I love this game! So many inventory items to play with. Great mini-games. Very few HOG's. Beutiful artwork! My favorite combinations! Like I said in my last review, I have been unhappy with gameplay lately and thought I lost the gaming joy, but no, here is another fun game that is making me happy. Thanks BF! The other game that made me happy recently is Nightfall Mysteries: Black Heart.
it has been a while since i have had this much fun with a game. i love having so many items in my inventory to use all over the place! i also love very few hos, which are all beautiful! the games are just hard enough. i thought i was losing my love for gaming until i played this one.thanks bfg - happy again!
Favorite Genre(s):Brain Teaser, Adventure, Large File, Puzzle
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
This is the second Haunted Halls and just as good as the first! I like having small goals within the larger game goal, to finish. As you find kids one by one you get to run around to play games, mind twisters, and hidden object scenes. My fav's are MCF Ravenhurst, Drawn, Dream Chronicles, Syberia And Snark Busters: this might help you see what type of games I like and if you like the same type you may have fun with this one. Have a blast!!!!