At first I didn't think I would like switching between the three but really didn't matter. I very much enjoyed this game . Ones that do not like puzzles might not care for it but I thought the amount was just fine. Still think how funny that the others sit there while you search but it might get annoying if they moved around or a short game. Game was just long enough with the bonus game longer than most bonus games I played here lately making this worth the Collectors price. Only thing that bummed me out is I missed one of the statues and could not go back after finish the games but this is very minor nitpick. So get this game if your interested in any of these series because I'm sure you will like this game.
I liked the game it is like the other Hidden Expedition to a point but like some one else said it is a short game unless I got better at these games. Not as exciting as some of the other Hidden Expedition but better than the first couple. Have not finished the bonus game yet. I got this game on sale and hate to say it but I would not buy it at the retail price. Hope the next one is a better. Longer.
Was not a bad game but was short or seemed short. Story was interesting but when it was over I felt like it was to quick, Glad I didn't get the Collectors game then it would have been to much money for a short game but got it at 65% off . Recommend only on sale.
Just finish. I only tried it because of the other two games in the series. The second best to me. The music and sounds were creepier than the game . I thought the game was shorter than the others but it maybe I was more in to the game than I thought. The voice actress seems to make many games since she sounded real familiar which is a good thing since her voice is nice to listen to. Another family member weirding out type game.
I liked this game . As for the third game in this serious I thought it was the better of the bunch. Little creepy but no bad dreams after playing : ). It is a search for things type of game but you don't have go all over the place as some games.
I think this is one of the best games on here if not the best. The first two were great also. I was on the edge of my seat per say which I don't do. Good against evil like most games but a very good adventure game with most of the time searching for items so if this is what you don't like then maybe this is not for you. Give it a try though you may like it but get the other games in the series first. May make more sense.
I did loved this game. It is my type of game as it has a Indiana Jones hint to it. Not to hard in that the hint button was not used much. It seem like it was a longer game than some of the newer games I have tried so that is a good thing. Hope they do more.
Over all I liked this game. Some of the mini games I had a hard time with and wish they had better instruction. The skip button helped with those. I did use the hint button on this one more as I got a little lost on what to do in parts of the game. Over all I do like this game it is kind of Sherlock Holms-sie even though parts I had a hard time following what I had to do next. I do like the first Vermillion Watch games better but this one is still worth the go.
No Sam?? Have to say I miss him too. Other wise it is a good game. Seems like many of the newer games in any titles are getting shorter or maybe I'm getting a lot better. So far Hidden Expedition's are my favorite games . Hope to see more with Sam but maybe the voice actor is not interested in doing any.
Very good game . I was disappointed in the bonus part because it was real short/ Used my two free games on this so I should have checked if there was just a regular game instead of the Collector' s Edition.