Favorite Genre(s):Word, Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Card & Board, Strategy, Brain Teaser, Time Management
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
5/ 5
Heads up -- this is one of the few times that the "extreme" warning given is appropriate. I'm a veteran of Silent Hill, Resident Evil, and Left 4 Dead, but this game still managed to creep me right out. There are a number of jump scares (although you know they're coming, they're stretched out juuuuust enough to make an impact when they do happen), but there's also quite a bit of disturbing imagery and story. I've only played the demo so far (downloading the game right now, so spoiler warning - I say it's a must buy!), but I'm getting a pretty good idea of where the story may be heading (played too many horror games to not know most of the classics "twists"). Even so, I'm anxious to see how they play it out! It's a bit Silent Hill-ish, with some Jacob's Ladder moments thrown in for good measure, and I was a bit reminded by some Stephen King stories, as well. Right up my street! For extras, there's a guide (although I never looked at it, so don't know how helpful it is), an extra chapter that I'm excited to check out if the end-demo teaser is anything to go by, and lots of the usual suspects - achievements, collectibles (little figurines - I found two in the demo - that give more depth to the back story), making-of, wallpapers, etc. I've never been too interested in the extras in the CEs (I buy them mainly for the extra gameplay and sometimes the music) but this is the first time since Twin Vaccines that I really want to check out the behind-the-scenes content. Take that as you will. The artwork is absolutely stunning, not much voice work in the demo but what I've heard so far is really well done. I had to play with the sound turned down low so as not to disturb my husband (no headphones), so I'm not really sure if there were sound effects. There were lots of musical stings that I recognized from tons of movies and games before, so that's probably not too original. Animations were very well done and, like I said, very reminiscent of Jacob's Ladder and Silent Hill. Be warned that there is blood and dead bodies and it looks like there may be some onscreen violence later in the game. I'm all over that, but your mileage may vary. In short (too late!), this is the game that I'd hoped the Shiver and Redrum series of games would be (and disappointingly weren't). It's not overly difficult (at least, not so far), but I'm okay with that if the gameplay is entertaining, and it is. Thank you, Big Fish, for a truly horrific game! :D
This is probably the most unique game on Big Fish right now. I bought it when it first came out and have continuously gone back to it, completing it over and over and never getting tired of it. It teases my brain just enough when all I want to do is relax, and it tickles my ears with lovely harmonies. Music is my life and this game is a wonderful combination of aural puzzles, seek and find, basic key-lock puzzles, and classic tunes throughout history. If you have a tin ear, you can still play this game, as gameplay uses colours and shapes as additional clues with the music puzzles. The only bad thing I can possibly say about this game is that it's very short and that it's still the only one I've ever found like this! Please developers, could we please please PLEASE get a sequel? Maybe two or three?? :)
*Review is based on trial* I'm a huge fan of the first game, Dorian Gray Syndrome, and this next installment of the BoC series has raised the bar incredibly high. The artwork and animation is absolutely stunning. The animation in particular is far superior to any other game currently on BFG, the voice acting is fabulous, and the puzzles unique and fun. The storyline had me engrossed, despite it being the standard and over-used cliche of "someone has been kidnapped and you must save them" -- it did make me laugh out loud, however, when the detective told Owen that if his daughter HAD been kidnapped, she only had - *gasp* - 30 DAYS to live! 30 days? Seriously?! They couldn't have chosen a shorter period of time to ratchet up the tension a little, say, a couple of days, or even a week? Well, despite that early misstep, I did get drawn into the story, although I was more concerned with solving the mystery than saving the girl. But, hey, whatever gets the job done, right? The strategy guide only gives you the first two chapters, so I don't know yet how long the game actually is, but if it's anything like the first game, it's worth every cent of the CE price. I couldn't wait - I purchased and am downloading it right now as I write this review. With only two entries so far, Brink of Consciousness is already becoming one of my favourite game series.
I'll admit I didn't discover this series until well into it (my first purchase was The Exiled Prince), but as soon as I started playing my first Blue Tea game, they became my favourite game developers and the Dark Parables, my new favourite series (sorry, MCF, but you lost me with your latest release!)
I'd like to address a few points I've seen in previous reviews, if I may: 1) No access to SG in demo and no idea of length: I purchased this game the second it became available, stayed home all day today to play it, and can honestly say that it's worth every penny of the CE price. The main story took me about 5+ hours to complete and the bonus game was longer than previous bonuses in the series. 2) Animal cruelty: Seriously?! This is an issue?! The opening scene is of a little girl being chased by vicious wolves, they are going to SAVAGELY RIP HER APART, and folks are disturbed that the *wolves* are the ones that get taken down?!?! The wolves destroy an ENTIRE TOWN OF INNOCENT PEOPLE and it's upsetting that you see a couple of *wolves* get killed?!?! You know what, I'm not even addressing this point -- if you have issues with this, nothing I say in this review will change your mind. 3) Ease of puzzles: Short answer -- they get harder. Holy heck, do they ever. I will be haunted by that stupid marble puzzle until I can finally complete one without having to skip the darn thing. You shall not defeat me, puzzle!!
As for my own personal impressions: I loved this game! The mechanics are no different from previous DP games, but if it ain't broke, why fix it? The art, as always, is exquisite, the music is gorgeous, the voice-over talent top-notch, and the story unique and engaging. I agree with a previous poster that it's a bit boggling that an ancient and skilled order of female hunters could be taken down so easily, but, in the story's defense, they *do* get ambushed unexpectedly -- no matter HOW trained you are, being overwhelmed by dozens of wolves would knock you on your butt. The little (and big) shout-outs to previous games was a wonderful touch, and the teaser at the conclusion made me squee - can't wait for the next DP game!! Blue Tea Games haven't let me down yet and I own every single Collector's Edition game they've released so far - keep it up, guys!
I'm usually more of an HOG girl, but downloaded this one on a whim as it looked a bit more interesting than your usual Match 3. I'm so glad I gave it a chance!! If you're not usually into M-3s, I can honestly say that this one spins the genre on its head! Yes, there are the usual M-3 games, using your matches to score points in battles against other pirate ships, giant squid, octopuses (octopi??#, and the Queen's finest military ships out to bring you down. Each enemy has their own weakness #e.g., ships will get more damage from cannons, squid and octopus will get more damage from spears, etc.# and those weaknesses make sense, plus you gain gold and shipmates if you match quickly during your turn. However, there's a LOT more to this game! There are Keno-style games, where you place your crewmembers on a grid and hope they dig up treasure and not bombs #I've lost a lot of good men in search of treasure...<bows head respectfully>#. There's also a casino where you can play the slots or blackjack. There's a M-3 where you have to clear the path for Mary Ann to get to the treasure, and of course, there's your basic M-3 where you're just trying to clear the board. In order to get supplies, maps, and other goodies, you sail your ship around a bay #watch for the reefs!# and pick up the items that are the goal #i.e., 5 giant squid so your men can eat, 5 pieces of a map, 5 sails to get your ship rigged, etc.# I can't even begin to count the number of hours I've spent on this game and I'm not close to finished. You start out with a linear path, but as you progress, the path branches out and you can play different hubs as you work your way across the 5 different maps #and each map is huge...I'm on my 4th map and have been playing for ages). So if you're not in the mood for M-3, you can play the slots, or you can play a battle game, or wherever the wind may take you! Arr mateys, it be a jolly good time, highly recommended!
I was so looking forward to this game after watching the preview! I loved the cardboard graphics and the logic puzzle-style of gameplay was right up my alley. I thought I'd just buy it right out, but I'm glad I tried it out first! The only thing I couldn't stand about this game was the movement controls - they STINK! You have to click-and-drag and the cursor constantly gets stuck, so you click madly to free it and end up clicking something you didn't mean to - it's frustrating! It's so disappointing...this would've been one of my favourite games if not for the motion control. Why couldn't they have given you the option of using the arrow keys to move the screen instead??? Despite that, I still recommend this game - perhaps others won't find the movement issues as much of a problem, and the gameplay, graphics and music are adorable!