Dark City Vienna is the third game in the Dark City series and it is, IMHO, the best. I enjoyed the first game but the second game not so much. Dark City Vienna is a vast improvement in the HOPS but still has far too many puzzles as far as I’m concerned.
This developer has been a long time favorite and has consistently created some excellent HOPA games over the years. In Dark City Vienna they have taken creativity to a new level in the design of the HOPS. I’m not going to give you all the details as I believe it is far more fun for you to discover those for yourself. If you play the demo for the game you will soon see the excellence and creativity in the HOPS and even some of the puzzles.
The story is told in a well-constructed manner as you use your detective skills and a deduction journal to help you categorize the clues that you find as you play the game. The only issue I have with the deduction journal is that you really don’t need to figure out where to place the items you have gathered. I don’t know why the developer found it necessary to highlight the circles where the gathered items should be placed. It would have been far more fun to figure it out without all the hand-holding.
The gameplay was excellent but there were far too many puzzles that cropped up before I could make any real progress in the game. For example, there were nine puzzles or mini-puzzles in the first chapter of the game. Although I do enjoy puzzles, I dislike having so many that they overwhelm the gameplay. Puzzles are often used as game extenders and replace the necessity for a well-crafted HOP scene in a game.
Although I am not a fan of having far too many puzzles in a HOPA game, I did find several of the puzzles fun to solve. The game was one that I purchased before the end of the demo and I have enjoyed discovering who was behind the phantom’s mask and his motivation. I’ve not yet played the bonus chapter but I do highly recommend Dark City Vienna as a terrific game, even more so if you happen to enjoy puzzles. Happy gaming!
If you ever wondered what that Pot of Gold at the end of a rainbow looks like, then you are sure to love this latest offering in the Labyrinths of the World series. Fool’s Gold is a wonderful and fun game full of the brilliant color that this developer prefers in its games. At least for me this is one of the best games in the series and I loved every minute that I played Fool’s Gold.
In every Labyrinths game you find yourself in trouble of one sort or another, and Fool’s Gold is true to the theme. Your friend Alessa invites you to tag along to the new Leprechaun Museum in Dublin, and it isn’t long before Alessa finds trouble when she throws a coin into a pot that is reputed to be the “true” Leprechaun’s Pot that will grant wishes. Alessa is whisked away through a portal and you must follow to save your friend. The game is a lot of fun as you run into a trouble making leprechaun who is out to steal the Dragon’s Gold and if he succeeds the dragon will exact revenge on the village.
When I was a kid, I spent hours daydreaming about that pot of gold at the end of the rainbow so this Labyrinths of the World appealed to the kid in my and I purchased straightaway.
IMHO, this developer has it right when they create a game since they include the ability to set hints and skips as low as zero. I wish all developers would include that option with the custom setting in all games, but some simply stick to the same old 15 seconds without listening to what we gamers want.
I agree with another reviewer that the HOPS are some of the best I’ve seen in ages. Not only are they creative but they are fun, and I found playing the scenes to be so enjoyable that I didn’t consider using the alternate Match 3 game. The puzzles were not difficult even on the Hard setting and I didn’t need to use the Skip option. For me there are still far too many puzzles in the game but not everyone will agree. I do enjoy some puzzles but would far rather have more HOPS.
Yes, there are those who will complain that the game is the same old thing but that is the nature of HOPA games. In all HOPA games there is the same pattern so yes, they are at times cookie-cutter but, IMHO, Labyrinths of the World is a great game and one that I did enjoy. The pace of the game is just right for me. I felt like the story moved forward without being buried with too many difficult tasks. It is an easy breezy game and just what I wanted today. Even though I love the game and think it is excellent, as always, please try the demo to see if Fool’s Gold is for you. Happy gaming!
Dark Romance the Ethereal Gardens is the 11th game in the series, evidence of BFG’s ongoing love affair with never-ending serial, cookie-cutter games. I guess if something worked once you simply kept on doing it again and again and again. The thing with series is that the individual games within said series all have the same premise and basic storyline. In the Dark Romance series, the theme is boy meets girl, falls in love, but either their families or an evil entity strives to keep them apart, but love eventually conquers all. That being said The Ethereal Gardens is a game that I very much enjoyed and think is the best of the last several games in the series.
This developer, who I think creates some of the longest and best CE games, is one who listens to the gamers and what we want. They have a Custom setting that allows the gamer to set their favorite way to play a game, plus they allow us to select our preferred range for hint and skip times beginning at “ZERO” seconds.
The HOPS are excellent and I enjoyed all of them but my favorites include the traditional list finds and the ones where we must find a specific pattern that will be found somewhere in one of the paintings on the wall. Most of the scenes were very creative beginning with the first HOP in the game. Surprisingly, I even enjoyed the storybook scenes in this game even though they are usually my least favorite. The PUZZLES are good but some were very difficult for me since the directions were not much help. I had to skip one early in the game, but fortunately that puzzle is included in the Extras section and I will be able to spend time figuring it out later.
For me the game is a long one and I have not yet played the Bonus Game. For the most part, I have found the game enjoyable but it did seem to lag in some parts. Overall, the game is excellent and one that I think other gamers will find entertaining. I happen to enjoy most games from this development team that gives us a lot for the money. Each game is packed full of extras, which is something we no longer find with most CEs from other developers. Even though I think this is an excellent game, please try the demo to see if The Ethereal Gardens is a game that you will enjoy. Happy gaming.
Memoirs of Murder Behind the Scenes is the third game in a series that didn’t grab me enough to write reviews for the first two games. Since I generally play at least the demo of every HOPA game, I decided to go ahead and try this one. Well, after my initial eye-roll over the sheriff’s voice, I was pleasantly surprised and soon found myself involved in the gameplay.
As I became involved in the game, it became clear to me that the developer has created some of the best HOPS that can be found. I loved having to find some of the items and then use them to open other items to finish the scenes. The HOPS were creative and some included mini puzzles to solve. Recently HOPS have become a bit boring with having to find miniscule items that are difficult to find. Not so with Behind the Scenes because although the items to be found are cleverly hidden they are still visible which is what makes this game so much fun.
Not only are the HOPS wonderful, the Puzzles are as well. The puzzles were not so difficult to solve that they became headache inducing, which made them much more enjoyable. I found that when I needed instructions on what to do, they were easy to understand.
As in the first two games in the series, we switch between the characters when playing, which is a feature found in a few other HOPA games. As the story develops, we switch between the two main characters and each has their separate tasks to accomplish. The story for me was so interesting that I was immersed in the gameplay and after playing hundreds of HOPA games that isn’t always the case.
The graphics are excellent and, aside from the voiceover for the sheriff, the others were all very good. The only thing that I found a bit puzzling is if the original murder took place twenty years previous to the investigation, why did Kevin still look and sound like he was in high school. At the point where the game begins, Kevin should be approaching middle age and he should have looked not quite so young.
All in all, this is a great game and one that I highly recommend. Even though the game was one that I purchased before the demo ended, you should try the game for yourself to see if it is one that you will enjoy. Happy gaming!
Once upon a time there was the very wealthy Gray family whose lineage dates back to the earliest of times. So with a family history such as theirs, one must stop and wonder why it is that every time we meet them, we must spend hours searching for missing bits and pieces of the odd items they use to lock their mailboxes, open their doors, desks, or safes; and better yet, why do they hide these items in the most nonsensical places. So here we begin another cookie cutter Grim Tales that has all of those missing pieces to find before we can build a story. Yes, I own and have played every Grim Tales game since the series began back in 2011. I know we all love the family, but I need to ask when is enough really enough?
In Guest from the Future we have the venerable family detective Anna Gray on yet another mission to save her family. One has to wonder why one family can possibly get into so much trouble. This time Anna meets a daughter she doesn’t realize she has who transports her to the future to save her family from an unknown fever that spells the end of the Gray dynasty. Of course, Anna isn’t alone because she has her dad Richard and her daughter Alice along for the ride.
There is absolutely nothing new in Grim Tales Guest from the Future. It is simply another cookie cutter endless series game. The good news is that the game has wonderful graphics and a passable storyline. The bad news is that the game is nothing more than the same old game from a never-ending series.
Although the HOPS have lovely graphics, I found the items to find very difficult to spot and most were found by constant clicking in a scene. How are we supposed to find a fly in a scene of flowers when it is only a miniscule dot in a flower’s center? Unfortunately, very tiny or indescribable blobs to find seems to be the case with most of the HOPS and I quickly lost interest in the game. Where the game offered a bit more fun was with the puzzles or mini-games that at least added some entertainment value to the game. Again, we’ve seen most of the puzzles in other games from this developer, but they were still well-designed and fun to solve.
If you are new to playing HOPA games then you will most likely love this game. The game developer creates beautiful games with some of the best graphics to be found. As for me I guess I am simply bored with more of the same thing. Unfortunately, purchasing the full game is a pass for me because I feel like I’ve already played it many times before. As always, I recommend that you try the demo to see if Guest from the Future is a game you will enjoy. Happy gaming!
Step into the shoes of a Private investigator with short-term memory loss and uncover the shocking truth about his involvement with a serial killer called The Executioner.
If you are looking for an action-packed great whodunit mystery game with no glaring red evil eyes, then this second game in the Ghost Files series is the one you don’t want to miss. From the very first scene this game takes off on a race to find a killer, dubbed the Executioner, before you (Arthur Christie) are arrested and convicted of crimes you didn’t commit. Memory of a Crime is a game that is sure to keep you involved and playing for hours.
Although I didn’t care as much for the first Ghost Files game, this one seems much better. IMHO, the one downfall in the game (at least for me) is that some of the HOPS rely on barely identifiable silhouettes rather than providing a list or better depictions of the items to be found. Some of those scenes were difficult to complete since I couldn’t figure out what the silhouettes represented. That being said, the HOPS are absolutely genius and very creative. Thankfully, there is more of a balance between the puzzles and the HOPS. The puzzles are well-crafted and fit into the storyline without seeming to be inserted into the game as time fillers. Congratulations to Brave Giant for thinking outside the cookie-cutter box and bringing something interesting to the genre with this game.
Help Private Detective Arthur Christie regain bits of his memory as he races to save his reputation and stop the real Executioner before it is too late. The game takes off quickly and keeps going and at times had me on the edge of my seat as I wanted Arthur to evade imminent danger and solve the crime. Memory of a crime is simply a game that you don’t want to miss. As always, please try the demo to see if this is a game that you will enjoy. Happy gaming!
Reflections of Life Dreambox is another in a series of games that are too garish in color for me to enjoy. Although I do enjoy bright colors in a game this one was simply too much with all of the orange and yellow tones. At times I loved the Reflections of Life games and I found myself eagerly awaiting each new game but that is no longer the case.
When the beta for Dreambox was released, I struggled to get through it and hoped that the demo would somehow be much better but I found it just as tedious as the game's beta release. I realize that this is a fantasy game, but I am so sick of the underlying theme of these games – some evil that must be stopped – that I think I have reached my limit. Surely there are other fantasy themes that can be used rather than recycling the same old thing.
In spite of my dislike of the theme I was tempted to purchase the game and had there been a significant reduction in cost, I might have done so. However, there is no way I would pay full price for this game only to find out how it all plays out.
The HOPS were creative in design but there was nothing new. The puzzles in the demo were way too easy but I did like that there was one in the demo where I could select either casual or hard.
Overall the game was far too easy for someone who has literally played close to 2,000 HOPA games. When I find an item and immediately use it within the same scene, it makes a game far too easy. As I played the demo my feeling was that the pre-teen set would enjoy the game far more than most seasoned players.
There is a gimmick in this Reflections of Life game as in others in the series but after using the Vermin Catcher a few times, I was sick of having to use it again and again and again only to have one lens or the other break, which would then need to be replaced before I could use it again. When it would shatter at each use, I would almost groan at having to find yet another replacement lens. This was only in the demo and I can’t begin to imagine then number of times it would be used in the full game. If developers persist with the gimmicky tools, perhaps they should consider using one that doesn’t break so easily. Yes, I realize this is a gameplay extender but to me it felt like a replacement for any real storyline. Perhaps if the gamer is too busy finding replacement lenses, they would not notice that the story is practically non-existent – well, at least in the demo.
I generally love games from this developer but maybe it is time that the Reflections of Life series ends and the great team at Grandma Games can then use their creativity in developing a good mystery game.
My recommendation is that you try the demo to see if Dreambox is one you will enjoy. Happy gaming!
Dark Tales EAP Ligeia is simply put another of those games in a never-ending series whose characters are culled from the author’s short stories. I didn’t expect much and that’s exactly what I received. At one time the Dark Tales were excellent games and is now the general rule, most CE games are short with providing the gamer not much to look forward to when playing. Recently, when playing the Dark Tales games I am left with a feeling of “been there, done that”.
The good in the game comes from the beautiful graphics but the bad is Dupin constantly repeating the stupid dialog telling me what I must do to proceed. Gone are the days when a developer realized that gamers are smart and if we see a key stuck in a lock, we can figure out what we need to do to fix the problem without Dupin repeating the obvious next move. As much as I love to play my games with the sound, I was ready to turn it off in Ligeia since I found the voiceovers to be very annoying.
Other good things in the game are the HO scenes. I enjoy playing scenes where I can actually see the items that I need to find. Although the items are not always obvious, they are at least visible and not minute unrecognizable blobs on the screen. The other thing I did enjoy are the puzzles although the developer does tend to use the same puzzles in all of its games. Some of the puzzles are quite easy while others take some time to solve. One of my favorite puzzles in the game is the one with the rotating disks that will give a complete picture when all of the pieces are moved to the correct places.
There have been better games in the Dark Tales series but Ligeia is at least a decent game. I felt that the game could have been better and a bit longer. I consider myself a slow player because I have to look at all the details in each scene and I was surprised that I finished the game in six hours. If you love playing a game that has beautiful graphics, fun HOS, and interesting puzzles then Dark Tales EAP Ligeia is a game that you will most likely enjoy. As always, I recommend that you try the demo because you might find that Ligeia is a perfect game for you. Happy gaming!
Haunted Legends: The Scars of Lamia has two recurring themes that stood out the minute I started playing the game – cookie-cutter and copycat were the two things that ran through my mind. It seems that every game from this developer is the same in the beginning. As the detective who has been summoned or sent to help, you must gain entry into the home to save the person who requested your assistance. This is the same beginning that is present without fail in every game from this developer no matter if it is Haunted Legend or Dark Tales, they all begin the same. The copycat come from the graphics and representations of characters that are all recycled and tweaked to make changes from game to game. Quite frankly, I would be surprised if one of this developer’s games began with a different scenario.
Although The Scars of Lamia has a decent storyline, I found it at times confusing. But again, the same thought kept running through my mind, cookie-cutter. I have no idea why I purchased the game because there is nothing new and it is simply more of the same old thing from the HOPS to the recycled mini games.
Perhaps it is because I have played too many HOPA games over the years that they all feel the same but in the end The Scars of Lamia had nothing different or refreshing that made me want to finish the game. At one time, Haunted Legends was a series I looked forward to playing but not recently. The Scars of Lamia is simply more of the same old thing and I think this reviewer has had enough. As always, I recommend that you try the demo because you might enjoy the game. Happy gaming!
Moonsouls The Lost Sanctum is the 3rd game in the Moonsouls series and this one takes the blue ribbon. This game simply blew me away and I loved it!
The Lost Sanctum is a quality piece of art and yes, even I found the game to be a bit short although it took me almost six hours to complete. I tend to play slowly as I have to take in every detail in the scenes and it did slow me down a bit.
The gameplay kept me absorbed through the bonus chapter, which isn’t always the case with other games. The storyline was fascinating, and I needed to find out how it all ended. The quality of this game is amazing from the HOPS to the puzzles. The HOPS are beautiful – something that stands out because so many other games have drab junkpiles to sort through by comparison. We have so few sci-fi games offered here at BFG and I think there is a big market for them because many of us who love playing HOPA games are from the Star Trek era and love the Sci-fi genre – just saying.
The HOPS are out of this world, and a developer finally got it right by creating so many wonderful and beautiful HOPS in a game. The styles vary but each HOP stands on its own as being creative and full of details that I love. Even the puzzles are excellent, although there were one or two that I immediately skipped because I disliked the particular type of puzzle. For me it was a wonderful turn of events to have the puzzles take back seat to the HOPS in the game. I love finding hidden objects and that is what drew me to BFG in the beginning all those years ago. BFG was the first company to offer so many wonderful HO games while other companies focused more on puzzles with only an occasional HOPA, which is why I have been a member here since 2006. I have never become tired of the genre and Moonsouls The Lost Sanctum is one of the best and most beautiful games in recent years.
Yes, the game might be short, but it was absolutely perfect for me! Thank you Mad Head Games for creating a wonderful, quality game! Even though this game was an instant purchase for me, I recommend that you try the demo to see if Moonsouls The Lost Sanctum is a game you will enjoy as well. Happy gaming!