In this installment of the Secrets series, of which I have only played Eclipse Mountain, sixteen year old Marie Kolak is captured via a portal generated from a flower she receives from an unknown source for her 16th birthday. In the portal world, an evil being was spawned from a certain flower. Some time later, the being was defeated but her servant is trying to revive her. He needs three pure souls to feed to the flower in order to regenerate the evil being.
Marie's father, Joseph, is a former military pilot who has called you in to investigate and get his daughter back. An event occurred during his military service that made him and Marie a target of the the being. Village fortune-teller Stephanie is available to help guide you.
Overlooking the explosion of pink and purple which opens the game, the artwork and cut scenes are fairly well done - except for a small plane which is quite out of scale and far too small. You'll transport between the two worlds several times as you progress. The world inside the portal is quite dark, and relies more on a palette of greens, grays and browns.
Game play is not heavy on hidden objects The ones there are are not simple lists, but require interaction. Puzzles are fairly standard, a little more difficult than the easy ones we've seen recently, but not hard. You have a device to dispel the barriers the spirit puts in your way, it's very simple to use.
Music, sound effects and voices are good, but the character's lips do not move.
The CE has collectible flowers "HERE I AM." and morphing objects "HERE I AM.", but these are large and obvious, "HEY YOU!"
In my opinion, while there is nothing wildly distinctive about the story or play, it seems to be well made and at least has some moderate degree of difficulty. Of the two editions, the flower I would pick is the standard.
I recommend this game!
45of48voted this as helpful.
Witch Hunters: Full Moon Ceremony Collector's Edition
Defeat the evil witches and save the world from eternal darkness!
The story of Full Moon Ceremony is that a Moon Queen is soon to be chosen to rule over the world of light, but a group of witches, curiously including Medusa, wants to prevent this and so they destroy the magic mirror. Until the mirror is restored, the moon queen cannot be chosen. Why? - don't ask, it is a fairy tale. The game begins as the mirror is delivered to your house and an ugly magical dwarf breaks the mirror and threatens your family.
The actual immediate threat is the dwarf destroying your house room by room. The story is lacking in many details, but it takes place in the present day as the first scene shows a modern delivery truck. However your house apparently is stuck in the past - or the developers are - still utilizing old-style keys and a crank-type phonograph. Each time you entered a new room , the dwarf or another being would appear and do bad things - something that became annoying even before the end of the trial,
The artwork was good quality, using a full palette and was easy enough to look at. It is good but not spectacular, and for me did not really succeed in creating the immersive atmosphere that is seen in the better games. The voice actors use a totally over-the-top style, more suitable for younger players to appreciate. Sounds were ok - which reminds me, when will someone include a sound for the key falling onto the newspaper?
The game play was probably the best part of the game. You'll have to think a little bit about what to do next, adventure style. The hidden objects were fairly easy to spot but not huge like other recent games. The puzzles were ok as well, easy to moderate. You also have a cat helper, but it was not needed during the trial.
What the game lacks is a single compelling character to make sense of the story - the dwarf isn't - instead of a new creature popping up every time you enter a new area.
There are 35 morphing objects which are a challenge to spot, and the usual achievements, bonus play, strategy guide - I didn't look, and no, I don't ask for directions either - and the usual pseudo extras.
Full Moon Ceremony needs more to make me stop and howl at it.
The expedition continues... Track down the fragments of King Solomon's crown and foil a madman's plot in this exciting follow-up to the bestselling series!
The Hidden Expedition series has been a fairly strong one, with the last offering - Hope Diamond - one of the best in this reviewer's opinion.
First off, let me say what this game is NOT. It is not a story about a princess, fairies, or talking animals (so far, so good). It is also not historical - yes, Solomon was a historical figure, but there is no legend about his crown. But okay, I'll play along.
You are a member of H.E.L.P., an organization that recruited you in the last episode - but it's not necessary to have played it for this installment. As the title suggests, the goal is to retrieve all the pieces of Solomon's crown, which is supposed to have incredible power, i.e.,wisdom of Solomon. Of course, evil smugglers are also trying to get the pieces and you must not let that happen or - End Of The World. You have a communication device to keep in touch with the H.E.L.P. team.
The drawing and artwork is colorful but grainy, not quite as good as Hope Diamond. Voices are fairly good. Puzzles and hidden objects (there are not too many) are very, very (did I say very?) easy. Objects in your inventory are used pretty much right after collecting them, so that's easy too.
In th Collector's Edition (CE) there are collectible crowns, morphing objects, a slew of achievements, (including watching the entire credits) and a souvenir room. And the usual bonus play and strategy guide.
I was frankly disappointed. Yes, there is a lot to do, but the locations are not compelling, the artwork is not distinctive, the play is far too easy and the story way too predictable. It's an ordinary game, playable but soon forgettable. It may please beginners, but not more experienced players.
Wisdom of Solomon? Not required. Three stars
Update: ok I bought the CE anyway (there was a sale) and I decided this is better than average so I will update my rating to 3-1/2 stars. I did have some problems with having to click the EXACT spot to complete a task which caused some confusion. It is still not as good as Hope Diamond but worth a good look.
A portal to another world. An ancient artifact. A devilish black cloud. You must put everything right or evil will triumph.
Did I mention anything new yet? Well don't expect it.
I have played two prior games in the Amaranthine Voyage series, both were pretty good. One, Living Mountain, was very good.
Perhaps I played the demo of a different game than the other reviewers. The characters were not very interesting. I did not care whether they escape from Anther or defeat the evil Torment. The game has far too much pink and purple - and then you enter the portal to Anther where it just gets worse. To top it off, objects in the inventory are used in illogical ways.
The story is presented on a level for young children, so they might appreciate it.
For the game play, I am introducing a two new terms based on this game. "Pseudo-hidden objects" and "pseudo-puzzles". You get the idea, I don't need to elaborate.
The rest of the game, such as it is, is ok as far as quality of drawing and voices. I'd say a good game for beginners to these games or for children.
A bus crashes near an abandoned motel in Kansas cornfield country. Missing people. Strange black cloud. Unexplainable events. In short, nothing new - but there is still potential.
As you might have guessed this is a dark, scary story, but to the developer's credit, it begins in broad daylight. Nevertheless, they still manage to convey a creepy atmosphere by using a slightly grainy drawing motif, which fits with the story that began about ten years earlier than the "present day" (early 1960's).
The voices are Ok, nothing special. The dialog is slow enough to easily read, and maybe even too slow at times with quite a few pauses. These are live actors, and their lips almost synch with the voices. Visually, the actors fit nicely into the scenes, with no obvious bright edges or looking like they were added later.
Game play is fairly standard, except there is less emphasis on hidden object scenes and a greater emphasis on puzzles. Even the hidden object scenes are structured like a puzzle, where you use objects you found to find others. The puzzles draw you in - at times literally.
There is a camera, Polaroid-style of course- not invented until 1972, which takes pictures in the background (listen for the shutter) and saves them to your journal. There is also a jump map which this reviewer did not need to use during the demo.
In the CE there are 34 collectible dollar bills which you can use to purchase items.
The game has enough atmosphere, creepiness, and playability to make up for the lack of an original storyline. Fright is a decent scare, but I still would recommend the SE as I don't see enough here to make me jump THAT high.
Update after completing game - I stand by my original review and recommend the SE over the CE. This is an Ok game. What keeps it from being five star is the live actors dialog. It is extremely slow, with many, many pauses and the live actors also are not that good. The dollar bill collectibles are not hard to find and the gift shop does not have much interesting to "purchase." The bonus play story is short, does not make much sense, and adds nothing to the end of the original game.
As the story goes, after marriage and two children Maria's husband leaves her for another woman and takes the children with him. Heartbroken, Maria drowns herself. Supposedly her spirit kidnaps wayward children to get revenge, so the town holds a yearly festival to "appease" her. You arrive in town to solve this mystery.
The first thing to notice is that the designers have *at last* re-discovered that there are colors other than pink and purple. This is a very colorful game, but in keeping with the culture in which it is set. Hard to believe, but you will actually see browns, greens and reds. All combines to nicely portray a small town in Mexico.
The decision to use voices with a Mexican accent I believe was a good one. It helps with the storytelling and the actors do a good job, in my opinion, without it becoming a caricature. Sounds and music were also good - noticeable and appropriate, adding to the atmosphere without being a distraction.
Game play is also refreshing. The hidden object scenes are standard list types, with some interaction. However the puzzles actually require some thinking. You also really need to use your powers of observation. I liked all the puzzles during the trial except the painted skull (no 2 colors can touch) but I simply do not care for that type puzzle, just my personal preference.
This being a CE there are morphing objects (flowers) and hidden objects (skulls). The skulls require an action to reveal. And also the usual pseudos.
This is a good, solid game which shines a little brighter because so many recent games have been hard to distinguish from each other.
Weeping Woman gets four tears.
I recommend this game!
27of30voted this as helpful.
Sable Maze: Forbidden Garden Collector's Edition
Your parents always told you to stay away from the mysterious maze behind their house…. and you’re about to find out why.
Overall rating
2/ 5
52 of 70 found this review helpful
Forbidden Garden Is An Original, Imaginative Game - If You Never Played Before
You return home to your fiance and parents for your wedding. Except your fiance gets pullled into a portal by the fairies on the other side. Your parents are incapacitated, so you must go through the portal to rescue your fiance and undo whatever was done.
Wow, is this out already? I got a "sneak peak" of this game only last week. I was wondering what the reaction would be to what happens to the mother.
Something positive should go here. OK, the drawing is good quality and voices are good.
All the BF developers have evidently run out of ideas:
Every game has some type of portal - mirror, painting, gate etc. Every game has a cute (debatable) animal helper. Every game has ridiculously easy play. Every game is aimed at children. Every game is pink and purple. Every game is the same.
If that is the standard, this game is the perfect game. Some like this style, so to them I say, enjoy.
For 25 years, you thought you had no family. But one night, a man steps through a mirror from another world, claiming to be your uncle... changing your life forever.
Ho hum, another in a series of what I call "pink and purple" games. Some of us fishes, *ahem* do not care for pink and purple games - and I don't just mean the colors.
In this one, you are supposedly an orphan, but one day your uncle walks out of a mirror with an owl sitting on his shoulder. He invites you to follow him back through the mirror to find your parents, but just then a monster from the mirror attacks him. Naturally, you are the ONLY ONE who can defeat the evil so and so. The rest of the story gets sillier as somehow the mirror worlds have to do with human dreams, and Vi Animo - or something. *Sigh* Spare me this silliness.
There is a lot of dialog needed to explain this convoluted story, so be prepared to listen carefully if you choose to follow this, um ... tale.
This game also *reflects* other recent games in it's very easy and simplistic game play. Do not expect to be challenged unless you are a very beginning player. Hidden object scenes are very standard, puzzles as well. Very easy to complete. This does appeal to some.
On the Hard setting, there are no sparkles. There is a jump *map* - if you can call it a map, It's really just a link to each scene as there is no geographical connection.
In the CE version, there are collectible leaves which are semi-transparent to make them harder to see. They would be the most challenging feature, except you can click a "fly-out" on the left of the screen and it will tell you how many leaves are there. makes it a little easier. The CE also has a Bonus Chapter and a Hidden Chapter. There are the usual other pseudo-extras that have no effect on my decision to purchase.
This reviewer hopes Reflections of pink is not a *reflection* of where future games are going because, in his humble opinion, the mirror should be re-framed or just plain covered over. I'll pass even with the sale.
That's my honest opinion - probably not too popular here though. Let me know what you think.
Mirror worlds, book worlds, spells, etc. Red-eyed ugly evil being Missing child, your daughter, with special powers. Everything drenched in pink and purple. Men? They are either crippled, evil or automatons.
This game is obviously designed to appeal to the female fishes. As that type of game, it is fine. There is a dollhouse that you must use to progress. Unfortunately this part of the game was not clear at first until I became aware of it by using a hint - which I do not like to do.
The other thing is that some objects that were not active become active when you re-visit a scene. It is a little awkward. On the other hand, you get to travel by magic carpet.
Hope you enjoy it ladies/women/girls - it didn't appeal to me.
The story, investigating the murders of several people who were first sent a Nemesis statuette, is the one thing about the game that can hold someone's interest. Each murder is accomplished by different means, and some are quite creative.
The drawing style is a bit grainy looking. I can't decide whether it is a stylistic choice or just not top quality. Music...was there any? I did not notice it. Same for sound effects. Voices were inconsistent, average at best.
There are several objects that are used,....let's say in unusual ways. The hidden object scenes have mostly large objects, mostly easy to find, and objects are few in number. To add a tiny bit of complexity, some inventory items require additional steps before using. There is a mixture of hidden object scene types, otherwise the play would be intolerably boring. Mini-games are simple, and have very simple solutions as well. There is a Match 3 option, but your humble reviewer is not a fan of match 3.
This is not a game that requires a lot of skill to play.
In the CE, there are 40 collectible treasure chests, but otherwise the game does not project anything "pirate-y" - at least during the demo.
In my opinion, this is a game best suited for beginner or intermediate players, or if you just love the story.