I was looking forward to the return of Rick and a return to the regular Paranormal Files games. Sadly the main game is by far the weakest of the series.While the basic premise of the story had potential the main game fails to take advantage of it.The story was weak, the characters flat, and the mini games and HOGs where overly simple.
I have the collector edition and that storyline was actually much better and should have been the basis of the main story even if the games themselves were overly simplistic.
I recommend the game because I love the series. Just don't have high expectations.
While the visuals and sound were nice the storyline was lackluster. The plot was choppy, much of it made little or no sense, and several times plot points were basically dropped on the floor and forgotten.
It is short and not very challenging. Domini has been trending in that direction and seems to be just cranking out games to do so and not paying attention to creating games people would want to play again. Goes into my 'well, never playing that again' column.
I am glad to see Elephant Games starting a new series. That said, this was not a good first impression.
While the sound and visuals are good the challenge level is subpar. It took me about an hour to complete the game and at no time did I ever think 'wow, this is a difficult puzzle.'
The storyline has potential but was executed in very jarring ways. The jumps from one scene to another and the PTSD-style flashbacks and hallucinations are handled in a ham-fisted and clunky way.
All in all I was very disappointed and it was not a good start. Something seems to have gone wrong at Elephant Games like so many other developers. I hope they are able to pull themselves out of whatever nosedive they appear to be in.
I have enjoyed the Labyrinths of the World Series and own almost all of them. This latest entry was not up to the standards Domini had set in earlier games.
The graphics and sounds are good and retain the style of previous games. The storyline was okay, a little choppy and on occasion contrived, but that is true of a lot of the casual games.
The puzzles and hidden object sets were too easy or too simple. I don't mind an occasional 'palette cleanser' of a simple puzzle mixed in with more complicated entries. In this game all of the puzzles were simple. So much so it took me less than 2 hours do both the main game and the bonus game. While BFG is running the special price it was worth it but I would not pay full price for it.
I have all of the MT games and have, for the most part, enjoyed them thoroughly. This entry, however, was just okay. it was easier than I had expected, it took me less than 3 hours to play everything, including the bonus game. The visuals and sound were so so. The storyline has some interesting possibilities for the future, especially what is introduced in the bonus game.
All in all, okay but just not up to snuff.
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Phantasmat: Town of Lost Hope Collector's Edition
Carrying the lives of many on your shoulders, you are forced to balance on the tightrope placed between life and death.
Overall rating
3/ 5
It was okay
PostedJuly 18, 2016
Skill Level:Expert
Favorite Genre(s):Hidden Object
Fun Factor
3/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
2/ 5
3/ 5
While the storyline had potential and they do a good job capturing the atmosphere it lacked any real tension and both the main game and the bonus game were WAY too short.