The Dark Romance series are games that seem to be either hit or miss for me and Ashville seems closer to the miss mark. Although the game is not bad it does seem rather mediocre and is rather what I expect from this developer. Sometimes this team surprises me but for the most part it is “play one, then you’ve played all. There not much new here, except perhaps the creative ways they’ve set up for us to find needed items.
The premise of the Dark Romance games is that we switch between playing lovers but in this case since it involves two different time periods it looks like we are switching between characters who are leaving notes for each other in a diary.
The bottom line here is that I haven’t played the entire game as I’ve found it a bit boring and, have I mentioned mediocre? There was nothing here that really held my attention and gave me the urge to play longer than I did. In fact, I wasn’t involved enough in the game to want to finish the demo.
Perhaps, like everyone else, I am simply bored with being in a virtual lock down. Granted this is an ideal time to play a great game but Dark Romance Ashville, isn’t going to be that game. I think I am going to have to browse back into my purchase history and replay an oldie but goody. In closing, I will leave you with one additional comment. Please play the demo because you might find something more interesting in Dark Romance Ashville than I could find. Happy gaming. Stay safe and stay healthy!
Hooray Morty the cat with more lives than is normally attributed to cats makes another appearance in this latest Mystery Tales game. Yes, he is a gimmick of sorts but who can resist a snarky cat with a humorous side that kept me wishing he had played a larger part in the game. Alas, Morty spends a lot of time snoozing on his pillow down by the hint button.
Mystery Tales Til Death turned out to be a surprisingly good game, one I really didn’t think I would enjoy when I played the beta. I guess I am not quite as burned with the whole evil bride theme as I thought I was since I found myself really enjoying the game and ended up purchasing it simply because I didn’t want to stop playing.
This developer has toned down its graphics and although there is still a bit of neon green the other graphics are rich with color. The voices are great and I love Morty’s voice that has just the right amount of snark. Another thing that I think is terrific and that only one other developer has done, is to give us a custom game setup that lets us choose how high or how low the hint time should be without imposing limits. Some other developers seem wedded to a 15 second lower end for hint and skip times and I believe that is simply used as a game extender because some of us hate to push that hint button. Thank you Domini Games for listening to what gamers have requested.
Another thing that I appreciate with Mystery Tales Til Death is that there is a fairly equal balance between HOS and mini games. The HOS are wonderful in the game and the developer has put a considerable amount of work into creating some beautiful and very well-designed scenes that most of us will enjoy. Even though I do not care for mini games in general as much as I do the HOS, the mini games in Til Death are very good and some even seemed to be a bit different than those that we normally see in every game. In fact, I didn’t skip any of the mini’s and found that I only had an issue solving one of them but that was just me because I misunderstood the instructions.
Domini Games excels at providing a lot of extras that make purchasing the CE a great value if you are a gamer like me who happens to enjoy the extra content. In the early days I started purchasing every CE because of the in-game Strategy Guide but as time has moved along and content in the Strategy Guides diminished, I still purchased the CEs out of habit. For gamers who are just beginning to play HOPA games, I recommend the CEs because they do provide some help when needed.
For me, Mystery Tales Til Death is a wonderful and entertaining game that kept me involved from beginning to end. The gameplay moved smoothly and better yet, it made sense. Not everyone will like the game but fortunately we all have different tastes. I don’t always like every HOPA game, but this is one of the better ones I’ve played this year and did find it appealing but that’s just me. As always, please try the demo to see if Til Death is a game that is right for you. Happy gaming!
Family Mysteries Echoes of Tomorrow is without a doubt the game that I have asked for over the past several years. Finally, a developer listened and stepped up to the plate and created true sci-fi game that is absolutely wonderful.
There is no need for me to go into the storyline because I don’t want to give anything away, but right from the beginning of the game you soon realize that Echoes of Tomorrow is different and not the usual cookie-cutter HOPA that we so often see.
The HOS are detailed, creative, and different. If you want easy HOS then you might be disappointed as the ones you will find in Echoes of Tomorrow are complex and take some time to complete. To be honest I felt that a couple of the scenes were difficult, and I had to use the hint button quite a few times to make it through the scene. Those difficult ones were at times frustrating and I simply wanted them to end. Fortunately, not all of the HOS were that difficult. I loved the developer’s creativity that presented some HOS that were more complex than the norm. Overall, the HOS are exactly what many HOPA lovers have been asking to find in games. Kudos to Brave Giant for stepping outside the box!
Wow, not only are the HOS different than the norm, so are the mini-games or puzzles. If you have read my previous reviews, you probably know by now that I enjoy the HOS far more than I do the puzzles. The puzzles in Echoes of Tomorrow are excellent and very well placed within the game. I did not feel overwhelmed by having to constantly play a puzzle or two in each scene. To be honest, I ended up skipping many of the puzzles because I didn’t understand the instructions, which I feel is one of the shortcomings in the game. There are some types of puzzles that I normally skip because they are ones that I don’t like such as navigating and avoiding obstacles, fighting opponents, or flipping switches. Even after skipping many of the puzzles, there were many left that I enjoyed solving. It was great to find a game where not all of the puzzles were basic and easy to solve.
Overall, I believe the game is excellent and can be enjoyed by all players but that being said, I think the game might be a bit complex for those just beginning to play HOPA games. Although the gameplay is fairly linear, at times it was tricky to find out what your first step might be within a scene. Sometimes the objects that were needed were easily spotted but that was not always the case and I found myself using the hint button far more than I have in years.
In the end, I am so happy to have a terrific sci-fi game that I know I will play again. My next time through the game I will try to find all of the elusive collectibles that I missed and to try to solve all those puzzles that I skipped earlier since not all of them can be replayed in the bonus content.
If you love sci-fi and want a true sci-fi game, I highly recommend Family Mysteries Echoes of Tomorrow. As always, please try the demo because you might enjoy this game as much as I did. Happy gaming!
Nevertales Hearthbridge Cabinet is the ninth game in the series and only the third one that I have purchased. I’ve not been a fan of the series in general but this one grabbed me, and I loved the game. There is really nothing new in the storyline with the ever present evil of some sort to be defeated but I found this game excellent with a young hero who is suddenly thrust into a world he never knew existed when his grandmother falls into a coma.
What really captured me is the beautifully created Taleworld that is full of color and crystal clear graphics. Although the storyline is the premise of most of the Nevertales games, I found the way the story unfolded with the new Hearthbridge Guardian from the time he learns of his grandmother’s illness and stepping up to save Taleworld. This is simply a beautiful game that for me was a joy to play.
The HOP scenes are terrific and a few are very creative but for the most part they are what we have seen before but hey, this is the premise of HOPA games so who cares. I simply enjoyed playing the scenes and finding the objects. As others have mentioned the puzzles are nothing new but I found them very entertaining and easy to solve. Some of my favorite types of puzzles are included in the mix and maybe one or two did seem new. I think I only skipped one puzzle because I hate dodging obstacles whether they are in the clouds or on a street.
For many of us who have played hundreds of HOPA games at BFG, this game will seem like the same old thing, but I still enjoy the genre and always enjoy finding the hidden objects and gameplay in general. Even though I love this game, please try the demo to see if it is one you will enjoy. Happy gaming!
Reflections of Life Utopia is, IMHO, one of the best games in the series. I didn’t even bother to purchase the last game, which is very unusual for me. I think I have almost all the Reflections of Life games since series began as they were graphically beautiful with great storylines.
Utopia brings back what I loved most about the Reflections of Life series in that it has a wonderful storyline, interesting and entertaining puzzles that I enjoyed solving and HO scenes that were excellent. For me the game moved at a great pace as I searched for the items I required to move forward. Although some might find the game easy, I had to use the dreaded hint button far more often than I generally do when playing HOPA games.
The HOS were very creative and sometimes the needed items were not easy to find. Although there were more puzzles in the game than HOS, it didn’t bother me as I did enjoy the puzzles that were included; some of which were my favorites.
When I first started the demo, I didn’t think I would enjoy the game as much as I finally did because I am not fond of puppets or carnivals but by the time the demo ended I hit the purchase button and as so glad that I did because, IMHO, the game is excellent. I simply had to find out why Pandora was in the Casket World, how she got there and why she was always punishing Ada.
Although, Reflections of Life Utopia rates among the top four games I’ve played this year, please try the demo to see if it is a game you will enjoy. Happy gaming! Please stay safe and healthy.
If you don’t want to walk away from some of those special trial studies with something extra besides cash, maybe you should think twice
Mindframe The Secret Design is the first game in what might be a new series from one of the best developers here at BFG. Mindframe is a thriller, and one that kept me interested in the storyline throughout the entire game.
Perhaps I am a bit different than other reviewers in that I love HOPS. The Secret Design is a game with very creative HOPS where the items were sometimes difficult to find. I am thrilled that the game is not loaded down with puzzles to solve at every twist and turn. Instead this developer has spent time designing some very good HOPS. There are many gamers like me who do not like puzzles and many of them have left BFG because puzzles began to take over the genre. I happen enjoy good puzzles in HOPA games I just want fewer of them and I want those to be good. It looks like MHG read some of my previous reviews and created a game that is geared toward the HOS lover gamers. Thank you, MHG!
Although it is an integral part of the storyline, I am not fond of the special power that Will acquired as a result of some medication study trials that he participated in while he was in college. I don’t care for gimmicks in general but at least this one is better than some of the others.
Mindframe has potential as a new series, and I for one really enjoyed The Secret Design. There were times that I was on the edge of my seat, even though the storyline was a bit predictable. The gameplay was entertaining and kept me involved without becoming bored. At times the game felt as if it was geared toward beginning players as there was quite a bit of handholding. Even with customizing the game for the hardest level, I could easily follow the clues and figure out what to do or use when and where. The game might have seemed easier for me as like many others here at BFG, I have played hundreds of HOPA games. In spite of the fact that the game seemed easy at times, there were a few places where I did need to use the hint button. All in all, Mindframe The Secret Design is a game that I highly recommend. I think the game has something for everyone but particularly for those gamers who want more HOS than Puzzles or mini games. As always, please try the demo to see if The Secret Design is a game that you will enjoy. Happy gaming!
At the end of another successful foray into the Lost Lands, Susan is met by Maron who has another mission for her, this one somewhere on Earth where an ancient artifact has been found. This artifact is the beating heart of Drak UL, who was entombed in the Lost Lands while his heart was sent elsewhere to ensure he never regained his destructive power. Susan must now find the heart and make sure it doesn’t fall into the wrong hands or it could spell disaster for all worlds. Working on Earth will ensure Susan is around her family again, but that might not be everything she hoped.
I love this developer who is one of the few who has not fallen under the cookie-cutter spell. When I see a game from them, I know it will be content-rich and comparable to those games of yesteryear that many of us long to see once again. They do not release a game every month and, if we are lucky, we might get a game from them twice a year.
Lost Lands Redemption is a long game with a well-developed storyline, and one that is packed with extra goodies, time-consuming HOS, and great puzzles. When I play a HOS from this developer it usually takes me a good bit of time to complete as we must find objects to use that will open other objects before we finally reach our goal. At least for me, it is not always easy to find that one elusive item that will get me started to find what I finally need to complete the scene. I am generally not a fan of puzzles or mini-games but I really, really enjoy the puzzles in games from this team. I enjoy puzzles that make me think and take time to solve and those are the type that you will find in Redemption.
Lost Lands Redemption will probably be one of the best games I play this year and I know that it will be replayed again in the months and years to come. When I see a game from this development team it is ALWAYS an instant buy for me. No questions asked nor need to play the demo because I know it will be a game that is exactly what I want for the way I love to play. That being said, I always recommend that you try the demo because what I like in a game might be different from what you are looking for so please do try the demo before you buy. If you are new to playing HOPA games, I highly recommend any game from this developer. Happy gaming!
The Dark Romance series are games that seem to be either hit or miss for me and Ashville seems closer to the miss mark. Although the game is not bad it does seem rather mediocre and is rather what I expect from this developer. Sometimes this team surprises me but for the most part it is “play one, then you’ve played all. There not much new here, except perhaps the creative ways they’ve set up for us to find needed items.
The premise of the Dark Romance games is that we switch between playing lovers but in this case since it involves two different time periods it looks like we are switching between characters who are leaving notes for each other in a diary.
The bottom line here is that I haven’t played the entire game as I’ve found it a bit boring and, have I mentioned mediocre? There was nothing here that really held my attention and gave me the urge to play longer than I did. In fact, I wasn’t involved enough in the game to want to finish the demo.
Perhaps, like everyone else, I am simply bored with being in a virtual lock down. Granted this is an ideal time to play a great game but Dark Romance Ashville, isn’t going to be that game. I think I am going to have to browse back into my purchase history and replay an oldie but goody. In closing, I will leave you with one additional comment. Please play the demo because you might find something more interesting in Dark Romance Ashville than I could find. Happy gaming. Stay safe and stay healthy!
Wow, I do love games from this developer and this one is another testament to what I find excellent. In this latest Immortal Love game there is a beautiful love story that has a returning young sea Captain returning to claim his beloved Bella, only to find her missing under strange circumstances. As he searches for his beloved, he is helped by a magical amulet that might have its own agenda. Will the amulet help reunite him with his beloved?
At this point I need to say that I love dogs and own my own little pack of canines BUT I really, really wish that the developer would stop doing the huge tongue lick at the beginning of some of its games when we first encounter our canine pal. I mean, this is really disgusting, and I close my eyes for a minute until the dog backs off. I don’t let my own dogs lick my face and I certainly don’t want to see it in a game! Okay, rant over for now.
The HOS in the game are very well designed and all of them seem to be very creative. Even the puzzles are well integrated into the game. I far prefer the HOS to the puzzles although the ones in Stone Beauty are very entertaining and are certainly not brain drains. In fact, most of the game seemed to flow well and seemed quite relaxing. I absolutely enjoyed everything about Stone Beauty and think it is an excellent game. Of course, this is only my opinion and I don’t expect everyone to agree with me.
The Immortal Love games have always been some of my favorite games and this one is no exception. Stone Beauty might not be the best in the series, but the games now are shorter so it’s difficult to compare it with the some of the older and longer games. Even though the game is not overly long it still is a quality game. This developer has always created excellent games and Immortal Love Stone Beauty continues that tradition. I purchased the game as soon as it was ready for download and I did not regret it. Although it is a perfect game for me and the way I like to play, please try the demo to see if it is a game that you will enjoy as well. Happy gaming!
Living Legends the Crystal Tear is such a wonderful game with phenomenal graphics and a storyline, although told and retold many times is a still a favorite. In the Crystal Tear, the developer tells the tale with a twist that is interesting and held my attention throughout the game, well as much as I’ve been able to complete for now. I am not a fast gamer who can rush through a game and puzzles within a short period of time as I tend to look at and enjoy every detail, particularly when a game is as graphically rich as the Crystal Tear. I simply had to stop and enjoy every little detail that an amazing group of artists put into this game.
The HOS are very good, and it was not always easy to find the bits and pieces that were on a list. The list style of HOS are my favorites and fortunately there are many of that type while at the same time there is a nice variety of others. Many of the HOS are puzzle like in design, so they kept me quite entertained as I played. The mini games are very good and not all of them are easy. A favorite puzzle looked quite easy at first glance, but it kept me busy for over thirty minutes as I tried to align the pieces to make a keyhole. There should have been a reset button for that puzzle since I started off on the wrong foot and it took a while to get everything into the right position. The puzzles were overall quite excellent and kept me busy and happy as I solved my way through the game.
Living Legends the Crystal Tear was an instant purchase for me as soon as it was released. I didn’t need to play the demo to know that this would be a top-quality game that included all the elements that I enjoy when playing. I own every game that this developer has released, and I think there was maybe only one that didn’t hit the mark. IMHO, this is probably one of the best games ever from this developer and they have created several series over the years. If you are looking for some great games to play, do a search here on BFG and try some of the other games this developer has created. Even though the Crystal Tear was an instant buy for me, please try the demo to see if it is a game you will enjoy. Happy gaming!