The art work is supper, the tasks are fun, just one thing that is bugging me.....Big Fish does not have walkthrough help for this game and it looks like BF did away with their forum WHY?
I was drawn in by the very nice pictures this game was supposed to make. After playing a round or two, I wasn't able to figure out what the pictures were. I think Pixel is really going down hill
Free the frog princes from the clutches of an evil witch! Return them to their princess brides, and find out if the kiss of love can break the witch’s curse!
Coolest game ever. This is the first game that has it all from BF. It took many days to complete this game...and that was a first. I buy a game and more times than not it only takes a couple days to play. The characters are great, love the story line, just all kinds of etc etc's
It isn't very often that a game like this comes along. There were a couple of mini games that took a lot of time and patience to get thru, but for the most part, the adventure was a real hoot. The graphics, the sound and the hunt for the items are all great, the BUT part...I bought this game because of its greatness, but was so sad because it is so-o-o short. If I was to play non-stop, it would have been played out in a matter of a couple of hours. There are games out there that are many many levels, this one...only 5. Save your money and just play though on the 60 min free game.
I bought the game, a little sad that there is only 3 avenues to play. Didn't seem like I was getting my monies worth. I think it is a great brain game.