Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Match 3, Puzzle
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
5/ 5
Finally something refreshing. An imaginative adventure. Nicely done, cartoon style, colorful pictures. Fantastic characters. Wonderful puzzle. Not too challenging. Pure entertainment for (unfortunately, could have been more) nearly four hours. Fun on the train.
My rating is based on playing the entire SE. It meets most of of my requirements. Nearly decent length: about 4 hours to play. Could have lasted longer.
A lot of interesting puzzles: Including some “superpuzzle”, which I love most. It could have been a little bit more challenging, I skipped one puzzle, solely I didn’t like it and looked only once at the map. All in all: not too difficult. Could have been more challenging.
The Story is quite o.k, not boring. Some mysteries to solve (nomen est omen). You’re a detective and looking for your missing friend Eleanor Codington, searching for her at her estate, which is quite a long time abandoned. People say, this estate is haunted.
There are a lot of locations to discover. Nice graphics. A little bit dark. Fitting to the story. Mostly 5-7 to play. It is neither too obvious, nor really hard to find the needed objects. Difficulty can be customized. Tutorial, sparkles, map issues, glitter, contextual pointer, plus item indicator, helping texts, penalty and hint / skip recharge.
Currently I’m playing some of my old games. MCF is one of my top 3 series, nearly every game is excellent. Even the old HO-only games, were quite interesting to play. But this game cannot keep up to the older MFC games. Nevertheless, it is a good one. Not bad to play.
Currently I’m playing some of my old games. MCF - for sure - is, one of my top 3 series, nearly every game is excellent. Even the old HO-only games, were quite interesting to play. Remembering the challenge of the MCF games at that time -10 years ago - I can say, I‘ve improved my skills quite nice. Back then, Madam Fate with 18 superpuzzles was one of the toughest games. Now - even still interesting to play - it's not too difficult anymore. At least compared to Fate’s Carnival.
This is certainly one of the most demanding, challenging games. One has to think very hard. And out of the box. And a lot. 10 very hard superpuzzle: I love best.
You can choose between 5 difficulties, I’d played the second easiest and this was still tricky. In the second part, you’ve to discover and play 25 location, a lot of them about most of the game. That’s nice, because the findings are not obvious. You’ve many objects in your inventory and time will show, what is needed. Thus, not an easy going. The map is quite helpful, when you’re stuck. I used it sometimes and honestly: I skipped 2 puzzles. And needed once or twice help and round about 11:30 hours. Though I’ve played it already at the beginning of 2014. From my point of view are the current games mostly too easy and far too short. I’d like more games like this one.
The story is creepy and dark, but this is because of Allister Dalimar. He is a dark one. He and his family. Again and again. Will they ever been stopped?
If you like puzzles and are interested in using your brain: try this one.
My rating is based on playing the entire SE. It meets all of my requirements. Good story, challenging puzzles. Decent lengths. Great graphics. The whereabouts are not too obvious. At the beginning, you’re collecting many things, not knowing what to do with.
It is more likely an adventures game, but a HO. Absolutely one of my favorites.
My rating is based on playing the entire SE in 1:45 hours. Thus, is does not meet one of my main requirements: games should be long lasting. It could have been a good game: Great graphics and Voice-over. Nice locations. Nice puzzles, but not very challenging. You’re looking with your uncle for your missing father. One surprising turn during the story: when the silver egg is not going to be a silver knight, but a rotten egg. Sometimes slightly implausible, e.g. when your former foe seems to be an ally (without explanation) or meeting your father after 10 years and he is standing there, watching you saving the world. Sure thing.
Can’t be customized in all criteria. Hint and skip recharge very short. You’re a detective, looking into a disappearance of a couple, happened years ago. It seems now, that Helen is a ghost. You’re going to release her and by the way, her boyfriend too. Some nice gimmicks along the game, click and enjoy. MiniGames: Most of them pretty easy: e.g. Puzzle, Hoses …but increasing difficulty during the game. HO’s nicely done, slightly interactive, you can switch to a puzzle. Still this silly laugh, which is supposed to be devilish. Really guys?
All in all a good one: fine quality, adventure part challenging enough, decent length (played 4 1/2 hours). Story not the most exciting and logical one, but o.k.
Creepy story. A mix between fantasy and nightmare. Not uninteresting, adventure part had some challenges. Can’t be customized in all criteria, but the main ones. Just a few not very difficult minigames. HO’s not bad, you can’t switch to another mode. Length: I needed not even 3 hours for completing. All in all: well done, but nothing surprising, nothing new.
My rating is based on playing the entire SE. It meets all of my requirements, such as challenging puzzles, an exciting story and great graphics. Nice add-on: You can choose gender and an avatar.
- Story: What if they come after you? You’re a detective, called to rescue a kidnapped fiancé. But when you’re talking to Marjory some masked guys appear trying to silence her. And asked her to bring a ransom to the hospital at midnight. Interestingly, you have a countdown. The villain are one step ahead of you. The end is a little bit sad, on the one hand a forgiving husband on the other hand, a fiancé who is still sick.
- Difficulty can be customized in main criteria: Tutorial, sparkles, helping texts, penalty and hint / skip recharge.
- Graphics/locations: Still some of the best graphics ever.
- Animation and Voice-overs: Excellent.
- Music: The main theme is simple brilliant. An earworm. It is quite mesmerizing.
- Tools: You have the usual interactive map and a mechanical cat, lending you a helping paw or eye. Whatever you need. Very helpful.
- HO’s: Really, really well-crafted. Interactive. Several different types such as description, silhouettes, completing pairs.
- Mini games: Not so many. But not that easy.
- Adventure part: All locations unfold step by step (as usual) but then are available throughout the game. Not all to solve in succession, but in loops.
- Length: I needed about 4 ½ to five hours for completing.
My rating is based on playing the entire SE. It meets most of my requirements, except length and limited adjustability of difficulty. Therefore I rated only 3 stars.
- Story: Fantasy, fairy tale. The story depends on the choices you make. That was quite interesting. And had consequences in the final. Your friend Jenny was kidnapped. You have to find her and rescue her. An evil sorcerer is going to use her, to reincarnate his deceased wife.
- Difficulty can be customized partly. Tutorial, sparkles, map issues, glitter, penalty and hint / skip recharge. Not adjustable: contextual pointer, plus item indicator, helping texts
- Graphics/locations: fairytale like. Interesting style, which was east European. Has reminded me of the old Russian fables.
- Animation and Voice-overs and Music: Good job.
- Tools: you have an interactive map only.
- HO’s: Typical types such as descriptions and silhouettes. Nothing new. Not particularly difficult. You can’t switch to another mode.
- Adventure part: Standard: 3-5 scenes to be investigated. The tasks are logical, nothing far-fetched but also nothing that requires much thought.
Dislikes: - Length: I needed not even 3 hours for completing.
My rating is based on playing the entire SE. It meets most of my requirements, such as decent length, interesting mini-games, finest art and excellent technique. A gave 4 stars because of the story. The game itself is high-class.
- Story: Phantasy Story. It seems, you have inherited the burden to be the guardian of Arden. You have to protect the amulet of your grandfather at all costs. Faith of both worlds - Arden and Earth - depends on you. The story is a little bit boring. May be, I’ve played too many games – it seems, the stories are going to resemble themselves: A hero defends - one or more worlds - against some evil sorcerer or kings or megalomaniacs. There was nothing new. No surprising twists. No humor.
- Difficulty can be customized in all criteria: Tutorial, sparkles, map issues, glitter, contextual pointer, plus item indicator, helping texts, penalty and hint / skip recharge.
- Graphics/locations: great. Very imaginative and fitting.
- Music, animation, voice-overs: high standard.
- Tools: you have an interactive map and a magical amulet.
- HO’s: Usual types such as riddles, description, silhouettes. Slightly interactive. From my point of view, they improved during the game and were finally quite nice. You can switch to a bubble popper game.
- Mini games: Some were interesting and not that easy. Nothing new, but nice variations.
- Adventure part: Playing w/o helping texts was quite demanding. It was not very obvious –after all however logical. I tried to play w/o hints, but had to use one. As is customary 5-8 locations were to be investigated.