I wouldn't consider this a refreshed version of Farm Frenzy. There are delay issues with clicking the mouse. Also, it is INCREDIBLY hard to finish the challenges with 3 stars and a purple star (the highest you can get). Changing between machines is tricky at first. Not a fan--sorry! Good luck everyone!
I can't get past level 15 on the easy version (first half of the game). It's so frustrating. I literally have restarted about 25 times (I stopped counting at that point). It's not fun if it's too hard to get past. Looked online... no level 15 answer (or video). Can anyone help???? Thanks!
A huge fan of the Farm Frenzy empire...however, I gave this an awful rating for Level of Challenge because it is darn near impossible to get a gold or silver cup by completing the time in order to win them. Once you're past the first corner it's so hard. And because it's so hard to get a gold or silver cup, you don't gain stars very fast--which means buying upgrades that are required to move on requires one to go back and replay the levels over and over again.
Not a fan of this one... too much required reading of the story line--which is expected in these kinds of games...but this one is far too much. I had to use the "hint" button in just about every screen... and wait for it to reload at times. Only lasted 15 minutes...disappointment for me. Good luck, everyone!
Looks like a lot of people like this game. Not for me... this game is like the old logic problems and tests, "Sally can't be next to Johnny. Johnny must be above Maria. Junior saw the knife next to the room with Johnny," etc. I didn't know this game was what it was. Enjoy!
I appreciated all of the comments, but I do have to say I thought this game was really boring. Lasted only 28 minutes of the free hour. Basically the game tells you what to do next and all you do is click. Got stuck on the third(?) level with giving the man the honeycombs--until I rebuilt all the trees and found another one. This game might be your cup of tea. I say... boring! Cheers, everyone