Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Brain Teaser, Mahjong
Fun Factor
2/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
2/ 5
2/ 5
It was okay, but just okay. If you could mix Return To Ravenhearst with first Dire Grove, you will have a dynamite game. Return To Ravenhearst was long and scary. Tons of things to do and figure out. With the isolation of the cold and the places to seek for clues in the first Dire Grove, you can't miss. The second Dire Grove was not up to par of most of the well known MCF and certainly not even close to the first Dire Grove. More morphing, better puzzles, more HO, more interaction with the characters, none of this flat dialogue, we have our note book for that. Make the characters more alive . Make the music like it was in Return to Ravenhearst. More places to go and discover new clues. More hands on, i.e. needing a wrench, screwdriver, pieces here and there to put other things together to make them work. Go through the museum, and the hunting lodge. Find a new tunnel or hidden room. We like going into a lot of places, back and forth trying figure out what we need. Return to Ravenhearst had so many places to go to. You had to open up three rooms, but first you had to get inside the creaky old house. Then you had to figure out how to open up the fireplace. Then trying to figure out the elevator was great. So many small details, but vital if you wanted to go forward. We like that, a game that takes forever to play and scares you at the same time. I'm still hopeful MCF will hit a homerun again. Hopefully sooner rather than later. Those are my thoughts. Thank You!
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
4/ 5
I loved the first Phantasmat. In all fairness to the second one we need to keep in mind that this was a throw-a-way child from the original developers Codeminion. Why, I don't know. But having said that, I feel the current owners did a very good job. They needed to include achievement awards, that's what gave it it's challenging charm. A map would have also been more helpful instead of the constant back and forth movements. The storyline was on track and the characters were well done. But, they did seem a little stiff and jerky and the overall story wasn't as smooth as the first. If there is going to be a third installment, I do hope they listen to the pro's and con's of their devoted players. I also think another hour would have been nicer. Little incentive to use the match three without the achievement awards. But still, this game is still worth getting. If Codeminion continues to make bad business decision such as this one, I doubt we'll see much of them. Maybe the original writers quit. Who knows, but let's support the current owners and hope they improve Phantasmat in round three. Georgene from El Paso, TX.
If you are a hardcore HOG player and want intellectual stimulation that makes you arrogantly hostile if you don't get it, then this game is not for you. This is a fun and somewhat challenging game. It's not exactly a walk in the park, but you do have do use your noodle to decipher clues and where they belong. The HOG's are not that hard, but there are a few that make you go nuts if you can't anticipate where some items "might" be hiding. The story line is just a tad bit fragmented, but not really a big deal. I recommend this game for those who enjoy these games to just have fun. Georgene, El Paso, TX
If you like a long game, lot of clues, puzzles and scenery, then this is the game for you. You get your money's worth...end of story! GEM, El Paso, Texas
This is worth the money and then some! It's fun, it makes you feel like you are there. When it's snowing, you are cold. When it's raining, you are wet. Plenty of running around to do, but necessary for the clues. Never a dull moment. Better than the newly released "Ravenhurst!" Graphics are rich in color, storyline consistant and logical. Music fits the moment. No grossness, no strong demonic symbolism. Just a great game to play. Glad I tried it.
Return once more to the haunted grounds of Ravenhearst Manor to uncover new details about this poignant saga. What you find could very well be the final chapter of this riveting story-if you escape.
What happened to you guys?! PHANTASMAT was more fun and interesting to play and probably cost a fraction of this one must have cost to make. MCF needs to go back to the drawing board and start over again. The story is way to bizzar to enjoy and the background music is more irritating than anything else. I dislike giving negative reviews, but really, MCF either started late with this game and did whatever it took to finish it by Thanksgiving or someone thought going goofy with this storyline would be more intriging...NOT! Plus hearing crying babies in the background and morbid usuage of fake people and babies is very disturbing and not necessary. The HOG and Morphing should be intermix with each other instead of just morphing. You guys were doing so well with the other storylines...what happened? This game is so boring and not as fun as the others. I wish I could say otherwise. Maybe MCF needs to take a rest and get back on the original storyline that makes sense. The only scary about this game is that they might make another one just like it. Sorry, but true.
This is a great game. MFC look out! This game is on the same level as any of the other MFC's. Great story-line. Believable and interesting charachers. Spooky music that's makes you jumpy and great graphics. I love the hidden object turn match-3. You don't want to use any hints at all, so if you get stuck in trying to find any object...go to match-3 and finish the job or vice versa. New twist on an old problem. Challenging...YES! This would make a great movie or made for TV 6 series event. With today's special affects, this would be a definite smash. I would like more trophies though and maybe a little more background on the mystery problem solver. Anymore games by Codeminion? Georgene M.
This was up on the scales of Mystery Case Files. I bought the Collector's Edition after finishing the regular game. The music was perfect, it was scary and spooky. It gave information as it went along so that you didn't feel lost. Grafics were great the characters mysterious and believable. Now maybe with theses guys we won't have to wait a year in between with Mystery Case Files. Watch out MCF, the competiton is getting tighter! Georgenie, A DIE HARD Fan!!!!!!!!!