had to consult the walk through for the 3rd time, I was done. If a game is so convoluted you have to have your hand held the whole time, that sucks all of the fun out of it for me...and this was definitely one of those. Definitely try it before you buy it, no matter how cheap it's offered.
Bought without trying first, and while I certainly didn't hate it, I won't play it again. It was easy, but it kept you going pretty much constantly so I didn't find it slow. The scenes tended to be a little...undefined, as in not crisp pictures. If this had been a regular HOG it would have been awful, but they were FROGs and the pieces were off color just enough to make them mostly pretty easy to find. Pretty good variety of mini games but I'm still pretty fuzzy on the actual story line. Took me about 2 1/2 hours with lots of breaks. Gave me something to do in the middle of the night, but would really only recommend it for young kids.
When I first started playing these games I frequently bought the daily deals without trying them first. BIG mistake. Finally got around to trying this one out and deleted it less than an hour in. Pretty much pure HOGs, which would be fine if you like that. But these scenes were absolutely ridiculous. Tiny, cluttered, blurry...things that didn't look anything like what they were being called. (That unrecognizable lump is a muffin???) Hints only refill when you go off island and explore the dark cave for diamonds. Dark cave, small and poorly lit torch, and "diamonds" too small to even see. Do NOT waste your time...and at least it only cost me $3.
What a cute game!!! The bad reviews all seem to be based on "boring, not enough excitement, no mini-games, etc., etc." Well the description says it all...you buy an inn and fix it up, just how exciting can you expect it to be??? I am a big fan of the scary, exciting, make you jump HOG's, but this really was a nice change of pace. Beautiful graphics, if not a bit glitchy in spots, especially jumping back and forth between the garden and the inn. Really pretty challenging as far as finding things goes although some items were tiny or 3/4 of the way off the screen. But you're given 3 different "helpers" the inn's cat, magnets and firecrackers...(it makes sense when you play it). Plus the items give a quick "flash" after a while if you don't seem to be finding them so I rarely used my hint button. The biggest annoyance was the "innkeeper" who followed you everywhere and felt the need to direct you in everything you did. I would think "yes I want to skip the tutorial" just once is sufficient, and shouldn't be required in each new room. Plus it's set up so if there's a vacuum cleaner in the room, every time you pass it it "vrooms", the phone "rings", the radio "blares", etc. I finally just muted everything. If you've ever dreamed of doing up an old house or designing a beautiful garden, you'll love this game. If you're looking for excitement and adventure, skip it. All in all a really enjoyable game...for $2.99... but I wouldn't pay the full amount for it.
Vampire story...less than 5 hours long and you don't meet your first (and only) vampire until 3 hours in. The first half of the game was finding exactly what you needed right when you needed it. The second half was running around with so many things brewing you'd half to write it all down to remember. Lots of HO's...that popped up as a screen inside a screen making it smaller and more difficult to see. Lots and lots of mini-games, never the same thing twice. Some so easy it's a joke, others with no real idea what to do so click around and oops, you win and way too many with no clear instructions, no idea what to do, no logical way to win so skip. I skipped more mini-games in this than any other game I've played. The ending...Ooo, we escaped...wanna go on a date? Blech! Just all around bad.