I could not play the second hotel because it requires you to constantly scroll back and forth to see the entire hotel. This made me nauseous. i had to stop playing because I can't skip this hotel. Just a warning for others like me - you can't play it even if you like it.
This took me some time to figure out but once I did - wowza! This is completely fresh - something NEW for once - and tons of fun. It has plenty of challenge but you can achieve high scores with some strategy and speed. I can't wait for a sequel!
This is the second one in the series that I have played. I was hoping it would be a better game than the first one. I play time management games most of the time and am pretty good at it. This game is confusing and the game play is just not very fun. That's how I experienced the first one too but hoped this would be better. I don't know what the sound effect gong means. I can't figure out how to use the paint mini game. The bonuses are confusing. How the heck do you use the bargain trade? I will not be buying the third one that just came out.
Too much chaos, horrible voices that you can't turn off, incomprehensible game play- after 40+ levels I still don't have a firm grasp of how things work - and I finally gave up after 40 or so levels. I just won't finish it. I am a very experienced time management game player.
Based on the somewhat negative reviews, I had low expectations. But I am a diehard time management fan, and expert player, so I got it with a free code to give it a try. This turned out to be excellent play quality with some good challenges in the higher levels. I had a lot of fun with this one! The graphics are too small and the music and sounds are annoying but the PLAY got better and better as the game progressed. This turned out to be an excellent game.
This one is really cute yet still has plenty of fun challenge. Right now I am still in the early levels and I assume it gets harder later on. For now it's plenty fun without being hard. Usually I ignore story lines but this one is really engaging. The graphics are wonderful, blending household items with fantasy. Big thumbs up on this one and I hope they make lots of sequels.
I bought this game because of the great reviews. Also, I love TM games. Unfortunately, this one does not know what it wants to be. The graphics are for kids. The play is very very hard. Even a TM expert has a hard time getting gold stars at expert levels. The music is awful.. I can't recommend it.
I am really surprised at the high ratings this game is getting. I love TM games but this one is confusing and the play itself is awkward to downright bad. No instructions yet after 11 levels I am still trying to figure out new game play elements such as the chase. The chase is really slow and awful and boring and annoying. The bonuses are not fun to use - can barely see the difference with them or without them. Graphics are too small and it took me several levels to figure out which graphic was wood and which was stone because they are too similar. A big thumbs down on this one.
I love this type of game and usually have to wait a long time for them - so was doubly disappointed when this one turned out to be so bad. The game play is too easy but so was Gnome's Adventure and a lot of other ones - loved the recent Island Tribe 4 because I could set it to hard mode - but the game play itself was bad, the music is horrible, the graphics terrible. I hate the type of graphic that swoops around the screen - makes me seasick. This is the first time I have not bought this genre. I typically buy even the so-so ones and the easy ones. But I took a pass on this.